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Thrifty deck
Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 5:21 am
by rave
Anybody can say something about this deck? I have been looking for information and I found nothing.
Thank you.
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- 11743196_2677751.jpg (72.98 KiB) Viewed 1260 times
Re: Thrifty deck
Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 4:06 pm
by chach
I don't know anything specific about the deck but Thrifty used to be a chain of stores out here in California up until the late 90s when they were bought out and renamed. They were like CVS / RiteAid type of store selling a little bit of everything, they used to have some darn good ice cream. The symbol on the deck & the price tag are exactly the same as the logo for the store so I would assume they were a branded deck sold through Thrifty. Pretty cool, IMO, and I wouldn't mind owning a deck because my Aunts used to work for them and take me in for said ice cream on occasion.
Re: Thrifty deck
Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 4:17 pm
by Ben Taylor
They still have Thrifty ice cream at the old Thrifty stores in the west coast (now Rite Aid).
Re: Thrifty deck
Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 7:23 pm
by Sharpie
I used to go to Thrifty's all the time.
Unless there's something unique about them... from the back design, these look like Aviators with a custom box.
I might get one just for the logo. #NostalgiaIsMyThing
Edit: What's with the blacked out portions at the bottom of each pic?
This looks like 2 different decks. One with a Red bottom flap and one with Blue. Where did you find these?
Re: Thrifty deck
Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 9:46 am
by rave
thank you all.
Sharpie photos are from the same deck, the color change is for the poor quality of the camera.
The black area is an email address (you're a bit nosy!)
Re: Thrifty deck
Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 4:38 pm
by Sharpie
rave wrote:...The black area is an email address (you're a bit nosy!)
Yes... everyone says so
Re: Thrifty deck
Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 2:01 pm
by dazzleguts
The tuck of the Thrifty deck I have has the barcode on the bottom but otherwise looks the same as yours. The cards inside are the same as the Arrco Playing Card Company's Streamline brand, which USPCC acquired when they bought Arrco in 1987.
Funny that this Thrifty tuck has a circular Thrifty Satisfaction Gauranteed emblem on the bottom that says LABORATORY TESTED all around the perimeter. How do you test cards in a Lab?
My deck is jumbo but still uses the Arrco courts which I have always liked. The jokers are original to the Arrco Jumbo Streamlines - according to WWPCM.
- Thrifty deck.jpg (147.47 KiB) Viewed 1055 times
Here is the ace with an "s" code so a 1993 date for my deck:
- thrifty ace.jpg (96.7 KiB) Viewed 1055 times
Re: Thrifty deck
Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 4:36 pm
by rave
dazzleguts, the back of the tuckcase is as the Aviator but the back of the cards is as Arrco?
Re: Thrifty deck
Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 11:05 pm
by dazzleguts
Whoa, you are so right rave. My Thrifty deck doesn't have a back design on the tuck at all. So your cards will probably be Aviators and not Streamlines. I just saw that Thrifty box front and grabbed my similar deck thinking I could help you out, but I got that wrong.
(I wonder if they used the Streamlines for the jumbo index Thrifty decks and Aviator for the regular Thrifty poker cards.)