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[SELL] Uncut Sheets

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2018 1:40 pm
by samwisethegray
Hello Everyone! Its been a long time since I have been on this forum and happy to be back!

I am selling all my uncut sheets of playing cards I have acquired over the years. Not really sure about price, so please send me an email at samuelleecurtis08@gmail and we can come to an agreement. All items are in mint condition, rolled up in a secure shipping tube.

I only have one of each unless specified with QTY:

Kings Wild - Federal 52 ($120)
Kings Wild - Silver Cert ($80)
Kings Wild - Civil War Red ($30)
Kings Wild - Civil War Blue ($30)
Ellusionist - Red Artifice ($50)
Ellusionist - Sentinals ($50)
Ellusionist - Gold Arcane (QTY 2) ($100)
Bicycle Club 808 - Espionage ($50)
Soleil Zumbrunn - Glitch ($50)
Kings and Crooks - Empire ($120)
Emmanual Jose - Delicious ($100)

Re: [SELL] Uncut Sheets

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2021 6:16 pm
by samwisethegray
bumping this as I took photos and trying to sell some of my older stock!