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The Grand 'Escape Map Uncut' Initiative!!!

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 10:32 am
by ecNate
Figured this was as good of a place for this as any, wanted a new thread apart from 'look what I added to my collection' to manage the efforts to get an Escape Map uncut created that Mike started. It appears the recomended approach from Bicycle is to send to, but perhaps the more mediums and people that are notified the better so some variety may work.

This was my take on it: Why is there not an uncut sheet of this (Escape Map) deck? If ever there was a deck that would be best served as an uncut deck, it's this. Please consider making this available to Club 808 members, it's minimal work as the deck already exists and given the support I've seen for it, it should be a good seller as well.

Mike Ratledge wrote:
wahl0108 wrote:
Mike Ratledge wrote:
Maddest Hammer wrote:Now if they'd just offer the Escape Map deck as an uncut...
I was thinking this very thing, not two days ago!
Go, Mike, go! :mrgreen:
Oh, I did, did, did! Everyone else should do the same. Using their "Contact" form, which might not be the intended purpose, but if 4 or 5 (or 10) of us all suggest that exact same thing someone WILL notice! If you are a member, please log into club 808 and suggest that they do exactly that: make an uncut sheet available as a Club 808 exclusive. Group thought works! Let's open the flood gate and roar! I think it would be a neat think to own...

Re: The Grand 'Escape Map Uncut' Initiative!!!

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 10:34 am
by ecNate
I sent a message to the official Bicycle Facebook page last night and got this response today. Note the suggestion to send request to the email Do it!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Nate - That's a great idea. Thanks for the suggestion! We'll take it back to the team (along with the option of more uncut sheets of regular retail decks) and see whether they think it's feasible.

You and the other Club 808 members are welcome to message us here or email us anytime ( with suggestions or questions for the club.

--The Bicycle® Brand Team

Re: The Grand 'Escape Map Uncut' Initiative!!!

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2020 1:29 pm
by laitostarr777
ecNate wrote:I sent a message to the official Bicycle Facebook page last night and got this response today. Note the suggestion to send request to the email Do it!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Nate - That's a great idea. Thanks for the suggestion! We'll take it back to the team (along with the option of more uncut sheets of regular retail decks) and see whether they think it's feasible.

You and the other Club 808 members are welcome to message us here or email us anytime ( with suggestions or questions for the club.

--The Bicycle® Brand Team
Oh! So is there the actual things? where can i see?