[acetofive] Selected Cards

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[acetofive] Selected Cards

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Some stuff from my collection. Mostly examples of chromolithography in Europe from about 1860-1933.

Dondorf, Whist-Karten No230. Double figures in medieval costumes, chromolithography, printed 1865-1895. There are two versions of this deck. This is the "sober" version (Braun Variant 1). The other version, sometimes called the "Schnapsnasen" deck, the figures are drawn with a rougher, looser appearance, several of the courts given rosy colored noses. It is not known if one version is older than the other. The aces have portraits of Goethe and Schiller, Raffael and Rubens, Alexander von Humboldt and Kant, Mozart and Beethoven. You can see the Schnapsnasen deck on Joop Muller's website http://www.dxpo-playingcards.com/xpo/de ... -12-03.htm.
0046 Whist No230 V1 1600x.jpg
0046 Whist No230 V1 KS.jpeg
0046 Whist No230 V1 KD.jpeg
0046 Whist No230 V1 JS.jpg
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Re: [acetofive] Selected Cards

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Are those your scans? :D Thanks for posting, looking forward to seeing this thread grow :uggrin:
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Re: [acetofive] Selected Cards

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Yes - these are scans I made of cards in my collection. I thought I'd add a thread to this forum after reading Harvonsgard's response to Rod Starling's article.
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[acetofive] Selected Cards

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Saks Fifth Ave Advertising Deck (Saks-Werbespiel), No909. c1930. A maker's name doesn't appear anywhere on the cards, but a reference is made to these cards in a privately held book of Dondorf games tying these to Dondorf as the printer (Braun, V4). Johan Bull, a Norwegian artist who emigrated to the United States in 1925 and worked at The New Yorker, designed the cards and secured a patent for them. This is a "no-revoke" design, with the suits in four different colors.
0112 Dondorf Saks 1600x.jpg
0112 Dondorf Saks KS.jpg
0112 Dondorf Saks QD.jpg
0112 Dondorf Saks JC.jpg
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Re: [acetofive] Selected Cards

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Nice stuff!
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Re: [acetofive] Selected Cards

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Dondorf, No 276, printed in chromolithography, c1913-1917. Roughly translated from Braun: "The court cards show people from Mecklenburg history from the 16th to the beginning of the 19th century. The kings are dukes or the first grand dukes of Mecklenburg, the Queens are Mecklenburg princesses and the Jacks are well-known statesmen and officials from the history of Mecklenburg. Two sights from Mecklenburg are shown on each of the Aces. The history of Mecklenburg is explained in a small text booklet, taking into account the people depicted."
0102c Mecklenburg Mint 1600x.jpg
0102c Mecklenburg AC KH.jpg
0102c Mecklenburg QC QD.jpg
0102c Mecklenburg JH JC.jpg
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Re: [acetofive] Selected Cards

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In 1862, Adolph Charlemagne, a Russian artist known for painting epic battle scenes, received a commission to produce watercolors in preparation for a series of new playing cards. Some of this work was published and became very popular but the drawings shown below were rejected by authorities and were never printed. The original drawings were saved and are now on display at the Peterhof Museum in Saint Petersburg. In 1995, Alexander Perelman published a small book, "New Playing Card figures by Academic Sharleman" featuring the rejected drawings. The book is at bottom left with my scans from it on the right. In 2010 Peterhof published a faithful reproduction of the original artwork in 500 copies. In 2018 Makwell and the Russian Playing Card Society modernized the drawings and published a new deck. You can see both here: https://www.wopc.co.uk/russia/charlemagne-1862.
New Figures Alex Perelman book.jpg
New Figures Sample KQ.jpg
New Figures Samples Jacks.jpg
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Re: [acetofive] Selected Cards

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GandalfPC wrote: Thu May 12, 2022 9:04 am Nice stuff!
Thank you!
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Re: [acetofive] Selected Cards

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Artwork by Nikolay Karazin. First edition, printed in chromolithography, Imperial Printing Plant, St. Petersburg, Russia, 1897. The second edition, published a year or so later, replaces the JC and JS with two new figures. For an interesting discussion about the historical accuracy of these cards, see Joop Muller's post http://www.dxpo-playingcards.com/xpo/lo ... -06-01.htm.
Russian National N Karazin 1600x.jpg
Russian National N Karazin KC KD Full.jpg
Russian National N Karazin QH QC Full.jpg
Russian National N Karazin JC JD.jpg
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Re: [acetofive] Selected Cards

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Shakespearean Playing Cards, 1902. Designed by Frederick Colin Tilney. Bemrose and Sons, Swan Sonnenschein and Co Ltd Publishers, London. Quoting Simon Wintle of WOPC: "The characters of the court cards are chosen from Shakespeare's plays and are arranged into the four suits as follows: Hearts for the gentler emotions; Diamonds for wealth or greed; Clubs for aggressiveness and strife; Spades for the tragic methods of schemers." This 1902 version printed in chromolithography.
England Shakespeare Tilney 1600x.jpg
Identifying Reproductions 1600x.png
England Shakespeare Tilney KQJ 2048x.jpg
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Re: [acetofive] Selected Cards

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Dondorf's Birma Karte: Einköpfige Englische Karten, No194, c1867-1920.
0049 Dondorf Birma Karte 1600x.jpg
0049 Dondorf Birma Karte KD KS.jpg
0049 Dondorf Birma Karte QC QD.jpg
0049 Dondorf Birma Karte JH JC.jpg
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Re: [acetofive] Selected Cards

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Wow, thank you for digitizing these historical beauties of yours for us to enjoy! Great decks :)

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Re: [acetofive] Selected Cards

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Russia. c1880, St. Petersburg. These cards first appeared sometime during the 1860s. The previous owner (a scholarly collector) dated this deck to about 1880. A Potter & Potter listing for a deck with this same back was dated to 1863 (frequently changed back designs help date this deck). Printing may have continued up until about 1910.
Russian Glazet 1600x.jpg
Russian Glazet KC KD.jpg
Russian Glazet QD QS.jpg
Russian Glazet Jacks 1600x.jpg
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Re: [acetofive] Selected Cards

Unread post by Harvonsgard »

Beautiful cards and scans. Thanks for posting them and the additional infos as well. Such a treasure. Is there a book for European cards like the Hochman's Encyclopedia?
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rousselle wrote: Mon Jun 14, 2021 4:52 pmI very much want this in my collection, but at long last... I have to stop the insanity.
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Re: [acetofive] Selected Cards

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"Is there a book for European cards like the Hochman's Encyclopedia?"

Hi Harvonsgard."A History of Playing Cards and a Bibliography of Cards and Gaming" by Catherine Hargrave is probably one that gets mentioned a lot, but I didn't find it that helpful (although my copy is very old and dated). The International Playing Card Society (https://www.i-p-c-s.org) has probably reviewed every book about playing cards in existence. I reference a lot of blogs by other collectors of antique cards - Joop Muller (http://www.dxpo-playingcards.com), Peter Endebrock (http://www.endebrock.de/pers-home.html), WOPC (https://www.wopc.co.uk), World Web Playing Card Museum (http://a.trionfi.eu/WWPCM/), and Mark Irwin (https://dondorf.co.uk) for example. Franz Braun has(d) a collection of 11,000 decks and wrote extensively about them. He wrote one about Dondorf. Two other valuable books on Dondorf - Schultz/Stolzenburg, and Hoffman/Dietrich (also both in German) where I get most of my information about Dondorf.
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Re: [acetofive] Selected Cards

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I forgot one: the Fournier catalogs are also useful. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Museum_of ... _de_Naipes
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Re: [acetofive] Selected Cards

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acetofive wrote: Wed May 11, 2022 10:49 pm Saks Fifth Ave Advertising Deck (Saks-Werbespiel), No909. c1930. A maker's name doesn't appear anywhere on the cards, but a reference is made to these cards in a privately held book of Dondorf games tying these to Dondorf as the printer (I think that's the story, in what little literature I can get my hands on, and in German no less), as well as "Made in Germany" appearing on the double box. (I welcome corrections.) Johan Bull, a Norwegian artist who emigrated to the United States in 1925 and worked at The New Yorker, designed the cards and secured a patent for them. World of Playing Cards adds: "The cards are designed in Art Deco style and represent an original artistic exercise in commercial playing card design." This is a "no-revoke" design, with the suits in four different colors, presumably to make it more difficult for a player to claim they made a mistake during bidding. I'm missing the blank card and the joker - if you know anyone with a spare joker, hit me up.
These are tremendous. Thanks for sharing!
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Re: [acetofive] Selected Cards

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Artwork and plates by Dondorf, sent to St. Petersburg Russia for printing, c1911, in chromolithography. The courts are based on a book of souvenir photos taken of guests wearing 17th century costumes at the 1903 Winter Palace Costume Ball, St. Petersburg.
https://web.archive.org/web/20150328215 ... eball.html
https://tsarnicholas.org/2021/02/21/nic ... er-palace/
https://www.thevintagenews.com/2019/07/ ... ball-1903/
Russia Dondorf 1600x.jpg
Russia Dondorf KH KC.jpg
Russia Dondorf QC QD.jpg
Russia Dondorf JC JD.jpg
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Re: [acetofive] Selected Cards

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G O R G E O U S ❕
You want to reclaim your mind and get it out of the hands of the cultural engineers who want to turn you into a half-baked moron consuming all this trash that’s being manufactured out of the bones of a dying world.

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rousselle wrote: Mon Jun 14, 2021 4:52 pmI very much want this in my collection, but at long last... I have to stop the insanity.
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Re: [acetofive] Selected Cards

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Historische Kostüme, Dondorf No232, in Chromolithography, printed 1906-1933. These cards are 60x92mm. There is also a patience version (No235).
0096 Historische Kostume 232 1600x.jpg
0096 Historische Kostume 232 KC KD.jpg
0096 Historische Kostume 232 QD QS.jpg
0096 Historische Kostume 232 JC JD.jpg
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Re: [acetofive] Selected Cards

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Dondorf No272, Members of the Medici family, with palaces depicted on the Aces. This deck was printed 1913-1933. The AH on my deck is stamped "Sept. 1931," marketed in Italy.
0103 Medicaer Medici 1600x.jpg
0103 Medicaer Medici AH AC.jpg
0103 Medicaer Medici KH KC.jpg
0103 Medicaer Medici QH QC.jpg
0103 Medicaer Medici JD JS.jpg
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Re: [acetofive] Selected Cards

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Roi, Dame and? Do you know what the F stands for?
And a continous thank you for making us being able to see those gems.
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rousselle wrote: Mon Jun 14, 2021 4:52 pmI very much want this in my collection, but at long last... I have to stop the insanity.
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Re: [acetofive] Selected Cards

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Harvonsgard, I am guessing it is Furst, or Prince.
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Re: [acetofive] Selected Cards

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'R' (for 'Re'), 'D' (for 'Donna') and 'F' (for 'Fante') - source Peter Endebrock: http://www.endebrock.de/coll/pages/d1578.html. Wikipedia: "All Italian suited decks have three face cards per suit: the fante (Knave), cavallo (Knight), and re (King), unless it is a tarocchi deck in which case a donna or regina (Queen) is inserted between the cavallo and re." (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Italian_playing_cards)

My pleasure Harvonsgard. I'm realizing how important and fun sharing is in collecting.
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Re: [acetofive] Selected Cards

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When I started collecting I made two promises: 1) everything had to fit inside one drawer, and 2) the most I could spend on a deck of cards was x-dollars. Well, my collection is in two drawers now and I've spent yz-dollars more times than I care to remember. The point being that I can't buy everything I'd like, so, the cards I have are all cards in a small specialty and cards I really really really want to see for myself. I enjoy the rest of what I can't collect by being a part of groups like this - when you share your cards and enthusiasm, it means something to collectors like me.
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Re: [acetofive] Selected Cards

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acetofive wrote: Sun Jun 05, 2022 7:20 pmeverything had to fit inside one drawer

Easy peasy

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Re: [acetofive] Selected Cards

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acetofive wrote: Sun Jun 05, 2022 7:20 pm 1) everything had to fit inside one drawer
I said the same thing about my display case, which is now very overcrowded :lol:
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Re: [acetofive] Selected Cards

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hsbc - your display case is one of my favorites.
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Re: [acetofive] Selected Cards

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Shakespeare Spielkarten, Dondorf, No192. This variation sold in England, c1895-1914.
0081 Shakespeare No192 Faulkner 1600x.jpg
0081 Shakespeare No192 KD KS.jpg
0081 Shakespeare No192 QC QD.jpg
0081 Shakespeare No192 Jacks.jpg
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Re: [acetofive] Selected Cards

Unread post by Harvonsgard »

Can someone show this thread to Lotrék so that he stops using Anglo-American courts for his reference? 😃
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rousselle wrote: Mon Jun 14, 2021 4:52 pmI very much want this in my collection, but at long last... I have to stop the insanity.
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