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The Champion Deck No.1 by WPC. Live on Kickstarter

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2020 9:33 am
by DanWilliams
Hey UC!

First off id just like to thank anyone who gives this a few moments of their time. So this is my first step into the playing card community. Now it stands very clear that WPC and myself carry absolutely no recognition and I am not going to pretend otherwise. I, like so many others in the community get the ambition to design their own playing cards and to see them print. Any individual can get their ideas down on paper, see them developed and into our hands in a matter of months without the need for the major companies. The community facilitates this and its amazing, it shouldn't be any other way.

Id love to hear what the community thinks of my first designs and the kickstarter overall. Any feedback is truly welcomed, I am still learning and developing my design skills and any suggestions are actually massively helpful. I am going to keep designing decks because I love it. I'll keep putting them out there and if a few others like my designs as I do and the odd deck gets the opportunity to print then that is incredible. Thank you so much.

I hope you find something here that you like, and if you don't, be honest haha!

The Champion Deck Series (DECK ONE)

Kickstarter Link

Main Features
My Post (1)ytugb.jpg

Tuck Box

Deck at the table

Cards in the hands

The Aces

Courts - Hearts and Spades

Courts - Diamonds and Clubs

Re: The Champion Deck No.1 by WPC. Live on Kickstarter

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2020 11:07 am
by PiazzaDelivery
So a few thoughts,

I love borderless backs and I think these are great. From the kickstarter page:
The goal was to find a design that felt intricate, purveyed class and richness but held clear simplicity.
You have definitely accomplished this.

I can't speak for everyone, but I feel as though there is a strong contingent of fans at UC who, like me, dislike the faces changed on courts. With the amount of different designs and custom courts we see, it oftentimes comes off as if the creator is cutting corners, especially considering the use of the Daniel Madison king, which we see somewhat regularly.

The color-way is disappointing. Considering your average deck uses red, white, and black, in addition to yellow and blue, your deck feels a little dulled with its "lack" of color.

Again, I can't speak for everyone, but the black outline surrounding the indices automatically makes me think of Ellusionist, which is not something I want to associate with any Kickstarter I back.

I understand you must be proud of your back, it is very nice, but the jokers are not the place to reiterate them. The jokers are immune to the rule of "keeping everything standard for gameplay" because a) you don't really use them for gameplay and b) their 'otherness' is inherent to what they are, what makes them jokers. If you're trying to develop your design chops, this is good place to start. Nice jokers bring a whole lot of value to a deck from a collector's point of view and that is lacking here.

Finally, there doesn't seem to be any embossing work done on the tuck box, which for me is something I almost take for granted. It's almost become standard for custom decks to work on the box nowadays, so I would expect to see this on any kickstarter I back.

TL;DR: Love the back, love the borderless, the rest could use some work IMO, but congrats on your first kickstarter!

Re: The Champion Deck No.1 by WPC. Live on Kickstarter

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2020 1:59 pm
by Harvonsgard
Lots of success with your kickstarter.

+1 for what Piazza wrote, except that I don't really like the back design. But that's subjective.

Re: The Champion Deck No.1 by WPC. Live on Kickstarter

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2020 3:06 pm
by james001a
Looks OK but the black on red on the front of the tuck is dull. Needs to be embossed in gold maybe. The deck may be a hard sell with WPC as the printer but I dont personally have an issue with that. The reason why I would not buy this deck is because a foul human being (and that is stretching it) with the initials DM is your king of diamonds. I will never mention his name but you can figure it out. This is a sometimes scam artist (granted he did deliver on some projects)who has literally stolen from many of us on here (including yours truly) and he actually sent some of his minions "the 52" after me to bully me after I questioned him on Patreon and his being a year late on membership rewards. Before I knew about his minions I backed a project on KS for one of his minions and he scammed me out of money too just like his idol. He personally dropped me from his Patreon and that was for me just asking what was up. From that day forward I pledged to purge my collection of any deck or project having any connection to him no matter how remote. I do wish you luck on your endeavor though and I hope it funds. It just wont be with my funds. It is possible you dont even know who he is and it has nothing to do with you but I just can't. Sorry.

Re: The Champion Deck No.1 by WPC. Live on Kickstarter

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2020 4:57 pm
by Harvonsgard
james001a wrote: Sun Aug 09, 2020 3:06 pmThe deck may be a hard sell with WPC as the printer but I dont personally have an issue with that.
WPC is the label/firm/whatever of the creator, not the printer. USPCC is mentioned as the printer.

Re: The Champion Deck No.1 by WPC. Live on Kickstarter

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2020 5:05 pm
by james001a
Harvonsgard wrote: Sun Aug 09, 2020 4:57 pm
james001a wrote: Sun Aug 09, 2020 3:06 pmThe deck may be a hard sell with WPC as the printer but I dont personally have an issue with that.
WPC is the label/firm/whatever of the creator, not the printer. USPCC is mentioned as the printer.
Thanks for the clarification. Still though, that wouldn't have killed it for me. However, DM.