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Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 8:33 pm
by Alien Ink Cards
I would like to showcase a couple images for our upcoming deck, and open this up for discussion.

When I designed our Infinity Edition deck, I researched the function and form of a UI or User Interface. Making important information quickly recognizable and natural to find, is clearly a great concept to understand when putting tiny symbols on a piece of paper 2" x 3". I felt that it made the Infinity deck exceptionally functional, especially when considering we used planets for suits :-)

Well, for our next deck we are using pips that are familiar, and yet wholly new. It is important that a deck of cards feel natural so you can trust it in your performance not to throw off your audience, and to make playing fast games like my favorite, 'speed' with ease. The art on the cards is very potent and visually captivating, and I wanted to be sure that while they retain a very art focused look that they are immediately recognizable as playing cards without you having to think about it. Milliseconds count.

With that said I've included a look at the Infinity Edition and the upcoming ELEMENTS number cards near the bottom of the project page. I'd love to hear your thoughts. We launch soon, (4/21 @ 8am PST) but I will take things into account what the community here has to say. Above and beyond this discussion, I'd like to welcome everyone to check out the project. Our goal is $3500 to print with Conjuring Arts, (makers of the EXQUISITE deck) but there is a stretch goal to print with the USPCC. If you would like to see this deck printed by the USPCC, I urge you to pledge and be a part of helping the project get there. I would be happy to do so, and I think this deck deserves it.

Thanks everyone, and a special thanks to Mike Ratledge for the invitation to come here. I'm looking forward to taking as much of an active role as I can on this site while still running things smoothly over at Alien Ink. Here is the link to the project. ... n=28cb415c" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;


Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 7:50 pm
by Mike Ratledge
Welcome back to UC, Jeremiah! This isn't the old UC you found before, and I hope that people will be a little more reasonable and helpful instead of trying to make things personal. That being said, I don't control the way people think, and be prepared to take a few shots across the bow: we don't pull punches here - people are honest and direct, so understand that if you show stuff that isn't right people are going to say so, and everybody has their own opinions. That's just the way we roll around here!


Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 8:32 pm
by Alien Ink Cards
Thanks Mike! Happy to be here and try to contribute :-)

Since I posted this thread I got a suggestion on the feedback area of the project on coloring for the wind suit that I had heard before, but hearing it again tipped the scales, and I made the adjustment. I think the coloring is perfect now, and I welcome that kind of input and like the idea of getting the opinion of others and weighing it with the design.

This isn't the first time that I've changed a deck a bit due to popular demand, but it is the biggest having altered the coloring of an entire suits royalty. I think it was definitely an improvement, and so I hope that shows that I'm open and listening.


Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 2:01 am
by Don Boyer
Hello, Jeremiah,

All in all, this looks like a solid design.

My big question would be why are you using USPC as a stretch goal rather than simply sticking with Expert PCC? EPCC makes an exceptionally high-quality deck, one that I would argue is superior to what USPC can create.

You know I do consulting in this business. Believe me when I tell you this: USPC is presently overscheduled, and it's having an impact on their own quality control processes. I've heard complaints about this as recently as this weekend. I honestly feel that at this point in time, EPCC is the better of the two for a boutique deck print run. Their price is better and they innovate in ways USPC doesn't seem willing to. Where Expert is one man's vision of better playing cards coming to life, USPC is just another piece of a large conglomerate of consumer goods companies.

BTW: please feel free to pop in at the new Discourse. I'm the head administrator there now, and the owner is Tom Dawson, a well-respected and knowledgeable playing card collector, known practically around the world among collectors. United Cardists and the Discourse at are much more co-operative now than at any time previous and I've been going out of my way to insure that people feel welcome on the Discourse. We're also affiliated with the 52 Plus Joker Club, of which Mike's a member, and we're running a deck design contest at the Discourse, sponsored by the Expert PCC, in which I've invited the members of UC to participate. Winning design gets printed by EPCC and the designer gets 36 bricks of their deck, delivered, free of charge.