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Pelted Primacy KS Relaunch...Again

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 8:39 pm
by jerichoholic
It's Baaaaack! The Pelted Primacy which miserably failed not once or twice but 3 times is now back on KS and apparently as a pre-order. Now produced by MPC with a goal of only $5500 and yet I doubt it will make it again.

Re: Pelted Primacy KS Relaunch...Again

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 10:09 pm
by Fes
Dog people courts. I didn't get it before, I don't get it now. Don't much care for the indices at all. Nor do I like the pips, if those paw are the pips. I'm probably not at all the target audience for these since I have no idea what the hell is going on with these. It's an extremely easy pass for me.

On the plus side from the words "pre-order" sounds like his funding these himself and just selling the decks. So he's able to have them made. Which is great for him. I hope he has fantastic success with the dog people of planet ruff ruff.

Re: Pelted Primacy KS Relaunch...Again

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 7:44 am
by jerichoholic
If you look at the paws you can quite clearly see the pip within them at the bottom, a bit hard to notice at first. He was barely able to get $1500 in his previous attempts with a USPC deck, now with it being MPC he'll get even less than that, bad time of year to be launching also.

Re: Pelted Primacy KS Relaunch...Again

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 12:16 pm
by StanKindLee
The paw pips make them pretty unplayable... to much concentrating needed just to figure out the suits. That back design too... needs a total redo imo.

Re: Pelted Primacy KS Relaunch...Again

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 12:36 pm
by Rose
Um, not for me. Reading though this it sounds like the creator has done little research. The "furry" characters are a bit too creepy. The pips...ugh.
The back of the card is surprisingly good.

Re: Pelted Primacy KS Relaunch...Again

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 12:42 am
by Bikefanatic

Re: Pelted Primacy KS Relaunch...Again

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2014 12:15 am
by jerichoholic
Still not sure how he thinks he will get $5500 since he didn't even get $2000 with a USPC deck previously on more than one attempt. Nothing really good about this deck, not the box or the backs or the faces. Nothing wrong with the theme, just the execution as always. If he really did fund these himself and is trying to sell them as a preorder then he's going to be very sorry and out a lot of money.

Re: Pelted Primacy KS Relaunch...Again

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2014 7:37 am
by HudsonDesign
Its a shame because the Manga type art is not bad for manga type art.

But I think the real problem here is Manga people will just ask why dogs.

Dog people will ask why manga

And card people will ask why?

Its funny because when I read the text of it without seeing the images first I expected some type of "cute puppies" deck (kinda like the current dragon one) and thought hell it will sell squillions. Then I actually looked at the images.

Personal taste thing again but the design is going to be pretty limited in interested parties being such a mix of different styles and ideas....