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Required Fields, help text, remdinders, etc

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 6:20 pm
by ecNate
This is a combo request, but they go together. When adding new decks or editing existing ones the input form should incorporate the guidelines (" onclick=";return false;) directly through on screen help prompts/text. I've also noticed people either are not aware of the new fields for artist, manufacturer, brand, etc or are just being lazy. Prior to submission/save the system should flag these fields as empty and prompt the user to populate them, even if it's just a warning and confirmation from them that they do not know it and intend to leave them blank. That may be better than forcing them to select a guess, wrong information or add 'unknown'. Although, perhaps 'unknown' would be a good thing to use and perhaps if left blank the system could auto insert it That way we could easily locate those unknown and editors could work to close the gaps.

Re: Required Fields, help text, remdinders, etc

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 9:46 pm
by flyers3003
So I tried to put an Artist on the Grimoire Series decks that I added, but it wouldn't let me add David Edgerly. The field is pre-populated with a bunch of artists, but didn't have the one for these decks. The fields need to be setup to allow new entries. Pretty sure manufacturer and brand work the same way. When I added the few decks that I did recently, if one of the pre-populated values in those fields matched, I used it. If it wasn't already there I left the field blank cause it wouldn't let me add new. Sorry.

Re: Required Fields, help text, remdinders, etc

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 11:46 pm
by ecNate
You are doing the right thing. I was talking about a number of bicycle decks added without manufacturer or brand.

And yes, they are working on getting key editors access to add new values and a process for submission.