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hello everyone :)

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 4:16 am
by balispin
hello, my name is justin and I'm interested in cardistry. for a long time i was a penspinner, and then i got in to flipping balisongs ( butterfly knives) . now i really want to dive head long in to cardistry , and maybe some magic. but mostly cardisty. i have been practicing for about 4-5 days now , and man its hard !? but i really enjoying it :D right now I'm trying to learn what i need to be doing (basics) and find a forum to get in touch with other cadrists .. looks like i found it .

a little bit about me ....... i work on ships, as a engineer, that means i work 28 day s,and then i get 28 days off . its nice cause when I'm home i have tons of time for shanagins :) while I'm at work, i get some time, but i work 12 hour days, and i don't get anydays off while I'm on the ship:( lots less time for shanagans.
im also in to art , and that was one thing that got me looking in to cardistry . i want to draw/design some cool looking card, and as i was checking out the web i found a cardistry video. watched it , then watched it again , and boom here i am :D

anyways just wanted to shy hi , and hopefully ill see you around .. thanks a ton

Re: hello everyone :)

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 4:19 am
by volantangel
Welcome to UC ! Glad to see other engineers around :D

Re: hello everyone :)

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 4:22 am
by balispin
engineers for life ! lol thanks man

Re: hello everyone :)

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 4:32 am
by volantangel
balispin wrote:engineers for life ! lol thanks man
What does your job entail ? I would guess more of the mechanical aspect ?

Re: hello everyone :)

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 4:56 am
by balispin
yeah mechanical , i just make sure we get from point A to point B . i also make sure were making water, electricity , a/c ,and we have a place to refine and get rid of our waste, etc.. it not a bad gig tho i only work 6 mouths a year , and that pay is pretty good . hard work tho :( but if you want to $$$$ got to work hard