'moves' from wishlist to collection not in recent collected

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'moves' from wishlist to collection not in recent collected

Unread post by ecNate »

A very minor impact bug, but probably an easy fix. Decks 'moved' from wishlist to collection don't appear in the recently collected listing on the front page. Probably the code is referencing all entries, but really should focus ONLY on first in collection field. Oddly adding a deck to wishlist or tradelist doesn't get it to show, and only when added to collection works, which is appropriate. However, if you have a deck in wishlist, set to 0, even save and research, followed by adding to collection it isn't considered new.

EDIT - In addition, if you move it from a wishlist to collected, by making wishlist count 0 and in collection to 1 the 'recently added' view of your individual collection doesn't represent that properly either. It appears to sort it by date according to when it was added to wishlist. Perhaps this means the solution is to have the date added be updated when in collection is changed from 0 to 1 instead of considering if it was in wishlist prior.
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