Re: UC Featured Artist for April/May - Jackson Robinson

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Re: UC Featured Artist for April/May - Jackson Robinson

Unread post by Mike Ratledge »

Jackson and I are working out details for the hour chat, likely to be this Saturday evening, time still not fixed in stone, yet. Jackson will also be offering a Google Hangout for us in the near future once we have things going here!

I wanted to go ahead and unlock the forum so you can read the interview, but for now thus topic is locked. Likely unlocked on Saturday night...
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Mike Ratledge
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Re: UC Featured Artist for April/May - Jackson Robinson

Unread post by Mike Ratledge »

Please help me welcome our inaugural Featured Artist for April/May 2014 - Jackson Robinson! Setting up the inaugural UC "Featured Artist" here was a challenge for both of us, no template to follow, no prior experience, we're both free to go wherever we want, making 'trends' as we go.

In preparation for him being our Featured Artist, I did a "1-on-1" interview with Jackson, presented here:

UC: When did you start doing graphic design?
Jackson wrote:I started graphic design and illustration at an early age. I went to Art School and Graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Drawing and Painting. Before designing playing cards full time, I was a professional Illustrator who worked for clients like Coca Cola, Lucas Film, Hasbro Toys, Marvel Comics. I also was a Character Artist and eventually an Art Director for a Video Game studio in Los Angeles. I also was a professor at the Gnomon School of Visual Effects in Hollywood California where I taught digital painting and Photoshop. This is my professional illustration portfolio:
UC: How did you get into designing playing cards?
Jackson wrote:I honestly kind of just fell into it. I always loved playing cards, and more importantly the design of playing cards. Then one day I discovered playing cards on Kickstarter and said to myself “Self, I can do this”
UC: Do you collect playing cards?
Jackson wrote:I do collect playing cards.
UC: How many decks are in your collection?
Jackson wrote:Not counting my Federal 52 stash I have around 300 decks. I don’t buy bricks so I don’t have huge caches of any one deck. I normally just buy two decks, one to open to study and one to keep sealed.
UC: How long have you been a collector?
Jackson wrote:I've been collecting for less than a year. I started collecting around the time I did my first Federal 52 project.
UC: What types of decks do you collect?
Jackson wrote:I mainly collect decks from the late 1890s. I think the art and craftsmanship of playing cards of that time period surpasses anything that is out today. I have more vintage decks than I do modern decks.
UC: What is your favorite deck of the ones you have, and why?
Jackson wrote:My favorite deck in my collection is a Army & Navy Deck by Russell Morgan (Hochman US5h). I have a soft spot for any theme that is Patriotic or Military in nature. It has a beautiful tuck case with classic and timeless design.
UC: What deck that you do not have would you most like to have?
Jackson wrote: My White Whale deck is the New Era #46 deck.
UC: What would you like to see in the design of a new deck?
Jackson wrote:I want to see an insane attention to detail in a new deck design. I want to see completely custom. If the courts are standard in nature I think they should be original standard courts. I want to see deck that is more a complete body of work rather than a nice tuck, AoS and Joker.
UC: Do you have any thoughts on the future of playing cards?
Jackson wrote:I truly believe we are on the verge of the golden age of modern playing cards. But with the coming of that new age there will be a huge renaissance of vintage decks. More and more bland decks are being produced by both individuals and most of all the big card companies that people will just not be able to keep up with buying them all. Collectors will focus their collection directions and become even more intolerant of nothing but excellence in a new deck of cards. This ever raising of the bar will force designers to create better and better designs. I also think we also think we will begin to see a visible break in the types of collectors, both of which have their pros and cons. You will have the quantity collectors who will amass huge collections just for the love of the hobby. On the other hand you will see a class of specific collectors that will begin to only collect specific types of decks who meet a certain criteria and level.
UC: Is there anything groundbreaking you want to try out in a future deck design/project?
Jackson wrote: Absolutely! But I have to keep it secret in order to be groundbreaking. :)
UC: How do you feel about kickstarter/crowd funding platforms?
Jackson wrote:I love the crowdfunding platform, and think it is the way of the future. I myself am currently developing my own personal crowdfunding platform that I will use for future decks exclusively on my website. I want to create the experience and community of Kickstarter but without the admin headaches and fees.
UC: Do you have any words of wisdom for new and budding designers?
Jackson wrote:I know this may sound simple but yes, Don’t settle for anything but the best. I see so many designers who through something together and put their creative heads on the chopping block. Whether you’re on Kickstarter or Theory 11 you are all swimming in the same ocean of sharks. It is VERY competitive and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Capitalism is one of the greatest catalysts for creativity and innovation.
With that, I'd like to extend a formal welcome to Jackson who has always been active on UC, and without further ado, let you ask questions as he develops this area to his own liking (and we watch, quietly) until he's ready to give us an hour interview, and that will be held using our new "UC Chat" pop-out interactive chat window "mChat" the first time outside of our limited testing with moderators and then a handful(s) of selected members. I'll post in the next message when the chat window (hour) will occur giving everyone at least 24 hours (hopefully more) to be ready to listen, ask, listen more and learn.

It is informally moderated by the staff, including myself and the moderators on duty at the time.

With that in mind, I'd like to personally thank Jackson for giving UC this opportunity to shine, and present him as our first Featured Artist!
"You can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself"
They say "Ignorance is bliss". Obviously, some people are much happier than others...

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UC2019 "Seventh Annual Decks"
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All information posted as fact is accurate at the time of posting to the best of my knowledge.

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