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New to cardistry

Unread post by Hairul »

Hi..I'm new to cardistry and I interested to learn some move in the system by dan and dave.My problem here is it is really hard to learn from that dvd as maybe I dont like the angle of the video.So do you have any option where I can learn all those move especially madonna in better video?
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Re:        ★★★ United Cardists' Guide for Beginners ★★★

Unread post by MagikFingerz »

Hairul wrote:Hi..I'm new to cardistry and I interested to learn some move in the system by dan and dave.My problem here is it is really hard to learn from that dvd as maybe I dont like the angle of the video.So do you have any option where I can learn all those move especially madonna in better video?
Hi Hairul! Sorry it took a while for us to approve your first post, we have to do it like that to prevent spammers from taking over.

I think your best bet for the flourishes in The System is just to try to find tutorials on youtube and hope there are some with better angles. I doubt there are other dvd's with the same moves, D$D would probably get upset :mrgreen:

EDIT: Also moved your post into its own thread, because why not.
- Tom

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