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The Cards Drawn Kickstarter

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2024 10:44 am
by TheCardDrawn
Hi everyone, I hope this finds you well. I’ve been collecting for a number of years now but this is my first project and first post. I just got to the point where my Kickstarter is up so thought I would share out. Any feedback or interest is welcome, thanks for the time.

Re: The Cards Drawn Kickstarter

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2024 5:44 pm
by Honeybee
I like some of the pics I can see but I think we should be shown far more cards

I am NOT a tarot person but would like to know the 'theme' for the playing card courts
Maybe it could have been reflected in the name of the deck - I am not a fan of the title The Cards Drawn
This archive of symbols, so completely representing the spectrum of human experiences, provides a lens through which we can see the inner workings of our minds.
This quote is no doubt aimed at the tarot market :ugthink:

Did you check with everybody such as JBP that it was OK to use their names, as it could be construed as being an endorsement

The price in Aussie dollars even for the playing card deck is a bit prohibitive

I know this post comes across as negative but to the contrary I think your project is a goer if the price is accepted (I think Tarot decks are more expensive but would not know)

Re: The Cards Drawn Kickstarter

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2024 8:21 pm
by TheCardDrawn
Ah, all great points for sure. I appreciate the thoughtful feedback.

Yeah, it felt like a bit of a dance trying to explain the project in a way that made sense for the different layers. As much as I love and find Tarot interesting my bigger focus day to day has been playing cards. Originally I was only going to do the 86 card poker deck and not the larger Tarot size cards. Ultimately, I’m glad I decided to split into different versions even if it makes it harder to get funding (in the hopes people can get what they want from it). I’m sure there’s sticker shock for people and it’s the challenge with wanting quality printing for 3 versions that are so varied but in such small print runs.

Good thought on the courts, I might be able to include more in the coming weeks. I had some images comparing across the 3 decks but they didn’t make it into the campaign. I’ll have to shoot more at some point, here is the king of Spades for example…

Thanks again for your thoughts

Re: The Cards Drawn Kickstarter

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2024 12:41 am
by JazzBaloo
Are the red and blue version of the faces supposed to be slightly off color from one another?

Re: The Cards Drawn Kickstarter

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2024 12:33 pm
by whatwillitbenow
The question of whether JBP and others were asked if their names could be dropped was not answered… I would het this deck if the prices are lower. But shipped to UK, over £60 for a deck from an artists with no previous credit is very steep…

Re: The Cards Drawn Kickstarter

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2024 1:13 pm
by TheCardDrawn
Hey all, in response to the acknowledgements I had reached out to Caitlin since she was the one of the group (aside from H&H) who had eyes on the deck as it evolved. With UUSI and Jack, I tried to choose my words carefully and just acknowledge their cool work and contributions to Tarot and Playing Cards in general and drive interest/attention in their direction. For sure though, certainly didn’t mean for it to come of as endorsements and if that’s how it’s read that’s a problem to look into. I’ll reach out to JBP and UUSI and if there’s any issue at all will remove right away. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

Re: The Cards Drawn Kickstarter

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2025 7:27 am
by Strag
I'm not sure if the wording has been changed or not since the above comments but I see nothing as to how it's written in the current campaign to think that there's any endoresment, expressed or implied, from any of the designers named.