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Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 11:42 pm
by 4.of.Clubs
First of all, thanks for the great site. It's the best thing for card collectors.

There is a similar thread but after reading it I'm not sure if it's the same topic...

The list totals (collection, wishlist) stays at 0 even though there are decks in them.

Re: DEFECT - List Total

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 7:50 am
by ecNate
Your assumption was correct, the other report does cover this. I updated that thread to be more clear. As a result I'll update your title to 'DUPLICATE'

Rhu's response basically is saying they are updated in bulk by a scheduled job which is temporarily disabled.
rhu wrote:Known issue, I turned off the cron while I was debugging other issues :) I'll turn it back on today or tomorrow.