I'd like to show you some pictures of my latest playing cards design: Viceroys.
The deck is similar in concept to my last design (the Inglewood hunting deck) in that it explores the early history of playing cards. But the appearance is quite different: while the hunting deck had 52 picture cards, this deck has none.
I imagine some of you will be familiar with the so-called Mamluk playing cards. These are a 4x13 set of playing cards (modified) probably from around the 15th century, probably from somewhere around Egypt. The Mamluk cards have suits of coins, cups (myriads), swords, and polo sticks, which are obviously related to the suits that would become standard on Spanish, Italian, and tarot cards.
The idea behind my Viceroys deck then is this: how could a deck of cards look if drawn with the French (International) suits but in the Mamluk style?
And this is what I came up with.
Each of the 52 cards in the Viceroys deck is unique. The patterns were drawn in ink. The colours were then done in watercolour over a trace of the pattern outline. And then the layers were combined digitally.
I am hoping to raise funds on Kickstarter for a print run of these cards (the plan is to do this early in the new year), and for this I have added corner indices and a further outer pattern in red or black to each of the designs. These corner-indexed cards shown in the pictures are "poker sized". I may also have an index-free variant printed. We shall see.