Other neat stuff on Kickstarter

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Other neat stuff on Kickstarter

Unread post by Bradius »

There are a couple of other campaigns I thought I would share going on right now on Kickstarter.

One is a great series in a Steampunk style comic called "Skies of Fire". This Kickstarter is combining their first four softback issues into one hardback. I have the softback editions and it is a nice story and really excellent illustrations. If you like steampunk art, this is really a good offer.

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/10 ... escription

Another interesting kickstarter is a spinning top that has a tiny motorized gyroscope inside that will keep it spinning four 4 hours. It looks to be a fun desktop toy. The battery is rechargable. You can also get a non-rechargable battery version that spins for 24 hours. Maybe next they will work on one that can be recharged using a wireless charger and basically spin indefinitely.

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/47 ... -for-hours

It was basically neat cutting-edge electronic stuff that got me on Kickstarter, which then got me to collecting playing cards. Below is my first Kickstarter. A cool idea that was never delivered. Yep, my first kickstarter was a bust. But, I still back stuff. Most come through, but I don't get miffed about the few that don't pan out. Who knows? Maybe someday. Nice video at least. :lol:

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/26 ... ss-charger
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