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And I just realized was shut down

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 4:41 pm
by Irontheater
Well, after about 1 year away from the Cardistry scene, due to being busy with personal life, today, I finally decided to hit up UC and see what was new.

Much to my astonishment, it had seemed that got a new facelift, and after trying a couple of unsuccessful logins, I finally realized that this was, and that the original website is no longer.

I was Pro-Cards in x-UC, and quite honestly, at this point, I completely forgot what my username in the old Superhandz forums was :oops:
(I would probably find my username back if I fired up some of my old videos from back then, but they are on an external hdd, and I'm a bit lazy atm)

Anyways, I started manipulating back in around 2005-2006. Been on and off for about a while, and my last video was made about 1.5 years ago, (last time I had free time on my hands) and was named "A New Beginning" because it was supposed to be a teaser for something bigger that I would come to work on later, but never got the time.
I'll edit my sig to show my YT channel there..

Anyways, I hope the community is still as alive as ever, and I hope to see some old buds here.

If anyone could point out to me the last date of activity for the original forums cz I need to collect some ideas I left there and forgot to put on a video/paper memo, it would be great. :) Or maybe just some archives.

PS: Are Ryoma and Dimitri Arleri still doing stuff? Tried to search them up, but with no luck..

Re: And I just realized was shut down

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 7:48 pm
by Magic_Orthodoxy
welcome back Iron Theatre