I like that new card back, it looks great. I'm not usually a sugar skull deck kinda guy but I think I'll very likely be on for some of that. I like what I see there anyway.
TL:DR It's completely up to you. We can still be friends. I actually like playing cards. We live in interesting times.
I loved the originals and Dave's art and I'll get some for sure but how many depends on how different these are from the originals. I'm eagerly awaiting new pics....
Eoghann wrote:DOTD v2? That back looks fun. The skull lips are pretty unnerving but you know I'm in.
Have to agree gums on a skull is a bit unnerving, but sugar skulls do break all the rules. Looks like he is going with a big central element with a standard dual mirror element with a big central and corner badges that look like flowers. Purple is good. I guess.
Do like the the dancing skeleton in the background. Not much negative back ground space which for me is a plus...
Cbkimble wrote:Unless there are some major differences from the original, I doubt I'll give them a seco d thought.
Same here. They should have gone with a different direction than using the same skull back.
I'd be okay with this as long as everything else (tuck, courts, etc.) is more different. With the "new" backs as they are, if the courts and/or tucks are similar to v1 then I'll probably pass on these.
Widdee wrote:Loved the first run and bought heavy, just not sure whether this is significantly different enough.
Exactly my issue - whilst I do like the new design - it is hard to justify after just purchasing quite a few in the original project as well as other DotD and similarly themed decks.
for those who backed grimoire - we just updated the ks page today to explain the long wait. to summarize here: we're using epcc this time, and while we submitted all materials in a timely fashion, the response time has been much slower than anticipated. the last answer we got today was that the decks would arrive in roughly 3-4 weeks, and when we receive them we can start fulfilling orders, which won't take longer than two weeks. again, we kept our schedule but there were delays in responses and other hiccups that have basically kept us waiting. but we accept ultimate responsibility, since we chose the manufacturer and it's up to us to get backers their decks.
as for mardi gras, that's not an edgy brothers campaign but i have spoken with my brother about it and he's also using epcc and the delays are the same. he's submitted all artwork in a timely fashion, but the response has been slow. you'll have to keep up with his ks page to find out the details.
we understand that no one really cares why the decks aren't delivered yet; they just want their decks. but we do feel it's necessary to keep things transparent. if we make a mistake, we own up to it. and if we have backers who won't pledge our new campaign because they're still waiting for their grimoire decks, we completely understand. that's the price of doing business.
incidentally, the dia de los muertos campaign launching next week will be with uspcc, just like last year's.
collector - the indices and pips are the same position as they were for the first edition designs, so they are probably going to stay as they are. but thanks for your question!