Gamblers/ Fulfillment

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Gamblers/ Fulfillment

Unread post by Cardians »

Lately it seems that Gamblers are fulfilling most card projects that are created on KS.

Due to their high volume of packages leaving their warehouse, how hard would it be for them to add a description of what deck/project is being shipped with the tracking number provided.

Last month, I received 3 tracking numbers and have no idea what decks are being fulfilled/shipped until I received them which could be a few months after delivery since I have most decks shipped to my friends house in the US to get the free or cheaper shipping offered during the campaign.

Am sure other backers have the same issue after pledging for multiple campaigns.
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Re: Gamblers/ Fulfillment

Unread post by nECr0MaNCeD »

Excellent point and suggestion. Oddly enough a few of my packages come with the project name on the package but not in the shipping notice. Logistically speaking it should not be too much trouble as I believe it is a form letter that has the tracking number added.
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Re: Gamblers/ Fulfillment (wap)

Unread post by Cbkimble »

I agree. Doesn't seem like it Would be too hard to figure out.
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