This is a great card back. I really like it. The elements work really well with the up the river down the river icon over the pattern. Something about it makes me wonder if they considered making this a marked deck a first. Good theme on the deck too, something everyone can relate to. I like that.
I do like the everywhere on this, cause it's going everywhere. Mishaps and generally crappy days showing on all those wretched little skull folks. My pal here is the JoD, I know how he feels. Reached down to pick up fallen hook in the barn one crappily hot afternoon, wasn't paying attention to what I was doing due to crappily hot afternoon, damn near came up with a handful of rattler. That got the blood flowing. Pretty sure I made that exact face too.
JoD, I see you buddy!
I'll need to snag me a few of this and check them out in hand. A lot of fun, I like fun.