Quantum deck by QED Playing Cards

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Quantum deck by QED Playing Cards

Unread post by QEDPlayingCards »


I am in the process of designing my first deck to be launched to Kickstarter. If all goes well, this will be the first in a series of decks with physics themes. The first deck is the Quantum deck that will be a tribute to the field of Quantum Mechanics and the men and women who made major contributions to it. The design is still very much a work in progress. I have attached the current draft of the card back design. Any feedback, especially constructive criticism and suggestions, would be greatly appreciated. I hope to make the deck usable for magic while being a solid design for cardistry. Please feel free to let me know what you think about this design for either usage. Bonus points to whoever can identify what the design elements represent.

The deck will also include custom court cards and jokers. I will post drafts of these as they are ready.
Latest draft of the Quantum deck back design
Latest draft of the Quantum deck back design
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Re: Quantum deck by QED Playing Cards

Unread post by MagikFingerz »

Welcome to the forum!

I like this design a lot, both for aesthetics and the theme. I have to admit I don't know nearly enough about Quantum Mechanics as I would like to, some day I'll get some books and really dig into it. Is any of it related to the double-slit experiment?

I'm biased here, but I think this would look incredible as a borderless back design. Maybe a stretch goal? :D
- Tom

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Re: Quantum deck by QED Playing Cards

Unread post by QEDPlayingCards »

Thank you very much, I'm happy to be here.

Thank you also for the feedback. The double slit experiment isn't part of the back design, but I plan to incorporate it elsewhere in the deck design. As far as doing a borderless design as a stretch goal, this is something that I have thought about and would love to do. I have a bias towards a border for the purpose of magic, but I agree that a borderless deck would be even better for cardistry. Hopefully the campaign will be successful enough to reach such a stretch goal! I'll post a borderless version here soon when I have a chance to make the change.
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