Deck of playing cards I've been working on (updated pics)

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Deck of playing cards I've been working on (updated pics)

Unread post by mrdude42 »

Hey all,

I've been working on a deck of cards. Still trying to flesh out the main theme I want to go for but right now its sort of based on Tarot cards. Spades, Clubs, Hearts, and Diamonds are also Swords, Wands, Cups, and Pentagrams respectively like in a tarot deck. There's also 4 colors instead of 2. The idea is for this deck to also be the minor arcana of a tarot deck and later I can design a "major arcana expansion" deck that when combined with this deck would make it into a full tarot deck. The major arcana card in a tarot deck are the ones with names like "The Magician", "The Fool", "Death", "Justice", etc. The minor arcana are the 4 suits with the Ace, 2-10, and the court cards so that would be this deck. Maybe even will include a couple Major arcana as the Joker cards. Like "The Fool" and "Death" cards since most playing card decks have 2 jokers anyways.

I'm also playing around with a duality idea of each of the court cards having slightly different sides. One being normal and the other side being a bit rough or unkempt. This would make them not perfectly symmetrical which would also be good for using them as Tarot cards since a card being upside down means something different than if it is turned right side up. That's one of the reasons I went with the current diamond pip design that isn't symmetrical top to bottom.

Anyways, I'm rambling on now. So what do you think? Any critiques or suggestions on the design?

TL;DR - I'm designing a deck of cards. What do you think?

(Use link for higher res)" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

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Re: Deck of playing cards I've been working on

Unread post by Eric Lee »

This look very interesting. The duality theme is very nice. Not too many recent decks have that theme. Wicked Kingdom did it very well. Subtle for the most parts that makes you want to take a closer look at the details. However the pic you posted is too low res for me to make out the details. Consider posting each suit separately so that we can take a closer look and give better feedback. How about the backs?

Right now I would recommend moving or even removing the banners from blocking the aces. Aces usually are prominent, hiding them makes the aces feel off to me.
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Re: Deck of playing cards I've been working on

Unread post by mrdude42 »

Eric Lee wrote:This look very interesting. The duality theme is very nice. Not too many recent decks have that theme. Wicked Kingdom did it very well. Subtle for the most parts that makes you want to take a closer look at the details. However the pic you posted is too low res for me to make out the details. Consider posting each suit separately so that we can take a closer look and give better feedback. How about the backs?

Right now I would recommend moving or even removing the banners from blocking the aces. Aces usually are prominent, hiding them makes the aces feel off to me.
Sorry about the image quality. For some reason the link wasn't forward through to the proper full res version. I added a link in the OP and here:" onclick=";return false;

I agree with your recommendation about the Aces. I should have the large Pips out front for sure. Thanks for the tip! I'll post more updates when I get more work done.
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Re: Deck of playing cards I've been working on (updated pics

Unread post by Räpylätassu »

Looks quite nice! Reminds me a bit of the Sentinels deck by Theory11 and the Icelandair deck

Not saying that you should do this in the finished product, but I'd like to see the possibilty of the courts having color on their hair, just as an option on what that would look like.
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Re: Deck of playing cards I've been working on (updated pics

Unread post by mrdude42 »

New Update. Still working on backs. Updated the lettering on these though and a few other details. Thoughts?

(click image for higher resolution)
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Re: Deck of playing cards I've been working on (updated pics

Unread post by mrdude42 »

Räpylätassu wrote:Looks quite nice! Reminds me a bit of the Sentinels deck by Theory11 and the Icelandair deck

Not saying that you should do this in the finished product, but I'd like to see the possibilty of the courts having color on their hair, just as an option on what that would look like.
I'm planning on adding hair color. Still trying to decide on colors for hair and skin tones.
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Re: Deck of playing cards I've been working on (updated pics

Unread post by mrdude42 »

Here's an update with the numbered cards included. Still struggling with choosing the colors. Aces still need a lot of work. Court card faces need color... Also still working on backs. 

(Click thumbnail to see full size version)
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Re: Deck of playing cards I've been working on (updated pics

Unread post by Wizard_of_Os »

I’m sure the color choice comes down, mostly, to personal preference. As I look at the current design, I feel like the colors should be a little more of a muted, earth-tone palette. But again, that’s just the vibe I get from looking at the latest update, and that may not be what you’re going for at all. Like many of the others here, I really like where this is headed overall.
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Re: Deck of playing cards I've been working on (updated pics

Unread post by shimmering »

Is it just me or does the "click image to get higher resolution" not work?

I can see the hi-res image in your first post where you add a link to it. But for all the others all I see when I click the image is a new window with the same image.
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Re: Deck of playing cards I've been working on (updated pics

Unread post by LanceTMiller »

mrdude42 wrote:
TL;DR - I'm designing a deck of cards. What do you think?
I think the courts could benefit from some contrast or negative space between the color blocks. The Red courts will have a color blindness issue where the blue blends right into the red and becomes a giant block of grey. Interesting concepts on the aces. Keep at it!
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Re: Deck of playing cards I've been working on (updated pics

Unread post by portcullis »

I'd buy this.
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Re: Deck of playing cards I've been working on (updated pics

Unread post by TheGentlemanWake »

Like these... I would say that what bothers me most is the the lack of variation inline weight. All of the lines have the exact same thickness and I has the effect of deadening the design abit. Some thicker line weights around the perimeter of the figures might help. Also some thicker line weights to the heads. Additionally thejack of spades helmet visor doesn't make sense. In one orientation it covers his whole face and in another looks barely big enough to cover his mouth. Just my twocents. Excellent work thusfar!
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Re: Deck of playing cards I've been working on (updated pics

Unread post by Eric Lee »

Yes, TGW got it right about what I felt was missing in the art. The line weight, maybe also some colour gradient or shading to add some texture to the courts.
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