I hate to give this news, but Passione Playing Cards won't see the next year: I'm closing the company in 2020, after finishing the pending projects (and maybe after doing some last things).
There are many reasons behind my decision, nothing grave, do not worry, I'm in good health and everything is fine, but among the reasons, probably the most important is that Passione never really caught on, but the appreciation was limited to a niche within playing cards lovers.
Of course I want to reassure everyone: Florentia will be completed and fulfilled, only after that I will close the company. I'm sure you don't doubt my honesty, but it was worth saying it loud.
Ok, now that I spilled the beans, you might wonder why a post here in this forum. Well, for two reasons. The first one is that Mike baptized me in the amazing world of playing cards lovers, I guess 6 years ago, and even if I'm not really a forum guy, UC community always have been in my heart. Thanks, Mike.
The second reason is that, since this is the last year for my company, I'd like to do something special, if I can, some little project to bid farewell to the community. Such projects won't go on Kickstarter and some special offers will be reserved to Passione's contacts. If you want to know more, you can register to our mailing list via this link: http://eepurl.com/cb5e4L
Thanks to everyone who supported me and my amazing artists directly, by purchasing decks, and indirectly, by giving valuable advice and insights. I don't know what to say now, and I don't want to become annoying or sentimental
