Marketing Company Just For Playing Cards

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Marketing Company Just For Playing Cards

Unread post by SeanWhelan »

Hey guys!
I wanted to get your opinion on an idea I had. Being a graphic designer, how would you feel if I started a company to help market playing cards and their companies?

This will exclusive just to this type of market. Let the company handle the cards themselves and well as the shipping etc. Let me help you with the marketing side.

This can include:
- flyers
- building the kickstarter page
- email blast
- facebook creation / post
- creating a website
- thank you letters
- and anything else that can be involved!

I was thinking of doing set packages. For example: Pay one set fee of $250 and you get the top 3 items listed above throughout your kickstarter campaign.

I would love nothing more to help up and coming artist/companies and what better to start my own in the field Im passionate about.

Please let me know your thoughts and moderators if you can, duplicate this post into other threads so artists/companies and see this!!!
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Re: Marketing Company Just For Playing Cards

Unread post by montecarlojoe »

Sorry mate - no multi posting. I have deleted the other two. People can find new or unread posts very easily with the links at the top of the home page - you don't need to spam the board. /mod

(though Spam is a ubiquitous marketing technique i hope it is not one you will be adopting...)

Honestly though I think it will be a hard sell. The big players wont need you, and the start ups wont want to pay for you (the margins are thin enough as it is).
Also a great deal of those in your target audience are graphic artists with an on-line presence - guidance on building a kickstarter page is useful, but many get that guidance for free from community sources (like us!).

If anything I think websites would likely be the most useful service out of those because it is a skill that creators are least likely to have access to - but there are sites out there like Wix that make it very easy to build a good looking simple website without coding experience.

Perhaps I'm just in a negative mood though lol
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Re: Marketing Company Just For Playing Cards

Unread post by Marcus »

$250 for designing flyers from scratch, writing the copy and fixing the graphics for the KS page and e-mail? That's selling yourself short, at least in my book.

Other than that, I think Joe is right in his post above - the market isn't likely to exist for this I'm afraid.
Yes, I might be the guy you remember from that thing at that place way back when.
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