The reasons for doing it stemmed initially from the "kickback" campaign idea (discussed here) - which raise a lot of questions:
- Is it appropriate to have failed / scam projects or projects still in the pipeline in the funding hall of fame?
- How should a failure be determined?
- How should we segregate and track projects with different statuses?
- Pierre was unable to access the forums for a while, and the maintenance of his threads fell behind.
- The boards lost significant chunks of data in February, leaving many parts out of date.
There are 5 threads:
Kickstarter: Project Index
This is a straight forward alphabetical index of all active and funded playing card projects.
Each project is accompanied by a colour coded symbol to indicate it's status (Active, Funded, Fulfilled or Unsuccessful).
Each symbol can be clicked to open the appropriate tracking thread for that project, and each project title can be clicked to open the Kickstarter project page.
(There is also a thread management flowchart at the bottom of the thread)
Kickstarter: Active Projects
This thread lists all the current Kickstarter projects in order of completion date (soonest first).
Each project uses the 'kickup' widget which combines the Kickstarter project card and Kicktraq summary graph.
Any project that successfully funds will be moved to the 'Kickstarter: Funded Projects' thread.
Any project that is cancelled or doesn't reach funding will be removed from the active projects and the project index.
Kickstarter: Funded Projects
This thread lists the projects that have reached funding but have yet to reach fulfillment.
The projects are listed in order of funding date, and include details of funding date and the expected delivery date set by the project creator (these are visible on each pledge).
Each widget changes colour over time - initially they are blue, changing to green as they approach the expected delivery date. After the delivery date the colour will slowly turn orange through to red at 6 months over due. (This does mean that two projects that fund on teh dame day may be different colours if the different creators set different expectations)
This thread will be monitored for fulfillment on a monthly basis - any project deemed fulfilled or in final 'mop-up' will be moved to the 'Funded and Fulfilled' thread.
Any project going over the due date + 6 months will be moved to the 'Funded and Unsuccessful' thread.
This thread IS a bit busy and I'll look at streamlining it. I want really expecting over 60 projects to be currently in production / delivery phase!
Kickstarter Hall of Fame
This thread celebrates the successful and delivered projects.
The projects are listed in order of funding achieved and the top 3 are given pride of place.
All projects achieving funding over $50k will have their Kickstarter cards displayed, all others will be listed in order of funding in US$.
This is basically the same as Pierre left it - albeit spruced up with some new graphics!
Kickstarter Hall of Shame
This is the place where projects go if they fail to fulfill. The basic measure for this is going over 6 months overdue without satisfactory delivery.
Each project is displayed with it's Kickstarter card and a summary of the projects' downfalls / unfortunate circumstances.
In very exceptional cases projects could move to the 'Funded and Fulfilled' thread if they do eventually deliver to all backers as promised.
I don't have personal experience of every project and largely will be going by the Kickstarter coments or threads here - so if I have misfiled anything, missed anything, got facts wrong, please let me know!
The individual threads will stay locked - but please feel free to discuss them here - hopefully they are a step in teh right direction - but any suggestions are always welcome!
Ta - MCJ