Meeple Deck - KS Ending this weekend!

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Meeple Deck - KS Ending this weekend!

Unread post by Lukeout »

Hi all!
Glad to see the forums back up! I wanted to make a quick update on the Meeple Decks as the campaign is coming to an end.

1) We took a backer vote which resulted in us using our extra 2 card slots to make very unique "score keeping" cards. They are really clever and we feel they match the concept of the deck just right.
Score Cards 2.png
Score Cards 2.png (217.16 KiB) Viewed 200 times
2) We added vinyl stickers for folks to add to their decks in case you want to create a fun "back window of car family" with our royals or if you just want to stick them on your laptop like I did!
Meeple on Computer copy.jpg
Meeple on Computer copy.jpg (117.49 KiB) Viewed 200 times
3) We have revealed all the cards including the Ace of Spades and the Jokers
meepleCardForVideo.png (13.06 KiB) Viewed 200 times
As it stands now, the Meelpe deck is 80% funded with 30 hours left, so if you have an interest in this unique deck with clever add-on cards, the time to back is now!

Thanks everyone, this forum has been really helpful to our project - we really appreciate it.

Luke (and Jordan)
"Success is going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm."
- Winston Churchill
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