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Where to go from here?

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2019 11:35 am
by Outsider
I've been teaching myself flourishes over the last few months, just doing what I can when I have an idle minute to relax. So far I've gained reasonable proficiency (for a beginner) in the following, in no particular order:

- Riffle shuffle + bridge
- Faro shuffle + bridge
- Charlier cut, both low and high
- Running Charlier cut
- Swing cut + swivel cut
- Thumb fan + one handed close
- One handed fan (full deck or split in both hands)
- Pressure fan + Under Pressure variant
- Lepaul spread
- Spring (correctly, from the corners)
- Dribble

I can do all of these with either hand and practice with both hands equally. But, I don't really know where to go next. So far I've pretty much just looked up flourishes as I've heard of them, or picked them up incidentally when they were included with a video I watched to learn something else.

Recommendations for flourishes that are either just a bit more challenging than what I'm already doing, or are fundamental motions I should learn early?

Re: Where to go from here?

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2019 12:50 am
by Harvonsgard
Revolution cut and after that, Kryptonite would be some next steps. Sybil is also something for beginners, that goes more into the direction of packet cutting. I would recommend the thumb cut as a basic move aswell.
Some moves to round up the overall dexterity would be pincho and atm. Top shot, Hot shot and flicker shot are aswell some nice moves that are different from your current reportoire.

One of my personal favorites is Plumelle. Kind of a beginner/intermediate move that has an interesting concept/mechanic and gives you a lot of options to personalize.

Re: Where to go from here?

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2019 12:02 pm
by Outsider
Thanks I'll look these up and see what I can do with it.