*OFFICIAL* 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards

Featuring our favourite decks including winners of the Decks Of The Year awards and the Annual United Cardists Decks
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*OFFICIAL* 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards

Unread post by PipChick »

Hello all and welcome to the official 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards! (or as we like to refer to them as, the DOTYs :D )
As the 2019 year drew to an end and a new begins, the 'Deck of the Year' Awards is a time for the community to come together and reflect upon all the amazing decks to have been released throughout 2019 and officially recognize those of excellence that have really stood out among the rest in both quality of beautiful craftsmanship & design and show our appreciation to the talented designers & dedicated producers behind them.

Now, before you can participate, there are a few things you first should know, so please be sure to read through the posts below regarding the following:

If you need further clarification on what the DOTYs are and how to participate or have any other questions/comments/concerns/etc. about the 'Deck of the Year' Awards and/or the community, please feel free to reach out in our Discussions thread. The DOTYs Discussions thread is specifically for the intended purpose of providing members with the opportunity for open discussion on literally any and all things relating to the running and managing of the DOTYs; so please, don't be shy - join in on the conversation!
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Re: *OFFICIAL* 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards

Unread post by PipChick »

  • In order to participate in voting for the Deck of the Year Awards, you must be a registered member of the United Cardists forum. If you're not yet registered, you can do so here - best of all, it's completely free! All that is required is agreement to the terms of use of the UC site and a valid email address.
  • All register members are allowed to participate in the 'Deck of the Year' Awards and voting is open to any and all members, including designers/producers themselves who are also permitted to vote on their own decks if they so desire.
  • Voting will officially be open on January 10th, 2020 at 12AM EST until January 31st, 2020 at 12AM EST.
  • There are a total of 15 various award categories in which you may cast votes for. You can choose to cast only one vote for only one category, or one vote for each and every category for a maximum total of 15 but only one vote per category will be accepted. You can learn more about the award categories here in the post below.
  • PLEASE DO NOT POST YOUR VOTE(S) IN THE COMMENTS OF THIS THREAD. We'd like to keep voting anonymous to deter the loudest voices in the room from possibly domineering over the opinions and/or voting of others. So, in order to do that, votes will only be accepted directly through private message (PM) to either myself, 'PipChick' or to 'DeckAwards'. You will also be messaged back a confirmation PM in return after your vote(s) have been formally received and accounted for.
  • To vote, just simply submit a PM with the subject 'DOTY Vote' and write a message containing the name of each deck as well as the category for which you're casting that vote for. You must include the category for each and every vote you cast and please submit all votes within one PM to avoid confusion.
    • For example, your message should look similar to the following format:
      Best Tuck Case: 'xxxxx'

      Best Ace: 'xxxxx'

      Best Joker(s): 'xxxxx'

  • IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR NEW MEMBERS : If you are a brand new member that has not yet posted before in the forum, your PMing privileges have not yet been activated and you will not be able to send private messages to vote until you do.
    • At UC, everyone's first post is screened & curated by our Moderators and must be approved before it shows up & becomes visible to the public in the forums. This is to protect our community and it's users as a way to combate automatic posting by "Spambots" that try to post garbage or links to pirated software. We just want to make sure that YOU are not a bot and are in fact an actual, living & breathing human being behind the screen. ;)

      So, if you don't see the PM button below each user's name & avatar, it's because you haven't posted enough to activate your privilege to do so. But don't worry! If this is the case for you, please reach out by posting a comment in our Discussions thread. The DOTYs Discussions thread is specifically for the intended purpose of providing members with the opportunity for open discussion on literally any and all things relating to the running and managing of the DOTYs; so please, don't be shy - join in on the conversation! And in doing so, earn your PMing privileges to participate & vote!
  • If your vote(s) contain any ineligible deck(s), you will be immediately informed and allowed to submit a new vote. You can learn more about eligible decks here in the post below.
  • Participation in voting automatically enters members into the prize giveaway contest for a chance to win one of the various prize bundles donated by our very generous sponsors of UC and the 'Deck of the Year' Awards. You can learn more about prize donations and the prize giveaway contest here in the post below.
  • The administrators of UC reserve all rights to revoke anyone's right to participation in voting should there be any suspicion of dishonest activities. (this also includes their entry into the prize giveaway contest)
  • Any and all sponsors have the right to change any prize donation(s) without prior notice.
  • The administrators and moderators of UC reserve the right to amend any of the rules above without prior notice.
  • Prizes from our sponsors will be chosen by assigned winners in the order by which final placement of participants were randomly generated by a list randomizer used by the Administrators. You can learn more about prize donations and the prize giveaway contest here in the post below.
  • Prize Giveaway winners will need to respond to claim the prize they'd like to receive within 72 hours of being notified to make their selection among those still available and publicly post in this thread of the prize they have selected.
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Re: *OFFICIAL* 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards

Unread post by PipChick »

  • Decks eligible for this year's 'Deck of the Year' Awards must have been released and available to the public between January 1st, 2019 and December 31st, 2019. Any decks released in 2018 or earlier do not qualify; therefore, are ineligible to receive an award and the vote will be invalid.
  • If the deck is from a 2018 or earlier Kickstarter (KS) campaign, but was delivered in 2019, it qualifies for this year's Awards. However, if the KS campaign started shipment at the end of 2018, and decks were delivered/received by some backers in 2018 and some in 2019, it does not qualify as technically it was made available in 2018, even though not yet to everyone.
  • Reissued variations/editions of established decks released prior to 2019 may be declared ineligible if no significant change(s) were made to the original design. Reprinted decks are not eligible at all.
As per the rules of participation above here:
  • If your vote(s) contain any ineligible deck(s), you will be immediately informed and allowed to submit a new vote.
If you are unsure whether a deck qualifies for the 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards, you may either refer to this google doc here of a master list of all decks to have been released in 2019 or, even easier, feel free to ask the community in our DOTYs open discussion thread here.
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Re: *OFFICIAL* 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards

Unread post by PipChick »


Don't know which decks to vote for or in which category to vote for them in? No problem!

Over the past few weeks, members of our community have anonymously submitted dozens of personal nominations of decks for each of the various award categories found below. These nominations were made to shine the spotlight on some of the amazing decks not just eligible for the 'Deck of the Year' Awards, but worthy of serious consideration in voting.

Nominations, along with tons of pictures for side-by-side comparison of the best of the best, can be found in a thread here.

However, if you don't feel that any of the nominated decks deserve your vote, you may always choose to cast a vote for any other eligible deck that was released in 2019 even though it hadn't been explicitly nominated for a particular category as well - so no need to feel pressured that you must only choose from those nominated.

As per the rules of participation above here:
  • There are a total of 15 various award categories in which you may cast votes for. You can choose to cast only one vote for only one category, or one vote for each and every category for a maximum total of 15 but only one vote per category will be accepted.
List of Award Categories is as follows:

  • Best Tuck Case

  • Best Ace

  • Best Joker(s)

  • Best Gaff / Extra Card(s)

  • Best Pips

  • Best Courts

  • Best Use of Color

  • Best Back

  • Best Deck For Fanning

  • Best Deck For Cardistry / Flourishing

  • Best Deck For Magic

  • Best Non-Poker Deck

  • Best Rookie Deck

  • Best Innovation

  • Best Overall Deck
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Re: *OFFICIAL* 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards

Unread post by PipChick »


The 'Deck of the Year' Awards and the Giveaway have been made possible and brought to you by the contributions of the UC community as a whole through the tireless efforts, investment of countless hours, unwavering support and generous donations from dedicated members like you. Prizes have been generously donated by members of the UC community to show support of UC & to help sponsor and promote the 'Deck of the Year' Awards. Thank you!

Donations can be made by anyone, be of any size or value, and be anything relating to playing cards, cardistry and/or magic. Donations are still being accepted and will continue to be so all throughout voting and up until prior to announcement and presentation of the Awards on February 7th, 2020 to all designers/producers in recognition of their amazing work. If you'd be interested in also contributing to UC and the 'Deck of the Year' Awards, please consider showing your support by making a donation of your choosing and declaring it in our 'Prize Donations' thread here. Any and all donations are very much appreciated and we all thank you for helping to make United Cardists the amazing community that it is.

Unless already specified in the description of the prize donation, shipping arrangements will need to be discussed and agreed upon between the member donating the prize and the winning recipient who selected that prize.

List of current prizes that will be available for the prize giveaway contest have been donated by the following members of the community and, those with a [] are still available for selection from winners, those with a [] have been claimed by another winning recipient and is no longer available for selection:

  • [] Guru Playing Cards (Sunish Chabba)
  • 1 x Mixed Brick of GPCC decks Costs of US Domestic shipping included; costs of International shipping will be covered by the winning recipient
  • [] Guru Playing Cards (Sunish Chabba)
  • 1 x 'On The Cards' Book (Limited, Numbered Edition - 1 out of 600)

    Costs of US Domestic shipping included; costs of International shipping will be covered by the winning recipient
  • [] Carat Case Creations (shermjack)
  • 1 x Carat 4x3 Twelve Deck Carat Case
  • 50 x DS1/DS1 EDCs (recipient may also select combination of each if they'd like)

    Costs of US Domestic & International shipping included.
  • [] Carat Case Creations (shermjack)
  • 1x Carat x12 unreleased Brick Box
  • 50 x DS1/DS1 EDCs (recipient may also select combination of each if they'd like)

    Costs of US Domestic & International shipping included.
  • [] KingWareGoods
  • 1 x Luxury Custom-made Black Ostrich Card Clip

    Costs of US Domestic shipping included; costs of International shipping will be split with the winning recipient. Pics of donation can be viewed here.
  • [] KingWareGoods
  • 1 x Luxury Custom-made Black Snake Card Clip

    Costs of US Domestic shipping included; costs of International shipping will be split with the winning recipient. Pics of donation can be viewed here.
  • [] SoCal Playing Cards
  • 1 x Mixed Brick
    • 1 x ORDER, Revolutio Edition
    • 1 x Fontaine, Guess Cycling Edition
    • 1 x Blue Ribbon 323 (Blue Edition)
    • 1 x A1WW, 6006 Back Edition
    • 1 x Touch, DERIVE
    • 1 x Jerry's Nugget (Kings Wild Project Edition)
    • 1 x Invocation (Standard Red Kings Wild Shorts Edition)
    • 1 x Maduro (Silver Edition)
    • 1 x Arcadia: The Conjurer (Blue Edition)
    • 1 x DIVA, v1
    • 1 x Monolith (White Edition)
    • 1 x Elixir, Midnight Edition
  • 1 x $50usd Gift Certificate to https://socalplayingcards.com/

    Pics of donation can be viewed here.
  • [] justplaycards
  • 1 x Mixed Brick
    • 1 x set of Gemini (Noctis, Ignis, & Terra editions)
    • 1 x set of Innovation (Standard, Black, & Signature editions)
    • 1 x set pf RSVP decls (Timeless, Butterfly, & RSVP editions)
    • 1 x set of Betrayers (Veritas, Lucis, & Tenebra editions)
    Costs of US Domestic & International shipping included.

  • [] Bradius
  • 1 x Lotrek Fable Craft Deck (choice of number between #7 and #18)

    Costs of US Domestic shipping included; costs of International shipping will be split with the winning recipient. Pics of donation can be viewed here.
  • [] Bradius
  • 1 x Mixed Half-Brick
    • Kings Wild Artist Proof Handbuilt Motorcycle Show (Red Tuck)
    • Kings Wild Artist Proof Crayon Deck
    • Kings Wild Artist Proof - 2019 Halloween "Trick or Treat" Deck
    • Kings Wild 2019 Nutcracker Standard Edition
    • Thirdway Betrayers Veritas deck
    • UC 2018 DeNovo Aurum deck.
    Costs of US Domestic shipping included; costs of International shipping will be split with the winning recipient. Pics of donation can be viewed here.
  • [] The Card Guy (KingfisherZero)
  • 1 x set of all 4 Modern Idols decks from TWI
    • Hope (Standard Edition)
    • Fear (Standard Edition)
    • Endless Hope (Limited Edition)
    • Extreme Fear (Limited Edition)
    Costs of US Domestic shipping included; costs of International shipping will be split with the winning recipient.
  • [] Räpylätassu
  • 1 x Mixed Brick
    • Kalevala (Limited Edition)
    • Maidens
    • Bicycle Transducer Fire
    • Doomsday (White Seal Edition)
    • Dan & Dave Classic Aristocrat (Red Edition #908/1000)
    • Dan & Dave Classic Aristocrat (Blue Edition #598/1000)
    • Daily Life
    • ICO 2016
    • The Phantom of the Opera (#249/666 with Certificate of Authenticity)
    • Gallia Belgica
    • Giochi di Corte
    • Jeu de Cartes 1900 (Red Edition)
  • [] Räpylätassu
  • 1 x Mixed Brick of Swedish Anglo Rugback decks (each deck features a different colored back)
  • [] sinjin7
  • 1 x Mixed Brick
    • 1 x ICONS, Imperial Demo Edition (Limited Edition #091/250)
    • 1 x Snoman Factory
    • 1 x Smoke & Mirror, v6
    • 1 x Fraggle Rock 30th Anniversary deck
    • 1 x Requiem (Winter Edition)
    • 1 x Transducers (Night Sakura Edition)
    • 1 x Makers Special Reserve (White Gold Edition)
    • 1 x The Hive (Limited Gold Edition #644/750, signed by Brendon Hong
    • 1 x Infinity
    • 1 x Legal Tender (Chinese Edition)
    • 1 x Bicycle Centurions
    • 1 x Triplicate Restoration deck (Limited Edition #54/1000)
    Costs of US Domestic shipping included; costs of International shipping will be split with the winning recipient. Pics of donation can be viewed here.
  • []HFMJ
  • 1 x set of 2019 NPCCD decks
    • Spade Gate, Club Room & Palace Arch Editions
    Costs of US Domestic & International shipping will be covered by the winning recipient. Pics of donation can be viewed here.
  • [] STLBluesNut
  • 1 x Mixed Half-Brick
    • Joker and the Thief (Blood Red Edition)
    • Joker and the Thief (White Gold Edition)
    • Joker and the Thief (Midnight Blue Edition)
    • Joker and the Thief (Street Edition)
    • COBRA
    • FOX
  • 1 x Choice of Hand-painted Playing Card Art
Costs of US Domestic shipping included; costs of International shipping will be split with the winning recipient. Pics of donation can be viewed here.[/list]

  • [] Pablo393
  • 1 x Mixed Half-Brick of KWP decks
    • Noble Train (standard edition)
    • Valley Forge (standard edition)
    • Thoroughbred (standard edition)
    • Labyrinth - Unsolved (standard edition)
    • Revival Cycles (standard edition)
    • Tigers (standard edition)
    Costs of US Domestic shipping included; costs of International shipping will be split with the winning recipient.
  • [] Bayou Playing Cards (Romeril)
  • 1 x set of 3 ORDER decks from TWI
    • Imperium (Standard Edition)
    • Revolutio Edition (Standard Edition)
    • Electus (Limited Edition #1675/1777)
    Costs of US Domestic & International shipping will be covered by the winning recipient. Pics of donation can be viewed here.
  • [] Bayou Playing Cards (Romeril)
  • 1 x set of 3 Parlour decks from Stockholm17 & The Gentleman Wake
    • Red
    • Blue
    • Black (Limited Edition #1349/5500)
    Costs of US Domestic & International shipping will be covered by the winning recipient. Pics of donation can be viewed here.
  • [] Bayou Playing Cards (Romeril)
  • 1 x Mixed Half-Brick
    • The Stripy Deck (Pastel Edition)
    • The Stripy Deck (Luxury Edition
    • Cardistry-Con 2019 (CCC Edition)
    • Black Flora
    • Brazil 2014
    • Luna Moon (Classic Edition)
    Costs of US Domestic & International shipping will be covered by the winning recipient. Pics of donation can be viewed here.
  • [] PipChick
  • 1 x Mixed Half-Brick for a Cardist
    • 2 x Omega
    • 1 x AXIAL by Not A_
    • 1 x Polaris (Solstice Edition)
    • 1 x Superfly (Spitfire Edition)
    • 1 x DIVA (French Edition)
    Costs of US Domestic & International shipping will be covered by the winning recipient. Pics of donation can be viewed here.
  • [] PipChick
  • 1 x Mixed Half-Brick for a Magician
    • 1 x Madison SAINTS
    • 1 x Madison Rounders (Black Edition)
    • 1 x Knights (Red Edition)
    • 1 x MIRZ
    • 1 x COBRA
    • 1 x Omega
    Costs of US Domestic & International shipping will be covered by the winning recipient. Pics of donation can be viewed here.
  • [] Cardcollector_300 (irtjames14)
  • 1 x Mixed Half-Brick of Art of Play decks
    • Gold Standards
    • White Peau Doux
    • Lady Moon
    • Ultimate Deck
    • Tom's Town
    • Messymods
  • [] Decknowledgy
  • 1 x Mixed Half-Brick
    • Culturae Animalis (Limited Edition #551/1000)
    • Testament
    • Delirium Insomnia
    • Peelers v2
    • Pop Camo Pink
    • Play Dead
    Costs of shipping within the UK & EU included; costs of International shipping will be split with the winning recipient. Pics of donation can be viewed here.
  • [] Courier Stu (Stu McCann)
  • 1 x Mixed Half-Brick
    • 1 x Memento Mori v1
    • 1 x Squeezers v1
    • 1 x Squeezers v2
    • 1 x COPAG 310 ALPHA
    • 1 x Mono Xero (Red Edition)
    • 1 x Mono Xero (Blue Edition)
  • [] kem-collector
  • 1 x Mixed Half-Brick
    • Summer NOC (Orange Edition)
    • Summer NOC (Blue Edition)
    • NOC 3000X1
    • LUXX Shadow (Gold V2 Edition)
    • LUXX Shadow (Silver V2 Edition)
    • Madison Revolvers (Gold Edition)
    Costs of US Domestic & International shipping up to the sum of $25 usd is included; additional remaining sum for shipping will be covered by the winning recipient. Pics of donation can be viewed here.
  • [] CardiLeigh
  • 1 x Mixed Half-Brick of Crooked Kings decks
    • Cotton Club (Limited Edition #695/1500)
    • Stork Club (Limited Edition #791/1500)
    • Bicycle Scarab (Limited Blue Edition)
    • Bicycle Scarab (Limited Red Edition)
    • Bicycle Scarab (Standard Blue Edition)
    • Bicycle Scarab (Standard Red Edition)
    Costs of US Domestic shipping included; costs of International shipping will be split with the winning recipient.
  • [] RWPPFFShuffle
  • 1 x Mixed Half-Brick of recipiant's choice from one of the following options:
    • OPTION A: "David Blain Gold Split Spades"
    • OPTION B: "Fontaine Carrots v1"
    • OPTION C: "The Evil Deck"
    Costs of US Domestic shipping included; costs of International shipping up to the sum of $15 usd is included - additional remaining sum of International shipping will be covered by the winning recipient. Additional terms & conditions of this prize can be viewed here.
  • [] robcan0630
  • 1 x Mixed Half-Brick
    • Betrayers Tenebra
    • Evil Deck
    • Delirium Ascension
    • Makers Special Reserve
    • Cardistry-Con 2018 Edition
    • 5th Kingdom (recipient's choice of Black or Blue Edition)
    Costs of US Domestic shipping included; costs of International shipping will be split with the winning recipient.
  • [] Timmargh
  • 1 x set of all 4 Lunatica decks by TWI
    • Equinox
    • Solstice
    • Chimera (Limited Edition)
    • Phoenix (Limited Edition)
    Costs of shipping within the UK included; costs of International shipping will be split with the winning recipient. Pics of donation can be viewed here.
  • [] caniveski
  • 1 x Mixed Half-Brick
    • Mono-Xero (Red Edition)
    • Mono-Xero (Blue Edition)
    • Outlaw (Limited Edition)
    • Navigators (very minor dinged tuck)
    • Star Wars (Red 'Dark Side' Edition)
    • Star Wars (Blue 'Light Side' Edition)
    Recipient will be responsible for costs of shipping from the UK.
  • [] theCapraAegagrus
  • 1 x Mixed Mystery Brick ("that will be handled like hockey pucks. Stick-handled and shot at a marble table - to increase probability of damage")
    • decks TBA in packing video
  • [] SteakBreak
  • 4 x decks
    • Betrayers Veritas
    • Axoloty
    • Circus Nostalgic (Limited Edition #2095/2500)
    • Playing Arts Zero (2019 Reprint)
    Costs of US Domestic & International shipping included.
  • []MSimonart
  • 1 x $100usd gift certificate for PenguinMagic
  • [] Gonzalo
  • 1 x Artisans Luxury Edition Box Set
    • 2 x Artisans (White Edition)
    • 2 x Artisans (Black Edition)
    Costs of International shipping from Spain will be split with the winning recipient. Pics of donation can be viewed here.[/size]
  • 1 x Bicycle PIXEL v1 Collector's set

    Costs of US Domestic shipping included; costs of International shipping will be split with the winning recipient.
  • [] hsbc
  • 3 x Bicycle Dragon
  • 1 x Scrimish Card Game
  • 2 x mini novelty decks
  • 5 x DS1 deck sleeves

    Costs of US Domestic shipping included; Costs of International shipping will be covered by the winning recipient. Pics of donation can be viewed here.
  • [] vasta41
  • 1 x 1 uncut sheet of recipiant's choice from one of the following options:
    • OPTION A: Erdnase 1902 Bee Blue Smith Back No. 2
    • OPTION B: Blue NOC


NOTE: The administrators and moderators of UC reserve the right to amend any of the rules above without prior notice.


As per the rules of participation above here:
  • The administrators of UC reserve all rights to revoke anyone's right to participation in voting should there be any suspicion of dishonest activities. (this also includes their entry into the prize giveaway contest)
  • Any and all sponsors have the right to change any prize donation(s) without prior notice.
  • Prizes from our sponsors will be chosen by assigned winners in the order by which final placement of participants were randomly generated by a list randomizer used by the Administrators.
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Re: *OFFICIAL* 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards

Unread post by PipChick »


'Deck of the Year' Awards for each category will be presented to designers/producers that earn the most number of votes as casted by participating members of the UC community, as well as their placement - 1st, 2nd, & 3rd - as determined by the number of votes casted and will be announced on February 7th, 2020.


  • 1st PLACE :
    • Luminosity, designed by Jody Eklund - Black Ink Playing Cards (USPCC)

    2nd PLACE :

    • The Parlour, designed by Lorenzo Gaggiotti - Stockholm17 & produced by Omar Chavez - 'The Gentleman Wake' (Cartamundi)

    3rd PLACE - TIE :

    • Monolith, designed by Giovanni Meroni - Thirdway Industries (USPCC & Cartamundi)
    • Standards, designed by Kevin Cantrell & produced by Art of Play (USPCC)

    Honorable Mentions :
    • Pinocchio, designed by Elettra Deganello & produced by Riccardo Conturbia - Passione Playing Cards (USPCC)
    • Tavern on the Green, designed by Kevin Cantrell & produced by Tavern on the Green Restaurant and Theory11 (USPCC)

  • 1st PLACE :
    • The Parlour, designed by Lorenzo Gaggiotti - Stockholm17 & produced by Omar Chavez - 'The Gentleman Wake' (Cartamundi)

    2nd PLACE :

    • Luminosity, designed by Jody Eklund - Black Ink Playing Cards (USPCC)

    3rd PLACE - TIE :

    • Helheim, designed by Nicolai Aarøe, Svend Nielsen, Patrick Søgaard & Christian Berg - Design Imperator & produced by Marianne Larsen - Isolated Thunderstorm (NPCC)
    • A Motley Pack, designed by Ishan Trivedi & produced by Sunish Chabba - Guru Playing Cards (USPCC & WJPC)

    Honorable Mentions :
    • Ascension, designed by Steve Minty (USPCC)
    • Tavern on the Green, designed by Kevin Cantrell & produced by Tavern on the Green Restaurant and Theory11 (USPCC)
    • Fantasy, designed by Dustin Panzino - Inkwell Illustrations (Unknown)

  • 1st PLACE :
    • ORDER, designed by Giovanni Meroni - Thirdway Industries (USPCC & Cartamundi)

    2nd PLACE :

    • The Parlour, designed by Lorenzo Gaggiotti - Stockholm17 & produced by Omar Chavez - 'The Gentleman Wake' (Cartamundi)

    3rd PLACE :

    Honorable Mentions :
    • Mirage, designed by 화라 'Hwara' - 4xPixel & produced by Jin H Kim - Full Custom 52 (WJPC)
    • Culturae Animalis, designed by Jack Brutus Penny (EPCC)

  • 1st PLACE :

    2nd PLACE :

    • Faunae, designed by Jon Carraher & produced by Douglas Koozer - Brain Vessel Creative (USPCC)

    3rd PLACE :

    Honorable Mentions :
    • A Motley Pack, designed by Ishan Trivedi & produced by Sunish Chabba - Guru Playing Cards (USPCC & WJPC)

  • 1st PLACE :
    • Luminosity, designed by Jody Eklund - Black Ink Playing Cards (USPCC)

    2nd PLACE :

    • SILK, designed by Lotrek (OPC)

    3rd PLACE - TIE :

    • ORDER, designed by Giovanni Meroni - Thirdway Industries (USPCC & Cartamundi)
    • Trick or Treat, designed by Jackson Robinson - Kings Wild Project (USPCC)

    Honorable Mentions :

  • 1st PLACE :

    2nd PLACE :

    • Faunae, designed by Jon Carraher & produced by Douglas Koozer - Brain Vessel Creative (USPCC)

    3rd PLACE - TIE :

    • A Motley Pack, designed by Ishan Trivedi & produced by Sunish Chabba - Guru Playing Cards (USPCC & WJPC)
    • Luminosity, designed by Jody Eklund - Black Ink Playing Cards (USPCC)

    Honorable Mentions :

  • 1st PLACE :

    2nd PLACE :

    • SILK, designed by Lotrek (OPC)

    3rd PLACE - TIE :

    • Monolith, designed by Giovanni Meroni - Thirdway Industries (USPCC & Cartamundi)
    • Nutcracker, designed by Jackson Robinson - Kings Wild Project (EPCC)

    Honorable Mentions :
    • POLLOCK, designed by Randy Butterfield - Midnight Card Company & produced by Mike 'The Doc' Wilson (EPCC)
    • Six Strings, designed by Ade Suryana & produced by Kardify and Murphy's Magic (USPCC)

  • 1st PLACE :
    • Goblin, designed by Toomas Pintson - Gemini (USPCC)

    2nd PLACE :

    • Plum Pi, designed by Jackson Robinson - Kings Wild Project (USPCC)

    3rd PLACE - TIE :

    Honorable Mentions :

  • 1st PLACE - TIE :
    • FLUX, designed by Bailiang Huang & produced by Lotus in Hand and Art of Play (USPCC)
    • 2019 NPCCD Series, designed by Alexander Chin (MPC)

    2nd PLACE - TIE :

    3rd PLACE :

    • Orbit: v7 designed by Daniel Schneider & Chris Brown - The Orbit Brown (USPCC)

    Honorable Mentions :
    • Cheetah, designed by Toomas Pintson - Gemini (USPCC)

  • 1st PLACE :
    • The Parlour, designed by Lorenzo Gaggiotti - Stockholm17 & produced by Omar Chavez - 'The Gentleman Wake' (Cartamundi)

    2nd PLACE :

    3rd PLACE :

    • The Conjurer, designed by Christian Ellingstad - Arcadia Playing Cards (Cartamundi)

    Honorable Mentions :


  • 1st PLACE :
    • Fillide, designed by Alessandra Gagliano - Jocu & produced by Anthony Mark Holt - Jocu (Cartamundi)

    2nd PLACE :

    3rd PLACE - TIE :

    • Faunae, designed by Jon Carraher & produced by Douglas Koozer - Brain Vessel Creative (USPCC)
    • Pinocchio, designed by Elettra Deganello & produced by Riccardo Conturbia - Passione Playing Cards (USPCC)

    Honorable Mentions :
    • Arcadia: Pride of Peacocks, designed by Christian Ellingstad - Arcadia Playing Cards (Cartamundi)
    • Mirage, designed by 화라 'Hwara' - 4xPixel & produced by Jin H Kim - Full Custom 52 (WJPC)

  • 1st PLACE :

    2nd PLACE :

    • SILK, designed by Lotrek (OPC)

    3rd PLACE :

    • Playing Arts ZERO, designed by 55 different artists & produced by Vladislavs Korzinins - Digital Abstracts & ARIA AR Platform (USPCC)

    Honorable Mentions :
    • A Motley Pack, designed by Ishan Trivedi & produced by Sunish Chabba - Guru Playing Cards (USPCC & WJPC)

  • 1st PLACE :
    • SILK, designed by Lotrek (OPC)

    2nd PLACE :

    3rd PLACE - TIE :

    • Luminosity, designed by Jody Eklund - Black Ink Playing Cards (USPCC)
    • Monolith, designed by Giovanni Meroni - Thirdway Industries (USPCC & Cartamundi)

    Honorable Mentions :
    • ORDER, designed by Giovanni Meroni - Thirdway Industries (USPCC & Cartamundi)
    • Culturae Animalis, designed by Jack Brutus Penny (EPCC)
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Re: *OFFICIAL* 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards

Unread post by PipChick »


Prize Giveaway Contest winners will be announced on February 14th, 2020 along with the randomly generated list of winners denoting the order in which they each can select one of the prizes among those that have been generously donated by members of the UC community & sponsors of the 'Deck of the Year' Awards. You can view all current prize donations and learn more about the prize giveaway contest here in the post above or in this google doc.

RANDOMIZED LIST OF WINNERS & the prize they have claimed

  1. wingedpotato : Kings Wild Project (Jackson Robinson)
    • 4 x Mystery Mixed Bricks of KWP decks
    • 4 x Signed Collector's Brick Boxes
  2. oh.what.the.deck : SoCal Playing Cards
    • 1 x Mixed Brick
      • 1 x ORDER, Revolutio Edition
      • 1 x Fontaine, Guess Cycling Edition
      • 1 x Blue Ribbon 323 (Blue Edition)
      • 1 x A1WW, 6006 Back Edition
      • 1 x Touch, DERIVE
      • 1 x Jerry's Nugget (Kings Wild Project Edition)
      • 1 x Invocation (Standard Red Kings Wild Shorts Edition)
      • 1 x Maduro (Silver Edition)
      • 1 x Arcadia: The Conjurer (Blue Edition)
      • 1 x DIVA, v1
      • 1 x Monolith (White Edition)
      • 1 x Elixir, Midnight Edition
    • 1 x $50usd Gift Certificate to https://socalplayingcards.com/
  3. MagikFingerz : HFMJ
    • 1 x set of 2019 NPCCD decks
    • Spade Gate, Club Room & Palace Arch Editions
  4. joeblow : Oath Playing Cards (Lotrek)
  5. Räpylätassu : Black Ink Playing Cards (Jody Eklund)
  6. akicer : Seasons Playing Cards (Alex Chin)
  7. kurama : sinjin7
    • 1 x Mixed Brick
      • 1 x ICONS, Imperial Demo Edition (Limited Edition #091/250)
      • 1 x Snoman Factory
      • 1 x Smoke & Mirror, v6
      • 1 x Fraggle Rock 30th Anniversary deck
      • 1 x Requiem (Winter Edition)
      • 1 x Transducers (Night Sakura Edition)
      • 1 x Makers Special Reserve (White Gold Edition)
      • 1 x The Hive (Limited Gold Edition #644/750, signed by Brendon Hong
      • 1 x Infinity
      • 1 x Legal Tender (Chinese Edition)
      • 1 x Bicycle Centurions
      • 1 x Triplicate Restoration deck (Limited Edition #54/1000)
  8. cardileigh : Kings Wild Project[/size] (Jackson Robinson)
  9. guru : justplaycards
    • 1 x Mixed Brick
      • 1 x set of Gemini (Noctis, Ignis, & Terra editions)
      • 1 x set of Innovation (Standard, Black, & Signature editions)
      • 1 x set pf RSVP decls (Timeless, Butterfly, & RSVP editions)
      • 1 x set of Betrayers (Veritas, Lucis, & Tenebra editions)
  10. SirCrunoke : Thirdway Industries (Giovanni Meroni)
  11. Bas0404 : JP GAMES LTD.
    • 1 x Mystery Mixed Brick
  12. Brendt00 : Carat Case Creations (shermjack)
    • 1x Carat x12 unreleased Brick Box
    • 50 x DS1/DS1 EDCs (recipient may also select combination of each if they'd like)
  13. Romeril : MSimonart
    • 1 x $100usd gift certificate for PenguinMagic
  14. QEDPlayingCards : Caniveski
    • Mixed Half-Brick
  15. portcullis : JP GAMES LTD.
    • 1 x Mystery Mixed Brick
  16. rousselle : Stockholm17 (Lorenzo Gaggiotti)
  17. mbbuckland : Kings Wild Project (Jackson Robinson)
  18. PipChick : Cardcollector_300 (irtjames14)
    • 1 x Mixed Half-Brick of Art of Play decks
      • Gold Standards
      • White Peau Doux
      • Lady Moon
      • Ultimate Deck
      • Tom's Town
      • Messymods
  19. STLBluesNut : Passione Playing Cards (Riccardo Conturbia)
  20. Kage X : JP GAMES LTD.
    • 1 x Mystery Mixed Brick
  21. markzero : Räpylätassu
    • 1 x Mixed Brick
      • Kalevala (Limited Edition)
      • Maidens
      • Bicycle Transducer Fire
      • Doomsday (White Seal Edition)
      • Dan & Dave Classic Aristocrat (Red Edition #908/1000)
      • Dan & Dave Classic Aristocrat (Blue Edition #598/1000)
      • Daily Life
      • ICO 2016
      • The Phantom of the Opera (#249/666 with Certificate of Authenticity)
      • Gallia Belgica
      • Giochi di Corte
      • Jeu de Cartes 1900 (Red Edition)
  22. Bradius : Carat Case Creations (shermjack)
    • 1 x Carat 4x3 Twelve Deck Carat Case
    • 50 x DS1/DS1 EDCs (recipient may also select combination of each if they'd like)
  23. SteakBreak : Bradius
    • 1 x Lotrek Fable Craft Deck (choice of number between #7 and #18)
  24. fdavidn : Kings Wild Project (Jackson Robinson)
  25. Harvonsgard : 52+Joker Club
    • 1 x 1-year membership to 52+Joker Club
  26. yushucc : JP GAMES LTD.
    • 1 x Mystery Mixed Brick
  27. OVSUB : KingWareGoods
  28. thehartwell : Bradius
    • 1 x Mixed Half-Brick
      • Kings Wild Artist Proof Handbuilt Motorcycle Show (Red Tuck)
      • Kings Wild Artist Proof Crayon Deck
      • Kings Wild Artist Proof - 2019 Halloween "Trick or Treat" Deck
      • Kings Wild 2019 Nutcracker Standard Edition
      • Thirdway Betrayers Veritas deck
      • UC 2018 DeNovo Aurum deck.
  29. GNS MAGIC : The Card Guy (KingfisherZero)
    • 1 x set of all 4 Modern Idols decks from TWI
      • Hope (Standard Edition)
      • Fear (Standard Edition)
      • Endless Hope (Limited Edition)
      • Extreme Fear (Limited Edition)
  30. CollectADeck : JP GAMES LTD.
    • 1 x Mystery Mixed Brick
  31. cardistroy : Räpylätassu
    • 1 x Mixed Brick of Swedish Anglo Rugback decks (each deck features a different colored back)
  32. drifter779 : JP GAMES LTD.
    • 1 x Mystery Mixed Brick
  33. cardistnewbie : PipChick
    • 1 x Mixed Half-Brick for a Cardist
      • 2 x Omega
      • 1 x AXIAL by Not A_
      • 1 x Polaris (Solstice Edition)
      • 1 x Superfly (Spitfire Edition)
      • 1 x DIVA (French Edition)
  34. Outsider : JP GAMES LTD.
    • 1 x Mystery Mixed Brick
  35. theCapraAegagrus :
  36. shermjack :
  37. Ragzzz :
  38. kellarswonders :
  39. Blueninja523 :
  40. tugocan :
  41. Dolape :
  42. JacksandJokers :
  43. nertzmaster :
  44. easyshuffle :
  45. hsbc :
  46. Naychurboy :
  47. sinjin7 :
  48. limitededition :
  49. GetABox :
  50. badpete69 :
  51. cgouwu :
  52. Luke Wadey :
  53. MSimonart :
  54. nilirich :
  55. Decknowledgy :
  56. enlightenme214 :
  57. phantom1412 :
  58. shkorc :
  59. CaseyLuvsCards :
  60. lms_jam :
  61. Circle & Star :
  62. cartomancercards :
  63. Eric Lee :
  64. dylanweb52 :
  65. Magic Tapp :
  66. caribcards :
  67. HostileTraveler :
  68. socalplayingcards :
  69. Conturbia :
  70. sjrosenfield :
  71. KingfisherZero :
  72. Albendon :
  73. hawk199 :
  74. diesel :
  75. FrkNugget :
  76. scottbre :
  77. Kermode :
  78. kem-collector :
  79. Cezar Pe :
  80. sms69x :
  81. Bluemanta :
  82. NativeTongue :
  83. Curt :
  84. andreac75 :
  85. philmyer92 :
  86. Adonael :

If any of the above winners of the DOTY prize giveaway would like to opt out & forfeit their chance to select a prize from the giveaway, please publically announce so as soon as possible. In the event of such a decision, the participant will be removed from the list, and all other winners will be moved up one space. The last remaining slot on the list will be filled by the participant that had been randomly drawn next in the initial drawing. There will be no "re-dos" and any gifting of the prize you select to any other member at UC will need to be arranged outside of this event. If there are any other questions, comments or concerns, please let me know either privately, or post them in the Discussion thread. Thank you.


Participation in voting for the 'Deck of the Year' Awards automatically enters members into the prize giveaway contest for a chance to win one of the various prize bundles donated by our very generous sponsors of UC and the 'Deck of the Year' Awards.


WHEN: DOTY prize giveaway winners will also be announced on Friday, February 14th, 2020 (approximately one week after DOTY Award winners have been announced to ensure that the voter prize giveaway aspect of our event does not overshadow the honor and recognition of the DOTY Award winners)[/list]

WHERE: DOTY prize giveaway winners will be announced on the official DOTY Awards thread here[/list]

HOW: To prevent any questions or confusion there may be regarding exactly how the prize giveaway drawing will be done, I'll explain precisely how I'll been keeping track of participants and how the winners will be chosen to provide as much transparency as possible to eliminate any doubt of bias. As all of you know, I will be tabulating votes solo and, therefore, I'll be the only one to know exactly all that have participated and how they will have voted - I will deliberately keep these details to myself as to ensure this entire process will not be influenced in any way. And, in tabulating votes, I'll also be keeping track of all participants more or less in the order in which they submit votes.

  • Unless a voter participant explicitly states to opt out of the prize giveaway, everyone that voted for the DOTYs automatically gets exactly ONLY ONE entry into the prize giveaway and has the same chance as everyone else that participated.
  • Everyone that submits votes for the DOTY awards will receive an *official* confirmation message back in response to assure that your votes have been accounted for. If you, for whatever reason did in fact submit votes but did not instantly receive a confirmation message back, please be patient as it might take some time to tabulate. In the event that the voting time period is drawing to a close and in it's final last 3 days and you still have not recieved a confirmation message, please contact me as soon as possible so we can ensure that your votes have been submitted and you are entered in the giveaway.
  • In the confirmation message, it will also state that you have been automatically entered into the prize giveaway contest UNLESS you explicitly write back that you choose to opt out of being entered. For those that would like to opt out, please also let me know as soon as possible (if you hadn't done so when you submitted your votes already) so I can withdraw your entry. I want to avoid announcing the giveaway prize winners as selected through the random drawing and then only after having those winners announced, those wishing to opt out stating they don't want to participate... :? because then we'd have to re-draw to select new winners and it would make it all the more complicated considering that prizes are given away based on the order in which they are selected by winners. So, pleasepleaseplease let me know if you would like to opt out - otherwise, as I said, you are automatically entered and there's the chance your name will be drawn whether you like it or not.
  • The administrators of UC reserve all rights to revoke anyone's right to participation in voting should there be any suspicion of dishonest activities. (this also includes their entry into the prize giveaway contest)
2.) RANDOM GIVEAWAY DRAWING (via random number generator)
  • When voting officially closes, I will use the total number voters to assign a random number to each participant (only with the exception of excluding those participants that have expressly opted out of the giveaway contest). But since I not only know the voters and the random numbers assigned to them but am also entered into the giveaway as well as a participant, I will NOT be conducting the drawing as it'd be a clear conflict of interest; instead, I will be passing on ONLY the total number to another mod (even though they may also be entered into the drawing for their own participation, they will not know their own assigned random number) who will then enter the total into a random number generator that will be used to create a list.
  • Giveaway prizes from our sponsors will be chosen by assigned winners in the order by which final placement of recipients were listed as randomly generated by a number randomizer used by the Administrators.
  • The first number generated by the random number generator, will be the first on the list and each number drawn thereafter will continue to be added to the list to denote the order in which prizes will be selected. So for example, if your randomly assigned number is the 3rd to be drawn, your name will be 3rd on the list of giveaway winners and you can only select among the available prizes after the 1st and 2nd place winner have selected. I hope this makes sense but if you have any questions, please feel free to ask and I'll try my best to further clarify.
Although this seems like a more complicated process rather than just drawing for each prize and just assigning winners those prizes, this selection process seemed to work pretty well last year and allows winners the most choice in what prize they'd like to receive. Think of it like playing tag among the winners, going from one to the next until all prizes are claimed for :)

If there are any other questions or concerns regarding the giveaway, please let me know but I hope this all helps to clarify everything.



In choosing to participate by voting in the 'Deck of the Year' Award event, participants are also agreeing to the following terms & conditions of the prize giveaway:

  • After givewaway prize winners have been announced on Friday, February 14th, 2020 on the official DOTY thread, additionally, a message will be sent to all of those that have been randomly drawn to inform them of their win and request that they respond to claim their prize. From that moment on, those lucky giveaway winners will have until the following Monday, February 17th, 2020 (approximately 72hrs) to respond either publicly in a post or privately through a message that they will be present and reachable to participate in selecting and claiming a prize from the giveaway among those available.
  • In the event that a drawn prize giveaway recipient does not respond to attempts made in contacting them through message(s) sent through the UC private messenger, they will automatically forfeit their ability to participate in selecting an available prize from the giveaway. If this occurs, the participent will simply be removed from our list of winning giveaway recipents and all those listed below will be moved up one slot allowing for one more additional winner to be drawn to fill the last available spot in accordance to the number of prizes available for selection.
  • Unless a voter participant explicitly states to opt out of the prize giveaway, everyone that voted for the DOTYs automatically gets exactly ONLY ONE entry into the prize giveaway and has the same chance as everyone else that participated.
  • Requests for one participant's entry to go towards another participant as a way to opt out while giving another better odds in the drawing will NOT be accepted nor allowed. If you do happen to be randomly drawn and win selection of a prize in the giveaway and still would like to give that prize to someone else, please arrange that privately with that person and make selection of your prize on their behalf as they wish but all coordination should be done outside of this event as it will not be officially recognized otherwise.
  • Every donation of the prize giveaway contest is a gift of great generosity from those participating sponsors/donors to support the UC DOTY event, contributed completely on their own free will and accord. With that said (and as stated in the official DOTY rules of participation), the sponsors/donors of the offered prizes, as selected by winning recipents, completely determine the terms and conditions in regards to shipping arrangements. Some donors take on any and all associated costs of shipping regardless of where in the world the prize is being recieved, which is waaaay above and beyond, but an offer that should/can not be expected in every/any circumstance from every donor as each and every prize donation is different and may have varying degrees of challenges/constraints regarding shipment of prizes and/or means of the donor by which to do so.
  • In order for recipents to recieve their selected prize giveaway, they are required to personally reach out to donors through a message either here at UC or elsewhere and confirm to be in contact to discuss the best option by which shipping arrangements can be mutually agreed upon by both parties. Whether or not details of shipping arrangements were stated prior to prize selection, as a winner, it is generally most courteous to offer what you can to help offset shipping costs whenever/wherever possible, especially in cases when shipping is exceptionally high as with international folks. Keep in mind, the prize(s) itself are being provided completely free of charge from the wholehearted kindness of the donors and offering to financially contribute and chip in towards the costs to ease the burden of shipping expenses is a gesture of goodwill and appreciated consideration from winners to receive their gifted prize(s).
  • Now, it's understandable if the prize winner/recipient also cannot contribute (or only contribute very little) to meet the costs of shipping expenses and/or the donor and prize winner cannot come to a mutually agreed upon solution by which to send/recieve the donated prize, as was the case expressed by others last year who then chose a different available prize from another donor. However, in the case that there is no other available prize optiosn from which the winner may select from and shipping arrangements cannot be agreed upon by both parties of those that are available, I regret to inform that this particular recipent will unfortunately have no other choice but to decline the giveaway prize as offered and forfeit their participation in the giveaway.
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Re: *OFFICIAL* 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards

Unread post by PipChick »


IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR NEW MEMBERS : If you are a brand new member that has not yet posted before in the forum, your PMing (private messaging) privileges have not yet been activated and you will not be able to send private messages to vote until you do.
  • At UC, everyone's first post is screened & curated by our Moderators and must be approved before it shows up & becomes visible to the public in the forums. This is to protect our community and it's users as a way to combate automatic posting by "Spambots" that try to post garbage or links to pirated software. We just want to make sure that YOU are not a bot and are in fact an actual, living & breathing human being behind the screen. ;)

    So, if you don't see the PM button below each user's name & avatar, it's because you haven't posted enough to activate your privilege to do so. But don't worry! If this is the case for you, please reach out by posting a comment in our Discussions thread. The DOTYs Discussions thread is specifically for the intended purpose of providing members with the opportunity for open discussion on literally any and all things relating to the running and managing of the DOTYs; so please, don't be shy - join in on the conversation! And in doing so, earn your PMing privileges to participate & vote!
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Re: *OFFICIAL* 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards

Unread post by PipChick »


Hi y'all!

Sorry for the delay; being a pretty busy day, I didn't get a chance to get these posted until after I got home from work but thank you for your patience - I hurried as fast as I could to get everything finished up and ready for posting and I'm finally ready to announce the voting results for the DOTY Awards... DOTY AWARD WINNERS ARE NOW UP! :ugdance: :ugdance: :ugdance:

Congratulations to all placed DOTY award winners, honorable mentions and those nominated in this year's DOTYs - 2019 had some of the toughest competition we've ever seen and the votes were very, VERY close resulting in some cases in 2- and 3-way ties and others missing placement by only one or two votes. Y'all did an absolutely amazing job and should be proud of the exceptional work you put out in the world for us all to enjoy and we greatly appreciate your contributions to the hobby and community. Thank you and congratulations!!! :ugdance:

But y'all will still have to wait 'til next Friday, Feb. 14th for the winners of the DOTY prize giveaway... :ugthink: :mrgreen:
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Re: *OFFICIAL* 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards (wap)

Unread post by sms69x »

Congrats to all the winners! 2019 was indeed a fantastic year for the playing cards community!

And a BIG THANKS to PipChick for her fantastic work on the contest.
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Re: *OFFICIAL* 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards

Unread post by Decknowledgy »

Thank you, Amy, for hosting and organizing such a phenomenal event that is done through hard work and sacrifice of time!!
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Re: *OFFICIAL* 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards (wap)

Unread post by RichK »

sms69x wrote:Congrats to all the winners! 2019 was indeed a fantastic year for the playing cards community!

And a BIG THANKS to PipChick for her fantastic work on the contest.
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Re: *OFFICIAL* 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards

Unread post by courier_stu »

Congratulations to all the Winners and those taking podium places!!! And big thanks to Pipchick for all the hard work and bringing us the DOTY's!!!
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Re: *OFFICIAL* 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards

Unread post by shermjack »

Thanks again, Amy, for another awesome DOTYs! Congrats to all the winners! :ugdance:
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Re: *OFFICIAL* 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards

Unread post by furrukhjamal »

any idea how many votes were casted?
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Re: *OFFICIAL* 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards

Unread post by Harvonsgard »

shermjack wrote:Thanks again, Amy, for another awesome DOTYs! Congrats to all the winners! :ugdance:
+ 2 Thanks a lot Amy.
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Re: *OFFICIAL* 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards

Unread post by Timmargh »

furrukhjamal wrote:any idea how many votes were casted?
At least 4.
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Re: *OFFICIAL* 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards

Unread post by MagikFingerz »

Timmargh wrote:
furrukhjamal wrote:any idea how many votes were casted?
At least 4.
And no more than 6000.
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Re: *OFFICIAL* 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards

Unread post by nertzmaster »

Congratulations to all the nominees and winners. It was a fantastic year for playing cards! And big thanks to all the sponsors and contributors. Pipchick, your work, vision and effort is truly appreciated. What an awesome community you have helped cultivate. :)
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Re: *OFFICIAL* 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards

Unread post by Lotrek »

Congratulations to all winners for their work and to pipchick for her incredible effort! :)
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Re: *OFFICIAL* 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards

Unread post by Mike Ratledge »

Guys & Gals:

I would like to congratulate every single winner, everyone nominated, PipChick for putting on yet another marvelous showpiece for all of us here at UnitedCardists, all of the contributors of prizes and remind everyone that things like this, the purposeful glee with which it was put on and again Amy ("PipChick") for making UC head and shoulders above the rest. We truly appreciate the efforts, and celebrate your tribulations during the execution and your tireless willingness to make this - once again - the best for all of us here at UC because she personally brought us wonderful exposure everywhere, not just in our world, but worldwide among all of our friends, family and their families.

One more kudo to Lotrek for bringing us the overall Deck of the Year. Consistency is winning yet again, and remember that we brought a lot of new people into the process again this year due to PipChick and her tireless efforts to make it THE best awards for our industry. It is not just a matter of a few members agreeing, it is a universal agreement that everyone appreciates the time, thought and effort put into his work.

I am not belittling or minimizing any of the numerous other winners, and especially hope that the new faces this year will be back again and again: we love you and the works you bring into our world of playing cards.

I hope that everyone who has been exposed to the process continues to enjoy the site, and once again: thank you Amy: YOU MAKE US LOOK GREAT - AGAIN! :D
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Re: *OFFICIAL* 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards

Unread post by gacktvam »

Congrats to all the winners and thank you Amy for all your hard effort!
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Re: *OFFICIAL* 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards

Unread post by Eric Lee »

MagikFingerz wrote:
Timmargh wrote:
furrukhjamal wrote:any idea how many votes were casted?
At least 4.
And no more than 6000.

When the dust dies down after the prizes are all settled, could we get the total vote count? Would be cool to see how many participated this year compared to last. :ugthink:

BTW, fantastic job for DOTY 2019. Again, many thanks to Amy and all the other mods , sponsors and people who participated. Amazing job.
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Re: *OFFICIAL* 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards

Unread post by Ragzzz »


Hi y'all!

Sorry for the delay; being a pretty busy day, I didn't get a chance to get these posted until after I got home from work but thank you for your patience - I hurried as fast as I could to get everything finished up and ready for posting and I'm finally ready to announce the voting results for the DOTY Awards... DOTY AWARD WINNERS ARE NOW UP! :ugdance: :ugdance: :ugdance:

Congratulations to all placed DOTY award winners, honorable mentions and those nominated in this year's DOTYs - 2019 had some of the toughest competition we've ever seen and the votes were very, VERY close resulting in some cases in 2- and 3-way ties and others missing placement by only one or two votes. Y'all did an absolutely amazing job and should be proud of the exceptional work you put out in the world for us all to enjoy and we greatly appreciate your contributions to the hobby and community. Thank you and congratulations!!! :ugdance:

But y'all will still have to wait 'til next Friday, Feb. 14th for the winners of the DOTY prize giveaway... :ugthink: :mrgreen:
Forgive me

But where can I see the winners of the DOTY?

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Re: *OFFICIAL* 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards

Unread post by PipChick »

Ragzzz wrote:

Hi y'all!

Sorry for the delay; being a pretty busy day, I didn't get a chance to get these posted until after I got home from work but thank you for your patience - I hurried as fast as I could to get everything finished up and ready for posting and I'm finally ready to announce the voting results for the DOTY Awards... DOTY AWARD WINNERS ARE NOW UP! :ugdance: :ugdance: :ugdance:

Congratulations to all placed DOTY award winners, honorable mentions and those nominated in this year's DOTYs - 2019 had some of the toughest competition we've ever seen and the votes were very, VERY close resulting in some cases in 2- and 3-way ties and others missing placement by only one or two votes. Y'all did an absolutely amazing job and should be proud of the exceptional work you put out in the world for us all to enjoy and we greatly appreciate your contributions to the hobby and community. Thank you and congratulations!!! :ugdance:

But y'all will still have to wait 'til next Friday, Feb. 14th for the winners of the DOTY prize giveaway... :ugthink: :mrgreen:
Forgive me

But where can I see the winners of the DOTY?
First page of this thread, scrolled down to the '2019 'DOTY' Award Winners' section as also linked within the first post :ugthink: :mrgreen:
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Re: *OFFICIAL* 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards

Unread post by theCapraAegagrus »

Some surprises in there.
rousselle wrote:You are a fussy, picky guy.
Lotrek wrote:Given the number of morons produced in the world every day, a pessimist is actually a well informed realist.
Räpylätassu wrote:"Tyhmyydestä sakotetaan." You get fined for being stupid.
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Re: *OFFICIAL* 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards (wap)

Unread post by Luke Wadey »

A massive congratulations to all winners and placed decks! Thank you Pip and UC for hosting the event, looking forward to the giveaway too. I gotta say it’s a massive honour to place 2nd and 3rd in 2 categories this year, a massive thank you to everyone that nominated and voted for Mono - Xero, it’s truly unbelievable for me that this little side hobby of mine got this recognition. Last year I was determined to at least place this year, so for it to actually happen is amazing and humbling. Thank you and everyone keep up the great work, and positive vibes :)
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Re: *OFFICIAL* 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards

Unread post by Ragzzz »

PipChick wrote:
Ragzzz wrote:

Hi y'all!

Sorry for the delay; being a pretty busy day, I didn't get a chance to get these posted until after I got home from work but thank you for your patience - I hurried as fast as I could to get everything finished up and ready for posting and I'm finally ready to announce the voting results for the DOTY Awards... DOTY AWARD WINNERS ARE NOW UP! :ugdance: :ugdance: :ugdance:

Congratulations to all placed DOTY award winners, honorable mentions and those nominated in this year's DOTYs - 2019 had some of the toughest competition we've ever seen and the votes were very, VERY close resulting in some cases in 2- and 3-way ties and others missing placement by only one or two votes. Y'all did an absolutely amazing job and should be proud of the exceptional work you put out in the world for us all to enjoy and we greatly appreciate your contributions to the hobby and community. Thank you and congratulations!!! :ugdance:

But y'all will still have to wait 'til next Friday, Feb. 14th for the winners of the DOTY prize giveaway... :ugthink: :mrgreen:
Forgive me

But where can I see the winners of the DOTY?
First page of this thread, scrolled down to the '2019 'DOTY' Award Winners' section as also linked within the first post :ugthink: :mrgreen:
Cheers Pip

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Re: *OFFICIAL* 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards

Unread post by Räpylätassu »

The price giveaway starts this Friday and a lot of people still haven't announced the prices they are giving away...

Could everyone announce their prices before friday? Kinda not fair to the first few people who get to pick if they don't know the prices available.
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I dream of a world where wars are fought only by having dance offs. I also dream that a Finnish playing card designer would exist. The former seems more likely to happend.

Money can't buy you happiness, but it can buy you a penguin. Have you ever met a sad person with a penguin?

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Re: *OFFICIAL* 2019 'Deck of the Year' Awards

Unread post by theCapraAegagrus »

Räpylätassu wrote:The price giveaway starts this Friday and a lot of people still haven't announced the prices they are giving away...

Could everyone announce their prices before friday? Kinda not fair to the first few people who get to pick if they don't know the prices available.
rousselle wrote:You are a fussy, picky guy.
Lotrek wrote:Given the number of morons produced in the world every day, a pessimist is actually a well informed realist.
Räpylätassu wrote:"Tyhmyydestä sakotetaan." You get fined for being stupid.
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