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[ISO] AoP & S17

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 10:12 am
by rorschach
Might not have much, luck but if anyone is interested in selling any of the below, please send me a PM.

- Art of Play - Smokey the bear (25 days of Christmas letter pressed tuck version)
- Art of Play - not sure what to call it other than the shining style deck with the letter pressed maze tuck - FOUND
- Stockholm 17 - The Eye Of The Ocean - quartermaster edition (I can at-least try to get this)...

Re: [ISO] AoP & S17

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 10:49 am
by Harvonsgard
The deck you don't know the name of is called Overlook.
1/4master won't be hard to find since it will be available after the fulfillment of 👁🌊 from your favorite local scalper for sure.

Re: [ISO] AoP & S17

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 3:07 pm
by Bradius
While the Quartermaster is somewhat rare (rare for someone like Lorenzo) and will carry a premium, It is really just a large run prototype. I am not sure if Lorenzo made any changes from the Quartermaster to the final version. Maybe. Even if there are changes, they are likely very minor as he tweaked the design. It is a nice thing as it can boost his initial Kickstarter campaign numbers (and boy did it), and reward the lucky few that get one. All that said, I think you will find the final decks in those cool tucks by Lotrek to be much better from a production and artistic perspective.

However, if you are really set on parting with your money, as Harvonsgard said, when the decks are released you will likely have your best shot at getting one. Just be forewarned, they will not be cheap. A few Quartermaster decks did change hands when some Patreon backers sold theirs, but I have a feeling that most that were interested in selling their Patreon Quartermaster decks have already done so.

Re: [ISO] AoP & S17

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 4:44 pm
by justplaycards
Bradius wrote: Mon May 31, 2021 3:07 pm While the Quartermaster is somewhat rare (rare for someone like Lorenzo) and will carry a premium, It is really just a large run prototype. I am not sure if Lorenzo made any changes from the Quartermaster to the final version. Maybe. Even if there are changes, they are likely very minor as he tweaked the design.
The QM has the Kraken back. Have you never opened yours? (if you do it from the bottom you can keep your seal). He printed 300 as it was always meant for patrons. The excess that were left are the ones he sold in the campaign. It's why he had to be so strict with the numbers.

As you and Harvy rightly say though, some campaign ones will be grabbed by resellers so expect them around release time and expect sadly to be scalped. :roll:

Re: [ISO] AoP & S17

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 6:48 pm
by Bradius
I have not looked at them, but I do remember now that you are correct justplaycards, and the back is different on the Quartermaster. Again, I am just not sure it is worth aftermarket prices.

Re: [ISO] AoP & S17

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2021 6:04 am
by nur1988
I have an Overlook deck for sale, if you're still looking. Based on the UK

Re: [ISO] AoP & S17

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2021 11:55 pm
by rorschach

Re: [ISO] AoP & S17

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2021 12:38 am
by kasuma99
I think Harvonsgard have a spare in his collection some time back then. you can try to ask him?

Re: [ISO] AoP & S17

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2021 9:04 pm
by wrb24745
I have an overlook for sale. Based in the US