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[ISO] Klar deck or anyone in Germany

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 4:03 pm
by rorschach
I'm trying to track down a couple of Klar Decks -" onclick=";return false;

Shipping anywhere outside of Germany or its bordering countries is pretty high (€32 for a couple of decks to Canada is madness). So i'm hoping either someone here has a couple they are willing to part with, or a local who could get their hands on some.

PM me if you can help me out.


Re: [ISO] Klar deck or anyone in Germany

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 2:27 pm
by octave
Hi, I could help you with that and order some and ship them to you. I#m quite sure I can ship a pair for under 10$ shipping costs internationally. I will be traveling the next two weeks, so it might take one time though. Let me know, if I can help you out.

Re: [ISO] Klar deck or anyone in Germany

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2016 1:26 pm
by th4mo
I'd be interested in a pair of these as well (they come in two colors)!

Re: [ISO] Klar deck or anyone in Germany

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2016 10:27 am
by Septimus
Hey, I'm from Germany. I could buy decks for everyone interested and ship them worldwide. If you guys tell me where you live I may calculate how much shipping would be.
Depending on the country and amount of decks(weight) it would cost about 9-20 dollars to ship them I guess.
Also if there are multiple people from lets say the US who want decks I could ship all decks to one guy in the US and he/she could ship them locally there. That would probably save loads of shipping costs.
So just PM me of comment if you're interested and have a nice day (: