Greetings from Portland, Oregon!

Where are you from and what are your interests?
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Greetings from Portland, Oregon!

Unread post by Angelous »

Hello hello everyone!

... How is this the first time I've come across this awesome community you ask yourself?

Well I have just that answer!

I've grown up playing with cards as poker is a family tradition of ours during special holidays. Well at least when I was younger. Now the only holidays are thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine's day, and my girlfriend birthday... I do prefer thanksgiving moreover but what do I know, I'm just a guy.

Anyway, I digress. I love playing with cards and collecting a few too. (I may own about a dozen decks).

I have many hobbies from building things to playing music, to juggling, to public speaking. I don't know, I just love stimulating my mind and cardistry is definitely something that I know I'll have fun doing!

I have a good camera so I may post some tricks I get down or maybe some deck reviews, I don't know, only time will tell! :ugthink: :ugdance:

My name is Angel. Angelous for short. (I know, how tf?)

I'm from Portland and I approve this message :ugking: good day!
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Re: Greetings from Portland, Oregon!

Unread post by balispin »

nice I'm from portland OR :D welcome and I'm glad I'm not the only in oregon in to cardistry ...
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Re: Greetings from Portland, Oregon!

Unread post by wingzzz123 »


I'm from Portland as well. I have working to teach myself cardistry based on video tutorials for the last few months. Wondering if anyone is interested in getting a group together and possibly meeting up at a coffee shop or wherever to share ideas?
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Re: Greetings from Portland, Oregon!

Unread post by flashcards »

I'm currently in California but will be moving to Corvallis in March. Portland is not too far away for a get-together one day in the future.
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Re: Greetings from Portland, Oregon!

Unread post by Mike Ratledge »

Welcome to UC, Angel!
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