Reprint of Bicycle Centurions

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Reprint of Bicycle Centurions

Unread post by Tony_Spade »

Hello guys! I apologize if the topic is created in the wrong forum.
Briefly describe the nature of the problem. I created a petition with the collection of signatures.
Main task: To organize reprint of Bicycle Centurions playing cards.

Subject of the petition:
In 2012 Theory11 stopped printing Bicycle Centurions playing cards. The reason is: The Centurion deck was discontinued because there was not enough demand to continue to print this deck.

I want to prove that the Bicycle Centurions still have a great demand. And i need your help! A large number of signatures - will give us the opportunity to release a reprint of this deck of playing cards.

I hope for your help Thanks you!
:ucstar: link: Petition on

I will try to answer all questions.
You need only enter the name and e-mail. If desired, you can write the reason.
Thank you for your attention and understanding!
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