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Bicycle Lumberjacks -- KS Complete - Now shipping!

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 5:28 pm
by Kleetz
Hey everyone,

So I've been browsing unitedcardists and other card forums (not sure if I can name names) and in the process, I've been designing a deck. It's a lumberjack/woodsmen themed deck that's done in line art. I tried to keep the illustrations simple but detailed. I'm open to suggestions / ideas as it's still in the editing process.

I mocked up the tuck and some cards. Let me know what you guys think!

Front of the tuck:


A few of the court cards:


Ace of Hearts and what the back of the cards will look like:

And an option of a all red tuck:

Also, which do you like better; red or white?


Re: Designing a Deck - Take a look!

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 6:46 pm
by Atemus
I think they're really cute. I'd prolly buy a set, since I think both colors work well.

Re: Designing a Deck - Take a look!

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 9:42 pm
by MagikFingerz
This is really good work for a beginner! (Don't take offence of the word "beginner", I'm just assuming you are one :P )

I don't think I would buy it though, as I'm getting more and more picky with the additions to my collections (though not nearly enough, according to my wallet). It's just too simple and generic for me at this point. Still, I am sure it would sell really well with Bicycle collectors and people with a connection to lumberjacks and the like. There is no obvious weak points, I just personally seek out more detailed decks. You will probably get requests (from cardists in particular) for thinner edges and the indices being closer to the edge.

Really though, there have been funded decks on kickstarter that looked a lot worse than this. Great work!

Re: Designing a Deck - Take a look!

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 10:22 pm
by Kleetz
Wow! Thanks for a really honest reply, and no offense taken, this is my first deck design so there is still plenty to learn. While I agree that is it simple I'd have to disagree about it being generic but maybe it's because I designed it and probably close to it. Still, I do appreciate the feedback, it will only make me strive for a better design.

While I would love to get closer to the edge I don't wanna risk registration issues. Who knows, maybe I'll push the envelope a little more. Also to kind of touch on what you said about it being to generic, are you looking for more colors? Some sort of border design on the court cards? Haha thinner edges? I'm interested to know so I can try to improve upon this.

Anyway, thanks for the post!

Re: Designing a Deck - Take a look!

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 10:41 pm
by MJF
Props to you Kleetz! That is a great first attempt at a deck. Especially compared to some of the stuff that has appeared on KickStarter in the recent months. Original idea too!

I like both and would like to see them done as either a set or 1 unlimited and 1 limited (you kinda have a Altruism/Snow Owl thing already going between these two decks... :)

How's this going to released? KickStarter? Website?

Re: Designing a Deck - Take a look!

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 11:24 pm
by MagikFingerz
I might have used "generic" the wrong way, English isn't my first language. I just meant that it doesn't stand out too much from other themed Bicycle decks, which I feel are increasing in numbers exponentially. Though I can't really see anything I would immediately improve about it, it actually looks complete the way it is. It's just not for my particular taste, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate a good design when I see one. It's simple, it works, and I don't think you would have any trouble selling these :)

Re: Designing a Deck - Take a look!

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 10:12 am
by RSLancastr
Custom courts are my "thing", so I would definitely buy one, if not both!

I would probably prefer that the courts be more detailed (perhaps using more colors), but they are just fine as they are.

I appreciate the attention to traditional design elements, such as the Suicide King of Hearts (the first I believe I have seen using an axe!).

I also do not recall seeing another deck with this theme, and I have more tyhan 2,200 decks in my collection!

As to which tuck I prefer (nice mock-up, by the way), I'm a bit torn:

From strictly a color standpoint, I think I prefer the red box, but the white seems a bit "cleaner".

If you do publish both, I would ask/suggest that there be some differences between them beyond the tuck and back.

Best of luck with this project,


Re: Designing a Deck - Take a look!

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 2:41 pm
by CBJ
It just makes me think of this...

"I'm a Lumberjack, and I'm okay..."

Re: Designing a Deck - Take a look!

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 2:58 pm
by RSLancastr
Yes, perhaps one of the Queens could be one of the Jacks, wearing "High heels, suspenders and a bra"!

Or perhaps the Joker.

Re: Designing a Deck - Take a look!

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 4:41 pm
by Kleetz
Thanks to everyone who's taken the time to post suggestions. In the end it will make this deck that much better!

@MJF at this point I'm strongly considering Kickstarter. In which case, I intend on doing stretch goals and having both versions done.

@RSLancastr that's a great suggestion, having some slight differences between the two options. Maybe one option will have the tree on the front cut down and different axes on the back? I'll mock something up! I personally like the white over red. Might be because I designed the white one first. The Queen of Diamonds has suspenders but I designed her to be a little more on the rugged side! (by the way 2,200 deck collection is insane!)

@MagikFingerz I know what you meant and believe me when I say that I'm not at all offended. People have different tastes and I respect that!

I will be doing some modifications in the upcoming week, try to touch upon all the things suggested and post progress as I finish up!

Thanks again!

Re: Designing a Deck - Take a look!

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 2:16 am
by RSLancastr
Kleetz wrote:@RSLancastr that's a great suggestion, having some slight differences between the two options. Maybe one option will have the tree on the front cut down and different axes on the back? I'll mock something up!
I look forward to seeing what you come up with!
(by the way 2,200 deck collection is insane!)
You've been talking to my wife, haven't you? :D

Re: Designing a Deck - Take a look!

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 5:23 pm
by cosmicsecret
I like your design.Its solid work here but i have to agree on the court cards.
Would love to see some more detail on them.
Beyond that you have done custom pips,courts,back and box design.Great!
I canĀ“t see a reason why this deck will not be succesfully funded during a KS campaign!

Some tweaks like thinner borders to satisfy cardists and 2 nice gaff cards for the magicians (a blank faced card and a court card gaff or so :D )
Also a 2 deck set would be awesome for the collectors like already being suggested 1limited (2,500 print run)and the other color less limited (~5,000 print run).
Keep us posted :!: ;)

Re: Designing a Deck - Take a look!

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 11:32 pm
by malanthrax
I really like these and also want to say. REALLY good job for a starting deck. Dang.

Re: Designing a Deck - Take a look!

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 3:36 pm
by Kleetz
Made some edits that people have been suggesting. I added large pips to the court cards and increased the size of the back by 3% to thin the borders a little. I didn't print mock-ups, but instead doing pixel previews this time around. Let me know what you guys think!

King of Spades (with and without large pips)

Queen of Hearts (with and without large pips)

Jack of DIamonds - as you can see I had to flip the axe to the other side to make room for the large pip

Back of the cards increased by 3%

Let me know which you guys like better. The larger pips are starting to grow on me so I think I may keep em.


Re: Designing a Deck - Take a look!

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 4:40 pm
by Assassino13
I like the ones on the left better. They seem less cluttered.

Re: Designing a Deck - Take a look!

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 5:17 pm
by Evan
I like the ones on the left best. Also, the thinner borders looks great!

Re: Designing a Deck - Take a look!

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 7:38 pm
by Russell
Why not have the large pips on the left side as usual? Just flip the artwork to make it fit if it doesn't already.

Re: Designing a Deck - Take a look!

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 7:53 pm
by Kleetz
Russell wrote:Why not have the large pips on the left side as usual? Just flip the artwork to make it fit if it doesn't already.
Hey Russell,

Yes, while that is a possibility, I'd like to be different than usual. Also, it would make it really left heavy. Right now, it's still in the air whether I'll be keeping the large pips on the court cards or going without.


Re: Designing a Deck - Take a look!

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 11:22 pm
by RSLancastr
Kleetz, check your PMs.

Re: Designing a Deck - Take a look!

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 8:42 am
by Kleetz
RSLancastr wrote:Kleetz, check your PMs.

Got it and replied! Thanks RSL!

Re: Designing a Deck - Take a look!

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 10:04 am
by cosmicsecret
Please keep the pips on the left side.Having them on the right side kills the possibility of doing a reverse (blank) fan.

Re: Designing a Deck - Take a look!

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 10:36 am
by RSLancastr
cosmicsecret wrote:Please keep the pips on the left side.Having them on the right side kills the possibility of doing a reverse (blank) fan.
I do no fans or flourishes, but having a court's pips on the right just...looks wrong, ya know?

Re: Designing a Deck - Take a look!

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 12:38 pm
by Kleetz
cosmicsecret wrote:Please keep the pips on the left side.Having them on the right side kills the possibility of doing a reverse (blank) fan.
Is a reverse blank fan something that people do often? Magicians? Can someone explain this to me? Very curious to know.


Re: Designing a Deck - Take a look!

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 1:05 pm
by MagikFingerz
Magicians as well as cardists do blank fans, as it involves an effect that can be effectively used by both groups in their routines. Though it does (ideally) require a blank faced card.

I couldn't find a good video of it on youtube, but it's basically reverse fanning the deck showing a completely blank fan, turning the cards over (and snapping your fingers or whatever) cutting them and fanning it normally to show the faces have magically reappeared.

Re: Designing a Deck - Take a look!

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 5:36 pm
by RSLancastr
MagikFingerz wrote:Magicians as well as cardists do blank fans, as it involves an effect that can be effectively used by both groups in their routines. Though it does (ideally) require a blank faced card.
So that's what blank-faced cards are for!

I knew they had to be for some illusion, but lacked the imagination to figure out just what it might be!

I've got DOZENS of blank-faced cards in my collection of Bikes, and now they make some sense to me!

Re: Designing a Deck - Take a look!

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 6:27 pm
by MagikFingerz
RSLancastr wrote:
MagikFingerz wrote:Magicians as well as cardists do blank fans, as it involves an effect that can be effectively used by both groups in their routines. Though it does (ideally) require a blank faced card.
So that's what blank-faced cards are for!

I knew they had to be for some illusion, but lacked the imagination to figure out just what it might be!

I've got DOZENS of blank-faced cards in my collection of Bikes, and now they make some sense to me!
There's many more applications of the blank faced gaffs than that, but I'm not really a magician so I don't know that many more by heart. Though I'm pretty sure that and the double backers are the two most versatile gaffs. Magicians confirm, please :)

Re: Designing a Deck - Take a look!

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 7:27 pm
by Kleetz
Makes sense! I also think that I'll leave the large pips off of the court cards. It's too cluttered if I have them on the left, some don't like them on the right and even still they kinda make the cards busy. Either way, everyone has different tastes an it'll be hard to please everyone!

On a different note, here's a preview of the pip cards:


It's getting pretty close... a few more tweaks here and there and I'm going to start working on building my Kickstarter campaign.

C & C always welcomed!

Re: Designing a Deck - Take a look!

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 7:30 pm
by badpete69
I like this deck great job Kleetz

Re: Designing a Deck - Take a look!

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 8:21 pm
by Kleetz
badpete69 wrote:I like this deck great job Kleetz
Glad to hear that, it means a lot!


Re: Designing a Deck - Take a look!

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 11:19 am
by cosmicsecret
Yes a blank faced card has multiple uses but the most common is a blank fan of cards.
Your number cards are great! The pips look very round and professional plus plenty of white space for a spectator to write his signature on :)