Albino Dragon:Licensing & calculating Kickstarter goals

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Albino Dragon:Licensing & calculating Kickstarter goals

Unread post by Eric Lee »

Here's an interesting blogpost posted on Aug 28, 2018 by Albino Dragon on their website that's really helpful for Kickstarter novices. They used their recent Gorilla Silverback edition as an example. A must read for those new to KS and considering using licensed products. ... rter-goal/

They also posted a very useful one on licensing 101 on April 2016 .

Mods, pls merge the threads if this was posted elsewhere.
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Re: Albino Dragon:Licensing & calculating Kickstarter goals

Unread post by Bradius »

That makes since, so the plan was to loose a little bit, but pick up 350 units for future resale at a higher price for profits. The Kickstarter was not a money-maker, but a funding vehicle. Profits are in the extra manufactured product that can be sold later.

Anyway, I ended up backing two for $38 and added an original (unfoiled) Gorilla back for an extra $10 that was added late in the game. The campaign ended with 265 backers and raised $16,930. Of course some backers would have not funded, so not sure what the final number that was raised by Kickstarter. I still feel it would have sold better if he could have gotten the price down a bit lower. $20 was tough, even for a metalLuxe deck.
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