A Question on Preferred Deck Colors and More:

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WillHart CthulhuWho1
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A Question on Preferred Deck Colors and More:

Unread post by WillHart CthulhuWho1 »

Greetings from Fullerton, California!

Under the name, Harthaven (the name of my home [last name Hart = male red deer]), I’m currently working on my first, second and third decks for a series of future Kickstarter projects, and I’d like a little input from the Group Mind here.

My original intention was that I would release the blue backed version of the fairly traditional Bicycle branded deck first at the initial goal level, with the options to add the red backed version at a higher goal level, and then to add the black & gold backed version at an even higher goal level too.

But then I woke up from that dream, and realized several facts that helped clarify things for me.

I’m a first-timer at Kickstarter and Card Deck design.

Handling the logistics of one 2500 deck Bicycle order, including storage of decks (plus uncut sheets, and uncut tuck cases), packaging materials, postage and shipping, will be enough to fill the patio room of our small house here in California; and if I’m so lucky as to need to place a 5000 deck order (in my dreams/nightmares), things will really be tight for a while!

Kickstarter projects for more than one type of deck at a time, requiring very high goal numbers, very often fail to reach their goals.

And quite often too, when multiple deck formats are offered, it’s the deck at the highest goal level that most people wanted, but they didn’t want to make large investments to reach that goal level for the “special” decks.

I’ve also seen projects that are successful, but then get bogged down with all the work of pulling together all the extra rewards they offered, e.g., T-Shirts, Poker Chips, Dice, Wrist-Bands, Posters, Magnets, and trying late in-the-game to get Bicycle branding approval, etc..

So here’s where I ask for the thoughts of the Group Mind here:

I will get Bicycle Branding approval on the design of all three Tuck Cases, and decks of cards before releasing any visual information, but given the choice for the release of a fairly traditional, but colorful Bicycle branded deck, would you rather see released first, as a separate deck, a Blue Backed, Red Backed, or Black & Gold Backed deck (with distinct reveals and tie-ins on some of the Jokers, and Aces to match each back color)?

I will seek input on this everywhere I can; and based upon the feedback, I will release the most highly requested deck first.

And after I have proven myself, by having fulfilled all of the first deck pledge rewards for decks, uncut sheets and uncut tuck cases (signed or unsigned), assuming a successfully funded project (of course!), I’ll once again seek public input on which deck to release next. Of special note: My wife and I are both retired, and we have plenty of time to spend on this project.

So keep watching for the word “Harthaven” (which will mean, “From my house, to yours!”); and I think you’ll enjoy what I (with my wife’s input and advice) am planning to release!

Will Hart
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Re: A Question on Preferred Deck Colors and More:

Unread post by MagikFingerz »

Hard to say without seeing the design, really. Though Red+Blue, then a Gold/Black sounds like a natural progression in my book. As for red or blue first, that's pretty much a toss-up. I think people are quite equally divided between those two.
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Re: A Question on Preferred Deck Colors and More:

Unread post by YoYoSpin »

"fairly traditional, but colorful" may be a non-starter for many collectors. Seems to me that almost all popular, and successful projects share several common traits: a focused theme (zombies, war, geometry, history), are 100% custom (no standard off-the shelf designs), created by professional artists with exceptional marketing skills, and are run by people with very thick skins. The colors used in the deck design would be a pretty low priority to me.
best regards,
Ed D.
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Re: A Question on Preferred Deck Colors and More:

Unread post by MagikFingerz »

YoYoSpin wrote:"fairly traditional, but colorful" may be a non-starter for many collectors. Seems to me that almost all popular, and successful projects share several common traits: a focused theme (zombies, war, geometry, history), are 100% custom (no standard off-the shelf designs), created by professional artists with exceptional marketing skills, and are run by people with very thick skins. The colors used in the deck design would be a pretty low priority to me.
Well, "traditional" doesn't necessarily mean "not custom" or "without a specific theme", a deck can have both of those traits and still adhere to the traditions in playing card design.

But it's still a good point. The recent failure of the Bicycle Legacy KS, which was a gorgeous homage to the classic Rider Backs, supports everything in your post.
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Re: A Question on Preferred Deck Colors and More:

Unread post by JokerzGamez »

I think we dont have enough green decks. Try green. GREEN IS GOOD.
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WillHart CthulhuWho1
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Re: A Question on Preferred Deck Colors and More:

Unread post by WillHart CthulhuWho1 »

I believe my green deck will turn black before it is released...

You're a funny guy JokerzGamez...

I'm going to lay low while I finish working on my decks, because it is obvious that I can't really discuss what I'm making, when I'm not ready to reveal the decks.

I'll be back when I'm getting close to a release date; and by then I'll have USPCC and Bicycle approval for the cards and displaying the images online, plus my Harthaven account set up with Wells Fargo, Amazon, Kickstarter, Facebook, etc., to make sure everything related to the project is professional and separate from all of my personal finances.

Be patient, and I think you'll like what I'm creating!

Will Hart (of Harthaven)
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Re: A Question on Preferred Deck Colors and More:

Unread post by montecarlojoe »

Colour preference is so subjective, and really depends on theme.

Worth considering making the face colour match the back colour though - it's a personal preference of mine, and magicians may prefer it as it allows them to hide a face up card in the deck even whilst fanning.

Looking forward to seeing what you come up with though!
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