Hello, I am Ken D. Webber

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Ken D. Webber

Hello, I am Ken D. Webber

Unread post by Ken D. Webber »

Hello everyone, So this is the place where you find all the cool new decks! Awesome. My name is Ken D. Webber. I am an artist and a musician. After supporting over 100 other projects on Kickstarter I have finally taken the leap and launched my own: Paranormal Strangeness. I would LOVE to get some feedback on my Kickstarter and on the cards themselves, especially from other card creators. I would like to know what finishes you think would work best with my cards, how you guys handled the metallic embossing I see on so many decks. I want to know from collectors what you love in a card deck and what you would do to improve my deck. I actually have three decks created. Paranormal Strangeness in an exclusive cover (the Guitar photo), Paranormal Strangeness in a Bicycle Logo card tuck box (The Red Skull photo), and MAGICK: The Animated/Flip deck (with the Bicycle Logo and FNORD tuck box cover) that works the same as The Time Machine Deck or The Mechanic deck.

I would like to also say that I there ARE plans to rework my King of Hearts to create a suicide King in the image (going to add a knife in his hand and a slit bloody wrist) and I'm ensuring that I have the two one-eyed jacks set up correctly. I am a newbie to cards so I'm hoping someone here can explain the significance of a "gaff" card, what it is, and how it is used. Is it just a card with the back on both sides?

If you yourself have run a card deck campaign I would love for you guys to share your links, contacts, PR stuff, and maybe a critique of my Kickstarter page. Right now, I am myself backing the Steampunk Pirates deck and the Day of the Dead deck. And I'm going to crawl through the other introductions looking for some new and cool things. Thank you one and all!
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Re: Hello, I am Ken D. Webber

Unread post by MagikFingerz »

Welcome, Ken!

After seeing your project and its thread here, let me just say that this forum has a lot of hardcore collectors and enthusiasts who will not take lightly to card designs that defy traditions and norms. I'll advise you to not let negative feedback get to you or take it personally. Use it in any constructive way that you can, and always see things in perspective. A single opinion might not mean anything, and in the bigger scheme of things this whole community might not even be an important part of your target demographic. But we do know cards, so there is definitely much to learn from the members here :)

Good luck!
- Tom

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