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5th Kickstarter Project with a sad end

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 5:23 am
by guru
Just received this update from one of the projects I was really looking forward to. ... ts/2263932" onclick=";return false;

And with another one that shut down in Oct, I am having a feeling that it is better to wait till such kind of tech products hit retail. ... ts/2304432" onclick=";return false;

I am sure a number of you would have had a similar experience on Kickstarter. I don't know what can be done to safeguard backer interests.

Re: 5th Kickstarter Project with a sad end

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 8:26 am
by Bradius
I agree that the failure rate of Kickstarter technology projects is not very good. But often I back the idea. One such idea was developing an AI cloud service to identify a parasitic infestation on bees that can kill a colony if untreated. They have developed the software. With a successful Kickstarter, they were able to get additional grants and awards. It is actually starting to make a difference. Not bad for a $6 investment in an idea as one of his first backers (#12).

Re: 5th Kickstarter Project with a sad end

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 10:33 am
by theCapraAegagrus
I love the, "you invested $2.5 million into our idea, and we failed, sorry bye". Wtf?

Re: 5th Kickstarter Project with a sad end

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 11:43 am
by Bradius
I didn’t check out the second update. I nearly backed that project, but eventually decided it wasn’t something I would need. Yeah, that is bad. I had a project that canceled and got back most of my pledge when the manufacturer backed out of the contract.

Re: 5th Kickstarter Project with a sad end

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 11:58 am
by Magic Tapp
I also started my KS experience by backing a few technology campaigns but, having been badly burned by the OSSIC headphones disaster (who have burned through over US$ 4 million of backers funding on KS and IGG as well as some seed money), I am now much more selective in backing anything tech related. One rule of thumb for me is never to back anyone who is a first timer as the likelihood is they have no idea what they are doing, will waste your money and never show up on KS again.

To give credit where it is due, these two campaigns at least had the decency to announce their failure. In most cases, people just disappear.

Re: 5th Kickstarter Project with a sad end

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 12:19 pm
by MagikFingerz
Not one that has failed (yet), but one that I am watching with great interest is the Star Citizen game. Initially on Kickstarter in 2012 collecting just over $2M, but has since continued collecting funds from people "buying" unlockables like spaceships in the game, resulting in a whopping $200M+ total (and counting). 6 years later, the development has been slow (the KS project had an estimated delivery of Nov 2014) and the scope of the game has increased parallel with the amount of money collected. It'll still be years before it's finished. Also, how they'll give people who have bought in-game stuff value for their money, without making the game overwhelmingly difficult to compete in for people who haven't, is beyond me.

Re: 5th Kickstarter Project with a sad end

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 12:28 pm
by Smocito
I think I've played all Chris Roberts games since Wing Commander 1. I've also played his brother's Privateer 2.
I'd like to play a finished version of Star Citizen but, as you've mentioned, the scope of the game keeps increasing...

Re: 5th Kickstarter Project with a sad end

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 2:13 pm
by Bradius
I backed Dual Universe and Ashes of Creation. Both have finished pre-Alpha and just started Alpha 1 testing. I have done some playing on both in pre-alpha and it was **** can’t say. I hope to play some this weekend. Both seem to be progressing okay.

Re: 5th Kickstarter Project with a sad end

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2018 6:39 pm
by guru
MagikFingerz wrote:Not one that has failed (yet), but one that I am watching with great interest is the Star Citizen game. Initially on Kickstarter in 2012 collecting just over $2M, but has since continued collecting funds from people "buying" unlockables like spaceships in the game, resulting in a whopping $200M+ total (and counting). 6 years later, the development has been slow (the KS project had an estimated delivery of Nov 2014) and the scope of the game has increased parallel with the amount of money collected. It'll still be years before it's finished. Also, how they'll give people who have bought in-game stuff value for their money, without making the game overwhelmingly difficult to compete in for people who haven't, is beyond me.
2012..hmm...Kickstarter was still a novel concept then and most of the projects used to achieve the funding goal. Now, people are wary if they see more than 2 + year timeline except project like board games with miniatures etc. coming from already established companies.

My sis-in-law had backed Star Citizen, and she works with EA. She is also skeptical because of the increased scope creep.

Re: 5th Kickstarter Project with a sad end

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2018 2:35 am
by guru
This one turned out to be a dud too. Last shipping update was in October but haven't received anything along with no response through their support email or Slack channel. ... a-laptop-f" onclick=";return false;

Re: 5th Kickstarter Project with a sad end

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2018 4:10 am
by shermjack
guru wrote:This one turned out to be a dud too. Last shipping update was in October but haven't received anything along with no response through their support email or Slack channel. ... a-laptop-f" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;
Don’t lose hope on this seems from the comments that people are receiving theirs despite the crappy customer service/non-response