Favourite add-ons and extra bits?

Anything and everything related to PLAYING CARD projects on crowdfunding sites EXCEPT the threads about specific projects, which go in "New & Custom Decks"
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Favourite add-ons and extra bits?

Unread post by SaraKathleen »

Hello… I’m an artist making a playing card deck. I have a lot of experience launching decks on Kickstarter, but up until now they have been tarot and oracle decks. I appreciate there is a little overlap in audience, outside of my regular supporters, but this will still largely be a new audience for me I think. I want to make sure I’m offering useful, interesting add-ons that the card community would value, rather than just guessing.

I’ve had suggestions from my supporters for a dealer coin, for dice (although I’m not clear why that would be interesting aside from it being tangentially game related)… and I’ll be doing stickers. I’ll also be offering custom joker cards, where people buy a one-off design from me (within the parameters of the artwork style). That’s always been fun.

Anyway… what are some interesting, fun, or unusual add-ons and extras that playing card lovers and cardists might like?

I play cards myself, but this deck lies slightly outside my knowledge field as I’m largely launching this as a love letter to my dad, who taught me how to play cards and has terminal cancer. I’m making them for him… but obviously want it to be interesting to others as well.

(I’ve posted more cards on my Instagram at sarakathkeenuk but the attached picture gives you a good sense of the vibe. These characters are called ‘creatures’ and feature very heavily in my other artwork)

Thank you for any feedback 🙃
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Re: Favourite add-ons and extra bits?

Unread post by PiazzaDelivery »

Coins, whether dealer or card guards

Been really taking a liking to Jocu's bookmarks

Assuming the tiers don't offer the number of decks a given backer wants, single decks
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Re: Favourite add-ons and extra bits?

Unread post by Bradius »

I think it is up to the artist. The more uniquely it connects to you the better. Some stuff from Lorenzo, Jack Brutus Penny and many others are great. It is a way to build another connection between your collectors and you. Make it your own. That is my advice.
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