What Rewards do you want to see in a KS Campaign?

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What Rewards do you want to see in a KS Campaign?

Unread post by JackBrutusPenny »

Hello All!

I’ve been active here recently and it’s been nice getting to know you. By now you’ve probably heard of my Culturae Animalis deck of art playing cards in support of environment and animal welfare in Kickstarter now.

I want to involve the UC community even more for the last week of the campaign and so I’m asking you -

1. What new reward tier would entice you into backing?

I have reward tiers with different numbers of decks, and can’t change the existing tiers with backers nor can I undercut them for many reasons from the tight printing budget to wanting to make sure those that support from the beginning to end get the same advantages. The cards are already moving to EPCC printing, with their best card stock, special ink, full-bleed unique art designs and gold gilding to top! The tucks will have gold foil and most likely moving to embossing! I’m not asking about stretch-goals. But what new reward tiers would draw in? More behind-the-scenes footage/digital art copies for free? The knowledge that you’re saving more animals? The inclusion of my nonsense books? A larger number of decks with the continued discount rates applied? Anything else?

2. What epic reward tier would entice you to back and how much do you think it would be worth?

Currently the epic rewards are pretty - epic. A card designed for you and printed in each deck making you an integral part of this deck. The adoption of the most endangered wild cat in the world - the Amur Leopard (only 90 in the wild) - in your honour and all information and a personal message from the fella. As well as decks, my own exclusive proof copy uncut sheet and all stretch goal additions (stickers, digital files and more). But I know this is both our hobby, our passion and our luxury that we need to keep within a budget. So tell me, what would make you throw caution to the wind and want to dive into this project, becoming an epic backer and rescuing more animals across Japan?

With one week to go I’m very happy to hear from anyone that’s on the fence or didn’t even notice this before - to bring to you exactly what you want to see. What reward tiers do you look for?

Colour was asked for and I immediately set to hand-colouring a medium sized Japanese washi poster that took 35 hours! The community reached a stretch goal helping adopt a lobster to release into the wild helping lobster populations around the U.K., and backers asked for the new mascot to be introduced to the deck along with a Fool card for extra practical use - and the addition is well under way now! I’m here to listen!
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Re: What Rewards do you want to see in a KS Campaign?

Unread post by STLBluesNut »

Well, that poster is very cool!

For me, I generally collect one copy of any given deck. I may buy 2 or 3 if there is a good deal and I think my son would like them as well.

I am probably not the guy you're wanting an opinion from for your thread. To date, I cannot think of any campaign that I have bought extra, non card deck items that weren't some inexpensive stickers that were offered.

I am the guy that is collecting cards. Although some coins and other extra items have been neat, I have not jumped to buy any. I buy or support a KS campaign if I like the deck and it is at a good, reasonable price. Other extra items do not draw me in.

So I guess I am just posting for people like me out there. I would rather a designer put more into their tuck than offer all the extras.

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Re: What Rewards do you want to see in a KS Campaign?

Unread post by MagikFingerz »

STLBluesNut wrote:Well, that poster is very cool!

For me, I generally collect one copy of any given deck. I may buy 2 or 3 if there is a good deal and I think my son would like them as well.

I am probably not the guy you're wanting an opinion from for your thread. To date, I cannot think of any campaign that I have bought extra, non card deck items that weren't some inexpensive stickers that were offered.

I am the guy that is collecting cards. Although some coins and other extra items have been neat, I have not jumped to buy any. I buy or support a KS campaign if I like the deck and it is at a good, reasonable price. Other extra items do not draw me in.

So I guess I am just posting for people like me out there. I would rather a designer put more into their tuck than offer all the extras.

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Re: What Rewards do you want to see in a KS Campaign?

Unread post by JackBrutusPenny »

STLBluesNut wrote:Well, that poster is very cool!

For me, I generally collect one copy of any given deck. I may buy 2 or 3 if there is a good deal and I think my son would like them as well.

I am probably not the guy you're wanting an opinion from for your thread. To date, I cannot think of any campaign that I have bought extra, non card deck items that weren't some inexpensive stickers that were offered.

I am the guy that is collecting cards. Although some coins and other extra items have been neat, I have not jumped to buy any. I buy or support a KS campaign if I like the deck and it is at a good, reasonable price. Other extra items do not draw me in.

So I guess I am just posting for people like me out there. I would rather a designer put more into their tuck than offer all the extras.

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Thank you for the feedback and I understand. I have tried my hardest to make all improvements and suggestions given by people on UC and other forums/my social media. With the upgrade in printer to EPCC but retaining all the features of their highest quality stock, gold-gilding, quality custom tuck case with foil, I think it will all be glorious. Concerning the tuck then, would you like to see embossing in place of SpotUV, to really give it final outstanding punch? If so, would that justify a second deck?
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Re: What Rewards do you want to see in a KS Campaign?

Unread post by JackBrutusPenny »

MagikFingerz wrote: This is also me.
Great, thanks for the feedback. Please see my previous reply!
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