YOGA playing cards

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YOGA playing cards

Unread post by 9780design »

Hey Everyone!

Hope everyone is having a great day and good health.

Am really excited to share this piece with you.

Yoga Playing Cards are now ready to go LIVE on KS. Mark your calender's.....its 19th Oct 2017.

I hope you will show the project same love and support as you shown it during its budding designing stage.

You all are a HUGE part of this project. It was your suggestions and ideas that shaped these 52 cards.

THANK YOU for all the support guys.

Once again.....19th Oct 2017 is the day.


*******Original Message********
Hello Everybody!

This is Manoj here from 9780 designs.

For quite some time I was working on a new deck design for KS project and wanted to share the initial work-in-progress with you all.

The project is inspired by "YOGA" with your royal kings, queens and jacks letting go of their royal accessories and posing in various yoga positions.

I wanted the deck to be vibrant and colorful which you might notice in the color scheme that I have used.

Would love to hear your thoughts on this new idea and projects.

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Re: YOGA playing cards

Unread post by pablo19 »

Really like these! Very nice!
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Re: YOGA playing cards

Unread post by Räpylätassu »

Thinner borders! Thinner borders!

Also, hot damn that is one nice looking Ace of Spades. The artwork is good although Yoga isn't a very interesting subject for me.

On the fence here.
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Re: YOGA playing cards

Unread post by shermjack »

Interesting deck...are the courts repeating or are they in different poses for different suits? Namaste :D
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Re: YOGA playing cards

Unread post by 9780design »

Thanks a lot everybody for liking the first look of this new and distinct playing cards.

@ shermjack:- Yes my friend. Every court card will have different kings, queens and jacks posing in a new yoga pose.

@ Räpylätassu:- I hope you get down that fence because it's not everyday that you get to see your favorite royal family posing in yoga poses (They are tired and cramped posing in the same position for all these years) :lol:

Once again.....thanks a lot for such vibrant response.

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Re: YOGA playing cards

Unread post by Mike Ratledge »

Excellent job so far, Manoj. I agree that the borders could (within reason) be pushed a little more towards the edges, and maybe this particular design might lend itself to a borderless "full bleed" back? Worth a shot!

I love the colors, nice pallette. The one thing that comes to mind is that the detail might be a little too much? I am thinking that it might lose detail when it is shrunk down to 2.5" × 3.5". Hard to be certain, but I would get a test print done, even if it's a single card back by MPC or something just to be certain.

Like I always say "different if good" (and different sells), and this is different.
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Re: YOGA playing cards

Unread post by 9780design »

Mike Ratledge wrote:Excellent job so far, Manoj. I agree that the borders could (within reason) be pushed a little more towards the edges, and maybe this particular design might lend itself to a borderless "full bleed" back? Worth a shot!
Mike thanks a lot for all the kind words and suggestions.

Your idea regarding the border made me wonder and so am coming back to you guys for advice. I have 3 options for the card back border. Which one do you all think is enticing?

Thanks a lot for all the suggestions.....

Back Border Options
Back Border Options
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Re: YOGA playing cards

Unread post by shermjack »

That is a beautiful back...very mesmerising! Definitely A, then B...C is way to wide. I assume you are printing with EPCC/LPCC as you will probably not be able to do A or B with USPCC.
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Re: YOGA playing cards

Unread post by Stepchild »

It definitely looks great as either a full-bleed or super-thin border!

One thing I wonder though is whether all the the court figures will be side-facing? Besides breaking up a (potential) visual monotony of exclusively profile views, traditional deck design suggests distinctions between suits and ranks based on forward-facing and side-facing court figures.

Generally, only one king and two jacks are in profile, the other 9 royals are forward or 3/4 facing. I can see that it might be desirable for the deck theme to show poses more often in side view, but perhaps you could invert the general rule and give us 3 royals in forward facing poses?
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Re: YOGA playing cards

Unread post by RichK »

A then B for the back like shermjack said.

The Ace bothers me because it looks like you filled it in with a nice design but parts of it were cut off by the spade edge. I hope you can see what I mean. The top and bottom designs also have that cut off look to me too which I find distracting. Just my opinion though.
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Re: YOGA playing cards

Unread post by MagikFingerz »

That back design is too nice not to be a full bleed. If you go for A, I would buy this based on the back design alone.

I also second Stepchild's suggestion of breaking the monotony of the court orientations.
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Re: YOGA playing cards

Unread post by 9780design »

shermjack wrote:That is a beautiful back...very mesmerising! Definitely A, then B...C is way to wide.
Stepchild wrote:It definitely looks great as either a full-bleed or super-thin border!
RichK wrote:A then B for the back like shermjack said.
MagikFingerz wrote:That back design is too nice not to be a full bleed. If you go for A, I would buy this based on the back design alone.
Thanks a lot everybody for your generous inputs and amazing words of appreciation. So its FINAL.......FULL BLEED wins!
Stepchild wrote:One thing I wonder though is whether all the the court figures will be side-facing? Besides breaking up a (potential) visual monotony of exclusively profile views, traditional deck design suggests distinctions between suits and ranks based on forward-facing and side-facing court figures.

Generally, only one king and two jacks are in profile, the other 9 royals are forward or 3/4 facing. I can see that it might be desirable for the deck theme to show poses more often in side view, but perhaps you could invert the general rule and give us 3 royals in forward facing poses?
I had already inked all my court cards BUT then your suggestion makes lot of sense. Its always better to break the monotony. So got to scrap all the courts and get back to redesign some royals.

Here's the first king that has come out and I think it looks better with the new face orientation.

What do you think?

King.jpg (182.19 KiB) Viewed 3309 times
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Re: YOGA playing cards

Unread post by shermjack »

I think that looks really awesome! An improvement indeed! Love his expression :ugthink:
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Re: YOGA playing cards

Unread post by RichK »

Who would have thought a full face 100% better looking? Not me so great job!

Sorry you had to scrap previous courts.
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Re: YOGA playing cards

Unread post by 9780design »

Hello Everyone!

Wish you all a VERY HAPPY BRAND NEW YEAR. I hope this New Year brings in all the good health and great spirit in everyones life...

I know I responding a little late BUT I wanted to respond back to all the amazing posts with an update and so it took me some time to come back here.
shermjack wrote:I think that looks really awesome! An improvement indeed! Love his expression :ugthink:
Thanks a lot for the appreciation. Even I was impressed to see how the New Royals were coming up ;)

All thanks to Stepchild for his inputs.....Cheers bud!

Talking about inputs I need you guys to help me out again.....this time its the back design. So previously we had decided on "Full Bleed" design and taking it forward I had 4 options and would like to get your opinion on it.

They might look almost same BUT there are some minute differences which makes them different from each other.

Which back design should we go ahead with?

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Re: YOGA playing cards

Unread post by MagikFingerz »

While I liked the original back when first shown, I feel like the flowery B/C are more in tune with the theme. I also think C looks better because it has more depth than B.

TL;DR - I vote C.
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Re: YOGA playing cards

Unread post by JuFiN »

I also like the flower of B and C with a very slight C preference
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Re: YOGA playing cards

Unread post by RichK »

I'm for C also for the depth look. Nice job.
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Re: YOGA playing cards

Unread post by Räpylätassu »

They are all very good, but I think C is the nicest by an inch.
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Re: YOGA playing cards

Unread post by Stepchild »

C here

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Re: YOGA playing cards

Unread post by shermjack »

Of the back designs shown, I have to agree that C is the best choice, but wonder what it would look like with the center piece 'lotus' from C on the either A or D.
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Re: YOGA playing cards

Unread post by TGunitedcardists »

Back design: C is the best in my opinion. Unfortunately, the court cards don't work for me at all.

Good luck on this project though.
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Re: YOGA playing cards

Unread post by 9780design »

Almost an year back I came to you guys for suggestions regarding a new custom deck design. You all were super supportive and forwarded lots of constructive suggestions.

If this project looks awesome, its because of you guys and now it's ready to meet you all.

Please mark you calender's. 19th Oct 2017 "Yoga Playing Cards" is going live on KICKSTARTER.
19th Oct 2017
19th Oct 2017
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Re: YOGA playing cards

Unread post by Bradius »

Even before seeing the other responses, I was drawn to "C" as the easy choice. It is better balanced to my eye. I also agree that back design is better as a full bleed or very narrow border.

I am struggling with those courts being in yoga positions...I am just having to adjust my thinking as I did some contortions of my own imagining card courts in yoga positions.
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