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[UCUser] I'm Jeremy and I'm not allowed anymore cards!
Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 2:40 pm
by UCUser
Hello Everyone,
I'm Jeremy. I live in Ohio, U.S. I'm interested in cardistry, obviously. Here's my story.
I work in Computer Security/Technology. I love the idea of Social Engineering. My research led me to Brian Brushwood (Revision 3-->Testtube). He is a street magician who scams people for drinks at the bar. He runs an Internet show called Scam School. So I'm watching Brian Brushwood and he does an episode on fanning cards properly. I did more research to find more resources on this and found this whole world of cardistry that was completely unknown to me before.
I love the idea of magic that makes a participant do things that are not as benign as they seem--like Shuffling Lesson and other Self Working tricks. I like gambling sleights as well.
I always come back to straight up flourishes. I love the routines like Chris Hestnes Papercuts and Dan and Dave's stuff.
I also have a large collection of playing cards from the past year or so of collecting. I like Aristocrat stock like 727 and Republic #2. I love the geometric back designs and colorful cards that are out there. I probably have a couple hundred decks (many are duplicates). Some of my favorites are RJRTC Watermelons, Crown, Aristocrats, Steamboats, etc.
Re: [UCUser] I'm Jeremy and I'm not allowed anymore cards!
Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 3:29 pm
by Eoghann
Hey Jeremy! Welcome aboard!
Re: [UCUser] I'm Jeremy and I'm not allowed anymore cards!
Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 5:04 pm
by ecNate
UCUser wrote:I work in Computer Security/Technology. I love the idea of Social Engineering. My research led me to Brian Brushwood (Revision 3-->Testtube). He is a street magician who scams people for drinks at the bar. He runs an Internet show called Scam School.
Welcome Jeremy! I could have wrote that quote above myself. I'm also in IT security (web security focused) and also have watched my share of Scam School, but haven't for a few years now. In addition, I love social engineering and really enjoyed the books by Kevin Mitnick on the topic and various others. Sadly I lack the skills or time to learn much more about cardistry than the basics.
As the unofficial ambassador for
Playing Card Database, I am obligated to encourage, no demand
, that you get your large collection up there as well!
Re: [UCUser] I'm Jeremy and I'm not allowed anymore cards!
Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 5:35 pm
by UCUser
Hello ecNate,
Good to see some fellow security folks here. I loved Ghost in the Wires. I got an opportunity to meet Kevin Mitnick (briefly) at a conference a few years back and he signed my copy of the book. He's a character for sure. I have been kind of mixing my cardistry/magic with the SE for a little fun. I keep thinking about how the psychology is very similar (Apollo Robins on Brain Games for example).
At any rate, I had a look at the Playing Card Database and I'm hoping to get my stuff up there. Do you know if there is any place for the kind of stock and finish on the cards? I've been playing around and found that a number of cards that I like are more flexible than standard bikes. For example, I'm thinking Aristocrat 727 (theory 11) or republic #2 (ellusionist). I'd like to find more cards of similar nature just for variety. However, pinning down what the stock/finish of cards seems to be an elusive dream to me. I was thinking of putting together a spreadsheet of things I have and know with that information and hopefully others may contribute. Ultimately I'm looking for more of those cards I like the feel and handling of. And I guess it depends on what you are doing with the cards what they are good for too.
Re: [UCUser] I'm Jeremy and I'm not allowed anymore cards!
Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 5:43 pm
by ecNate
UCUser wrote:
At any rate, I had a look at the Playing Card Database and I'm hoping to get my stuff up there. Do you know if there is any place for the kind of stock and finish on the cards? I've been playing around and found that a number of cards that I like are more flexible than standard bikes. For example, I'm thinking Aristocrat 727 (theory 11) or republic #2 (ellusionist). I'd like to find more cards of similar nature just for variety. However, pinning down what the stock/finish of cards seems to be an elusive dream to me. I was thinking of putting together a spreadsheet of things I have and know with that information and hopefully others may contribute. Ultimately I'm looking for more of those cards I like the feel and handling of. And I guess it depends on what you are doing with the cards what they are good for too.
You should look at the link in my sig for 'Playing Card Information Spreadsheet (Crowd sourced data - PM me for edit access)'. I think that has the start of what you are looking to accomplish, but that's a project that didn't get very far because of PCDB took over from my perspective. Rhu may add such details to PCDB eventually, but there's lots more in the works before he would consider those additions. Thus I still keep link to the spreadsheet. PM me your gmail address if you want to contribute to it.
EDIT - I know I've seen detailed threads here and at PCF listing the various finishes and card stocks, but often times they are just names with no real difference, especially between brands within USPCC. Search around and I'm sure you'll find some good info.
Here's a few for now ... id-to-ask/ ... %28info%29
Re: [UCUser] I'm Jeremy and I'm not allowed anymore cards!
Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2014 12:00 am
by nECr0MaNCeD
Welcome to the jungle Jeremy!
Although I am not in security I have been in IT/Technology a very long time and fancy myself somewhat a hacker. Certainly not of Mitnick's caliber but not bad either.
Social Engineering..... because there is no patch for stupidity.
Re: [UCUser] I'm Jeremy and I'm not allowed anymore cards!
Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 1:30 am
by lucygp
. Certainly not of Mitnick's caliber but not bad either.
Fut coins