Madison Rounders Private Reserve

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Madison Rounders Private Reserve

Unread post by volantangel »

Well we have seen the pictures come up here and there, but foolish to think that they would be "available never" as claimed by madison. Sure enough they are on sale now at ... serve.html for a whooping 100pounds each, or 1000pounds for a brick (at least you get a discount right?)

No seriously, this is almost the same deck as the scarlet rounders, with a different joker and gaff card. This brings a tuck change to a brand new level, i doubt it can go any lower than this.

Oh and so much for no more madison decks :roll: :roll:
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Re: Madison Rounders Private Reserve

Unread post by badpete69 »

there is 2500 of these decks made. They are not even limited hehehe $170 for a semi common deck with nothing special. Yeah right hahahahaha
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Re: Madison Rounders Private Reserve

Unread post by wwpierce »

Hey..anyone else here feel like their being milked?
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Re: Madison Rounders Private Reserve

Unread post by vasta41 »

I feel like E has more "limited" decks than regular ones. SO ANNOYING. Like Puff Daddy invented the remix, E invented the "limited" deck. I'm sure this won't be the last... By the way, I just thought of this- if D$D come on here and companies like T11 and E follow, how will we act differently when they tell us "face-to-face" here that, "they were never supposed to be sold," and thing like, "secret stash," and yadda yadda yadda? They already throw that baloney on their site but what happens when they tell us that garbage here after we ask them about it? Do they still say stuff like that? Are we going to all of a sudden believe it just because they're saying it here instead of on their website? IDK people... Could be a slippery slope.
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Re: Madison Rounders Private Reserve

Unread post by JokerzGamez »


........................................................................................................just WHY?????
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Re: Madison Rounders Private Reserve

Unread post by Yashi »

Maybe if I buy one deck for 100 pounds, I can sell it on ebay for 1000 pounds. Then I can buy 12 more and get 12,000 pounds. I should make my ebay username DealzForSuckers.
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Re: Madison Rounders Private Reserve

Unread post by Wilko »

Or maybe your username should be 'luthermadison'
Whoever that is seems to be selling the private reserve decks for silly prices.
I've got to say, I think it's really bad form from madison. I guess his motto should be 'cream as much money off of people as I can, before they all get pissed off & stop supporting me'

I'm going to stick up for d$d a bit here. Yes they have released ltd decks, yes they have flogged the s&m design to its death BUT I can't ever recall them selling any of there decks at such ridiculous prices as £100 a pop. I've also never seen them auction off there rare decks on eBay. I may be wrong.

Madison you are a dick. Your business practices are, in my opinion, shit. Take the money while you can. The fall will be greater than the rise.

I actually would rather see these sort of ltd, rare decks given as gifts for purchasing a brick or at least saved for promos. This is nothing but pure greed.
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Re: Madison Rounders Private Reserve

Unread post by Norbie »

So is there anything fancy about the cards or tuck to justify the price? I don't see anything from the pictures provided, they should be embarrassed for asking such a high price when you see something like the Lotreks limited gold foil deck - there I can see the justification, here - nope. Or am I missing something?
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Re: Madison Rounders Private Reserve

Unread post by badpete69 »

It is just plain absolute nonsense. Don't they realize that 2500 decks is not rare or even limited for that matter. Take for example the Pagan gilded deck that was going for $75 during the KS. Only 50 of these deck exist now that is limited. Even if you have all the money in the world, I don't see the attraction to buy this deck. Seriously i won't laugh anyone considering buying one???
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Re: Madison Rounders Private Reserve

Unread post by hikeeba »

Makes it tough to believe someone put this guy in the hospital for attempting to swindle.....
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Re: Madison Rounders Private Reserve

Unread post by chach »

Folks, it's all right there on Madison's web page.
DanielMadisonWebsite wrote:I am Daniel Madison
I was born bad, I didn't change much.
I lie, I cheat, I steal and I play cards....
The guy was a con man, he was a card cheat, he got caught, blacklisted and the shit beat out of him. Yet for some reason people look up to this piece of trash that would have been shot dead just over 100 years ago for the stuff he's attempted. I honestly do not see how anyone can look up to him or support his endeavors. The release of this deck and the circumstances around it do not surprise me at all. Just remember, he states in his own words, "I lie, I cheat, I steal..." Sorry, but he won't ever get a dollar out of me for any of the Madison dealers, rounder, gamblers, schillers, suckers, whatever his decks are called.
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Re: Madison Rounders Private Reserve

Unread post by Norbie »

badpete69 wrote:It is just plain absolute nonsense. Don't they realize that 2500 decks is not rare or even limited for that matter. Take for example the Pagan gilded deck that was going for $75 during the KS. Only 50 of these deck exist now that is limited. Even if you have all the money in the world, I don't see the attraction to buy this deck. Seriously i won't laugh anyone considering buying one???
I guess you have to consider supply and demand? :?:

Company A produces 2500 "Gold Decks", 10000 people want it

Company B produces 200 "Sphere Decks", but only 140 people want it.

Which one is more valuable? Maybe that's the strategy the Madison Rounders Private Reserve producers are going on by?
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Re: Madison Rounders Private Reserve

Unread post by Norbie »

chach wrote:Folks, it's all right there on Madison's web page.
DanielMadisonWebsite wrote:I am Daniel Madison
I was born bad, I didn't change much.
I lie, I cheat, I steal and I play cards....
The guy was a con man, he was a card cheat, he got caught, blacklisted and the shit beat out of him. Yet for some reason people look up to this piece of trash that would have been shot dead just over 100 years ago for the stuff he's attempted.
I'm sorry, but I'm late to the party - what are you talking about?
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Re: Madison Rounders Private Reserve

Unread post by BLACKWHITE »

Let Madison create his own strategy... If clients will pay - everything is OK

Don't like the price - don't buy.

You can try to buy cheaper - he also sells on eBay :)


by the way - He has sold one before on eBay auction for about 424$ !! :mrgreen:
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Re: Madison Rounders Private Reserve

Unread post by Zhall »

there bee stock and cut traditionally there really beautifull heres a picture of some of my private resserves
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Re: Madison Rounders Private Reserve

Unread post by badpete69 »

This is comparable to the Merz decks. When they came out they were obviously his private reserve and he was asking like 60-70 a deck. 3 years later you can get them under $10 . Some might buy at $170 a deck but watch next year. You will be able to pick them up for half that. So overpriced
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Re: Madison Rounders Private Reserve

Unread post by vasta41 »

badpete69 wrote:This is comparable to the Merz decks. When they came out they were obviously his private reserve and he was asking like 60-70 a deck. 3 years later you can get them under $10 . Some might buy at $170 a deck but watch next year. You will be able to pick them up for half that. So overpriced
You're 100% right. But do you realize you just compared Madison to merz?? Horrible. Just horrible. Not the comparison but the fact that a major playing card co.'s poster boy is doing the same garbage as an ebay seller.
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Re: Madison Rounders Private Reserve

Unread post by badpete69 »

I am just surprised he does not have more of a common sense business side. So you are sitting on 2500 decks that basically are just a rehash of the same ol formula we have seen 11 times with his other decks (yes I know there are differences but...) You are asking for $170 a pop and you might hook a few fish at the beginning but in the end these will start popping up more and more as they are surely used for promotions, giveaways etc etc. Why not find the right price range where you attract the crowd at the beginning? let's say $50. Yeah it is still expensive but selling 1000 decks at $50 is better than selling 100 at $170.

Anyway I think I have beaten the horse twice to death here. I am all for free enterprise just still trying to figure out who will be excited to pay that price for let's admit it a plain regular deck

I only wish him luck
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Re: Madison Rounders Private Reserve

Unread post by MagikFingerz »

badpete69 wrote:
I only wish him luck
I wish him bad luck. Seriously, I hope people aren't _______ enough (insert your own appropriate adjective) to buy these and maybe he'll realize he needs to rework his business tactics. Because if this turns out to be a success, it'll be bad for all of us.
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Re: Madison Rounders Private Reserve

Unread post by Godzillian »

Oh my god guys you can use the discount code "IAMDANIELMADISON" to get 30% off anything and everything in his store, including the Private Reserve. That means each Private Reserve is only 70 pounds!!! !!! !!! !!!

The value is real.

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Re: Madison Rounders Private Reserve

Unread post by sinjin7 »

This just further illustrates how the playing card collecting industry is degenerating into just naked cash grabs.
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Re: Madison Rounders Private Reserve

Unread post by chach »

Norbie wrote:
chach wrote:Folks, it's all right there on Madison's web page.
DanielMadisonWebsite wrote:I am Daniel Madison
I was born bad, I didn't change much.
I lie, I cheat, I steal and I play cards....
The guy was a con man, he was a card cheat, he got caught, blacklisted and the shit beat out of him. Yet for some reason people look up to this piece of trash that would have been shot dead just over 100 years ago for the stuff he's attempted.
I'm sorry, but I'm late to the party - what are you talking about?

Madison's claim to fame (though they've never been substantiated AFAIK) was that he used to make his living as a card shark and made large sums of money cheating at cards until he was caught and ended up in the hospital afterwards. Since then he has "reformed" himself and is now using his knowledge of the backalley card houses to make a living by releasing different books (including the aptly named "How to Cheat at Cards" and "Deceptions") along with a variety of marked decks. Products aimed solely at cheating people out of their money.

Sorry, but I refuse to support such a person in any way, but hey there are tons of people that are so good on him for that. But as far as I'm concerned, he hasn't changed at all from when he was cheating people at the card table. Now he's just rooking them with his wide array of products to people that think he's cool when he's nothing but an ex-con.
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