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Ways to gauge card stock on prospective decks

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 10:51 pm
by SwissArmyTenor
When considering purchasing a deck of cards, its usually pretty easy to know what you're getting as far as how the deck looks, but there seems to be no way (aside from a mention in the ad copy) whether you're getting a deck that has light or flimsy stock or not. For example, I recently got a purple LTD deck (Ellusionist) that was much too flimsy for my tastes.

Waiting for reviews can obviously be of help, but they can also be a little subjective, or not even mention that aspect of the deck.

Is there any real way to know what you're getting, stock-wise, when thinking about getting a deck?

Re: Ways to gauge card stock on prospective decks

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 9:28 am
by Magic_Orthodoxy
BEFORE you open the box? Doubtful. Unless like you said, you've done your homework. If it's a Kickstarter deck I find the creators are more than happy to tell you which paper weight they choose. The only thing you can go by (sight unseen) is deck off the shelf - if it's a USPCC deck then 9x out of 10 you're getting their standard stock and standard finish.

The "thinness" that you're talking about is probably the Aristocrat stock - of USPCC 3 paper weights, Aristocrat tends to be the thinnest. If you're buying a non USPCC deck... off the shelf... you're on your own. Then 9x out of 10 you're getting a deck printed in China and it's made strictly as a tourist item.

Re: Ways to gauge card stock on prospective decks

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 8:14 pm
by SwissArmyTenor
Thanks for the reply, David. You confirmed what I was thinking. I wasn't referring to 'thinness', necessarily, as I've got some same-thickness decks that are a little variable in their flexibility, but I wasn't aware that Aristocrat stock tended to be thinner - thanks for the reference on that. Heh..., with ever-increasing knowledge and experimentation we're likely to see more variety in deck characteristics in the future. Actually looking forward to see what the future holds in all that.

Thanks again ~

Re: Ways to gauge card stock on prospective decks

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 11:27 pm
by Magic_Orthodoxy
...and in all honesty, I may be wrong. I have another source that does work with USPCC that told me just today that Aristocrat is supposedly a "casino grade" and therefore thicker. But in truth, I own aristocrat decks thinner than 808s and others that are used in Casinos so who knows?


In even further truth, I don't even think USPCC knows for sure. :lol: I think a lot of their decks are hit or miss and you never know what you get. I have seen some deck reviewers say that LTDs are "thinner" than any other deck they own - but then if you ask someone who works for "E" (which I have) and they assure me that "E" uses the same stock for ALL of their decks. So "in theory" they should all be the same thickness.

So even the industry standard... isn't.


Re: Ways to gauge card stock on prospective decks

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 5:25 am
by Leadeye
I've been pretty curious about this as well! I have a deck of Republic No 2 and they DEFINITELY feel like they have a more delicate stock than say, madison dealers.

I would love to know beforehand what the stock will be like before I buy. But if E says they're all the same.....