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Lero introducing himself

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 11:12 am
by Lero
Hey guys.

Lero here (actual name is Leo, but hey, close as you can get i guess).

I've been to a lot of cardistry forums before (mainly, but not excludingly, german ones, which mostly, if not all shut down) but were kinda passive and didn't post a lot.
I started doing cardistry at the age of 14-16, i'm really not sure when, but had a pretty big break in there that i didn't practice and thus didn't improve a lot recently. But guess what? I just picked it up again and am looking to get better than i ever was, eventho im still pretty clunky right now.

I started off as a card magician but noticed pretty fast, that doing tricks is nice and all - i mean seeing the faces of people you did the trick on is a pretty good feeling after all - but cardistry is just so much more fun.

So yeah, nice to be here, i hope you take care of me and i can get back into cardistry quite well.

Oh on a site note, since there is a lot of collectors here, i maybe should mention that im not that much into collecting but still have like 50 decks of cards, mostly bicycles, tallys and stuff like that, but also some gems like v3 Smoke and mirrors (which i paid like 5 bucks for when i bought them). Good times.

That'd be all then,

Re: Lero introducing himself

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 1:00 pm
by Mike Ratledge
Welcome to UC, Leroy!