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Hall of Shame
Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2014 7:16 pm
by albinodragon
So there are projects that have earned their place here that haven't been updated. I don't think that it's fair that others be put on blast in a public setting if everyone hasn't been treated equally.
I move to either update it or remove the list completely.
Re: Hall of Shame
Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 10:05 pm
by Sher
I'd prefer not to remove it, as it provides a lot of useful information for new collectors/KS backers. However, that's not for me to decide. Joe usually updates them, but if he's busy, I am willing to lend a hand to keep it current.
Re: Hall of Shame
Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 11:57 am
by montecarlojoe
I'm not precious about it Sher - If you'd like to that's fine with me.
I've been avoiding putting one project in there that meet criteria because the delay has largely been due to litigation, but those in there earned their place due to poor planning and I see no reaason to remove them.
But I do agree that keeping the info up to date to show eventual fullfilment where it happens seems fair to me.
Re: Hall of Shame
Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 2:09 pm
by Mike Ratledge
I think it's a historical document and should be there for "lessons learned" if nothing else. There are a few nominees that I suppose we should hash out in the MOD area, but - nothing really pressing at this time. A whole lot of work went into it, and I certainly don't see any reason not to keep it up-to-date.
Re: Hall of Shame
Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 7:08 pm
by montecarlojoe
On it. Finally!
Re: Hall of Shame
Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 12:31 pm
by jerichoholic
Here is an update regarding Cardicians. As you may be aware it seems many people are still waiting for their last 2 decks, Steel and Mayhem.
Cardicians has told me that this is all thanks to Wayne Grecco at Elite Playing Cards.
According to Cardicians, Elite NEVER paid them anything for any of their artwork or decks, and now they are dragging fulfillment of their last 2 projects on and on for months now.
Apparently Wayne is always on vacation, despite apparently never having any funds and despite doing quite well on his own projects. Recently he went on another month long vacation despite the fact that Cardicians projects have not been fully fulfilled which is very unprofessional.
Cardicians is close to giving up on producing any more projects but are looking at other fulfillment partners like GW and CPC, apparently all they need is fulfillment.
Apparently Wayne even locked out his partner Jani out of the KS projects, taking all of the control himself. Just thought I would let you all know before you back his next project what kind of a jerk this Wayne guy really is.
Edit - apparently they will be making a public announcement in the near future, they were trying to keep things secret in hopes of having no further problems with fulfillment, oops
Re: Hall of Shame
Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 1:41 pm
by ecNate
jerichoholic wrote:Here is an update regarding Cardicians. As you may be aware it seems many people are still waiting for their last 2 decks, Steel and Mayhem.
Interesting, but I received my Mayhem deck in early Jan so strange things going on there. The comments seem to match with shipments still coming in, but others have nothing or incorrect shipments. I wonder if they did shipments by country or saved the add on orders last. Mostly people seem to be disappointed that they didn't get what they expected compared to early renders, can't say I've taken the deck out to compare myself though.
Looks like the Lakota one will likely be added to this list, no update in 2.5 months and well over 4 months late on fulfillment. I went back on forth on that one, but jumped out and just kept it starred to see what happened. Dodged a bullet there personally. ... s/comments
Re: Hall of Shame (wap)
Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 7:15 pm
by Cbkimble
I recieved a message from the Cardicians recently stating fulfillment should be completed by the middle of March. Disappointed to say the least, as I was with the Steel fulfillment, but I do believe they will ship everything.
Re: Hall of Shame
Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 11:40 pm
by Mike Ratledge
She hasn't even logged in this year (shows 30-Dec).I bet $10 on these, not the first dime I will have squandered if they aren't delivered...
Re: Hall of Shame
Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 12:07 pm
by jerichoholic
Glad I got out of the Lakota deck before it was too late.
Re: Hall of Shame
Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2015 4:34 pm
by montecarlojoe
Everything should be up to date now; have updated HoS entries where there was a significant change (i.e fulfilment achieved)
Let me know if you spot mistakes or omissions.
Re: Hall of Shame
Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2015 6:58 pm
by Mike Ratledge
montecarlojoe wrote:Everything should be up to date now; have updated HoS entries where there was a significant change (i.e fulfilment achieved)
Let me know if you spot mistakes or omissions.
That brings up something. Shane asked me how long he had to live in the HoS after he gets The Writhing Dark fulfilled. I told him that I don't maintain it, it's your baby and driven by user comments a lot.
He's trying to make the case that he should not be in there forever once he gets everything fulfilled, and I agree - to a point, but I also see the other side of the coin, that he did finish it, he didn't start out to be a fraudulent project - obviously, and he (and we) would much rather take the time to do it right than send us decks that didn't live up to his & our standards.
Poor planning does not make him a thief, but what is the policy about duration of sentence?
Bailiff, bring the defendant to the bench so we can publicly humiliate him, thanks!
Not making light of it, but it was his first self-fulfilling campaign and he had always had AD doing the post campaign heavy lifting.
Re: Hall of Shame
Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2015 7:42 pm
by montecarlojoe
The policy at inauguration was forever.
How far past due is too far? I chose 6 months past the project creator's own deadline; arbitrary but more than reasonable in my opinion.
Much as I like Shane's work, he's closing on a year past his own deadline with a final end only just in sight.
There are plenty of first timers who managed just fine with any variety of printers, fulfilment agency and partnerships.
I actually think Dan Kriss has a better case because of the legal issues over the name - BUT that could have been avoided, and he fell into the trap of having multiple overlapping projects and may end up with e third project in the HoS.
I could set up a different coloured widget to denote those that eventually delivered (blue/purple/grey maybe?), but I have no real intention of moving any of them.
Perhaps I could be talked into a Poor Planning Purgatory topic as a compromise, if only for the alliteration.
Re: Hall of Shame
Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 1:14 pm
by nECr0MaNCeD
The end of this month will mark 6 months overdue for The Elements deck from Alien Ink. That will make two for Alien Ink/Alien Slink. He hasn't answered one question on either campaign in months and his web site has been taken down. Since he still hasn't finished the Wine Deck I doubt at this point I'll ever see the Elements deck.
Re: Hall of Shame
Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 2:48 pm
by Mike Ratledge
nECr0MaNCeD wrote:The end of this month will mark 6 months overdue for The Elements deck from Alien Ink. That will make two for Alien Ink/Alien Slink. He hasn't answered one question on either campaign in months and his web site has been taken down. Since he still hasn't finished the Wine Deck I doubt at this point I'll ever see the Elements deck.
He has had time to fulfill Wine decks, and as far as I know did fulfill some pledges. Elements? Don't recall anyone saying that they have seen it "in the wils".
Re: Hall of Shame
Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 11:49 pm
by th4mo
montecarlojoe wrote:The policy at inauguration was forever.
I think this is still the best policy. A project may become less shameful after it is finally fulfilled, but never entirely shame-free.
Kudos to those creators that stick with it and complete long overdue projects. They can gradually win their customers back, even if they remain enshrined in the HOS.
Plus, it's not like UC carries all THAT much weight on the global KS market...
Re: Hall of Shame
Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 2:52 pm
by 4.of.Clubs
Can the Lakota project be added to the HoS, she has disappeared and ignored every backer. ... s/comments" onclick=";return false;