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This message is just a placeholder so I can host this graphic file online.
Screenshot 2018-02-04 10.26.47.png
"You can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself"
They say "Ignorance is bliss". Obviously, some people are much happier than others...

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Re: Please ignore - testing...

Unread post by Mike Ratledge »

Graphical evidence of the <CTRL-C> not truly breaking the 11.0 app, same as I had observed occasionally in 10.4-10.5-10.6

Usually it does what it should, but not always. Curious that it seems to be resolution for my occasional low MH/s.
"You can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself"
They say "Ignorance is bliss". Obviously, some people are much happier than others...

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Re: Leonardo MMXVIII | Art Playing Cards now on KS

Unread post by Bruno »

One brave soul ....
Come on UC ....
Here is the start line to a clean slate !

Here it stops.
The monstering and demonising, the character assassination, the reduction of the perfectly good intentions of creators to the level of school-corridor spite, shall cease.
You want monstering ?
O ho, I know you are out there.
Know this.
Bruno appreciates honorable intentions.
Bruno understands ignorance.
You shallow organisers of contrary intentions are on notice.
#brunobashing ?
Be my guest.
#demonising ?
#monstering ?
#onlineheroism ?
#anyfoolwith*card*intheiravatar ?

I wish to engage.
I wish to engage with ....
I wish to engage with people who do not at any time :-

i.e. Bruno wishes to engage with adults.
Watch the input now folks.

I wish to engage with a higher criticism.

#nighnighsfromoz. :D
O, I beg of you your comprehensions,
yet laugh at your contempts ....
my only competition is with myselves.

But Lèse-majesté, especially >Normans, natch.

Is jarnstill the Ars of the Hors Nebulous ?
Neigh .... the Effluxor of the Omniverse ??
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Re: Leonardo MMXVIII | Art Playing Cards now on KS

Unread post by Bruno »

vasta41 wrote:
Bruno wrote:Thank you Mike.

I wish to engage ....
I wish to engage more ....
I wish to engage more with :-
Or those who wish to be such a one.
Those who simply wish to criticise or offer advice should self criticise first, opinionate later .... but I repeat, it is neccessary to engage with creators and producers first and foremost !
No more shutting the gate on experience and hard work, no more big noteing oneself at the expense of all else, no more misrepresenting of issues cos you long windedly can (sinjin7ofthefakeconcern, you) ....
Above all .... No. More. Monstering.
Pull your heads in.
I wish to engage ....
I wish to engage with ....

'kay ?

Artists and Creators, Welcome Aboard the Good Ship UC ! :ugdance:
Hey, Bruno- there's a forum for that: viewforum.php?f=15" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;.
Nevertheless this site is called unitedcardists. I think I speak for almost everyone here that if you don't like our (i.e. non-deck creators) opinions, you can leave! You are extremely lucky that this site has some pretty lenient mods or you'd have been gone a long time ago.
The fact is that this community is an amazing source, not only to discover new playing cards but also to aid fellow cardists on deals, purchasing info, and deck designer info. I know this site has clued me in to some great campaigns I wouldn't have known about otherwise. But it's also helped me avoid potential disasters. Warning people about Dent's previous campaign should not be frowned upon. On the contrary it should be considered words to the wise. People helping people- nothing wrong with that. Unfortunately not every deck designer is as present here as we'd like so we're left with opinions and assumptions on what we think they're thinking, and we all know what happens when we assume. Some people get a little to testy about the speculation and when that happens those people should take a deep breath and remind themselves that this is the internet and this is a public forum.

Sorry Mike et. al., had to be said.
So said an apologist for monstering.
It is all predicated on unqualified assumptions, these assumptions and inferences elevated to outlandish proportions, thus delivering some to the monstering landscape ....

Dent de Lion is an accomplished artist who has travelled the world, bringing Art to various enterprises and entities.
In Leonardo 3 years back he was railroaded to the point where he went dark.
An Artist who tried to bring gilding to his project, innovation in custom card circles then, and not at all the proposition it is now.
Dent was advised by the experts and failed in that delivery.
Consequently, in the process of fulfillment and organising his marvellous Leonardo project to the benefit of us all, consequently, this failure to be subservient to the entitled needs of some here, this small hiccough was advanced by assumption and pettyminded inferencing as an excuse to vilify and derogate this world travelling creator, this highly experienced production manager etc. etc., ....

You should have had sinjin proof your post vasta.
It stands, as does this epistle to your apology for monstering.**

**(Well, you went dark, so assumptions must be infered/confected)

And ....
It is >>United <<Cardists vasta, nothing near your Entitled>>Cardists<<
So ....
O, I beg of you your comprehensions,
yet laugh at your contempts ....
my only competition is with myselves.

But Lèse-majesté, especially >Normans, natch.

Is jarnstill the Ars of the Hors Nebulous ?
Neigh .... the Effluxor of the Omniverse ??
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Re: Leonardo MMXVIII | Art Playing Cards now on KS

Unread post by sinjin7 »

This is enough. Bruno, I had you on my blocked list so I didn't have to read through your babbling, but someone alerted me to this thread so I'm going to respond to you. Do you know what is truly poisonous to UC? It's people who try to shut down discussion because they get bent out of shape because someone has an opinion counter to theirs about a deck artist, so they rail against "negativity" as a pretext for censorship. It's people who make constant, snide, underhanded attacks and insults towards other members. It's people who have no problem hijacking threads with nonsensical ramblings and sound effects. In other words, you.
Mike Ratledge wrote:Guys, enough. Cease & desist and all that jazz.

I purposefully left everything as originally posted. We all have our favorites and our opinions and I am always going to err on the side of open exchange of those opinions.

But - that is enough - for now.
After Mike laid down the law about hijacking this thread, you posted FIVE more times to continue the hijacking of this thread. Seriously, Bruno, what do you contribute to our site, other than sucking up to designers?

I'm going to use Erik Mana as a classic example. He ran an inexcusably horrific campaign and he was not going to fulfill in our lifetimes. I stepped up and organized a lawsuit (at my expense, no one paid me a dime for my work) on behalf of ALL his backers which directly led to Erik finally shipping out decks to his backers. What did you do during that campaign? Throughout the whole campaign and the almost 2-year delay, you sycophantically defended Erik's unprofessional behavior every step of the way. You without fail attacked those who complained about Erik's lack of communication and progress, giving Erik cover and enabling him to continue in his negligent delay. You actually bragged about getting your decks before anyone else because you allegedly gave Erik extra money to send you your decks, but you didn't lift a single finger to help anyone else. You even attacked my efforts in starting a lawsuit against Erik. If anyone has any doubts as to the truth of my comments here, please check out the Erik Mana thread here at UC and his KS comments page to see Bruno's shame laid bare.

Have you ever helped others from getting defrauded from a bad KS campaign? Have you ever left a coherent deck review so others could make an informed decision on whether to purchase a deck? Have you ever discovered the availability of rare or obscure decks and shared that knowledge with your fellow collectors? Aside from Tzzzzzz around our forum like an annoying gnat and hashtagging insults, I ask you, Bruno, what do you contribute to our community?

Deck designers are not perfect people. Some of them are even scammers. Its a grave disservice to all, especially to new collectors who come to UC for the wealth of information that can be found here, to gloss over serious problems that are found with some deck designers or their campaigns. Dent du Lion has put out a beautiful deck. But he has also lied to us and unethically delivered a product that was severely less than what he promised. Dent promised gilding, an iridescent finish, and USPSS printing solely for the purpose of getting more money from his backers. When he intentionally pulled those features AFTER funding ended, I contact him directly and requested that he make full, transparent disclosure on his KS page informing all his backers, not just the ones here on UC, that the Platinum deck was not as promised. I explained to him many many collectors never open their decks, and if any of them are not members here at UC, they would never know their Platinum deck (that they paid so much extra money for) would not be gilded or have a special finish, and they deserved to know about this and be offered a refund as well. But Dent refused to acknowledge the seriousness of these problems. In fact, my impression from him was that not having gilding or iridescent finish or USPCC printing were inconsequential omissions. He never made any disclosure about the problems with the Platinum deck in his first campaign, nor on his current one. That is unethical in my book and he deserves to be called out on it. It's not being negative, it's being truthful, it must be spoken. But you would rather us sit in a circle and sing Kum Ba Ya instead and completely overlook such profound breaches of ethics and honesty.

Bruno, all you do is seek to mindlessly ingratiate yourself to deck designers for your own selfish benefit. Other than making deck designers feel good about themselves, I don't see what other good use you are to UntedCardists. You have the freedom to post whatever nonsensical rambling you wish on our site, as do we all, but you also have the choice not to. I urge you to choose not to.
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Re: Leonardo MMXVIII | Art Playing Cards now on KS

Unread post by Bruno »

Mostly rubbish.
Mindlessly ingratiate ?
Nonsensical rambling ?
sinjin7, you keep telling us you are an advocate, so it is no surprise at all, and quite pathetic of you to misrepresent bruno as you so obviously do here.
Ask 'em, those creators, if you must.
Wasting everyones time with deflection and brunobashing.
And this very correspondence is of help and assistance to this forum, despite your conflating facts to your own ends.

Question for you.
Are you, sinjin7, for or against, monstering ?
Do you advocate monstering ?

Yes ?
No ?

Please, without your trademark longwinded distractionary input, answer simply ....

Yes ?
No ?

Thanks !

Oh, by the by, this is what is know down here in godzown, this is known as the monkey grip.
You need to answer the question, to get free of the monkey grip*
*assistance, for free !

I am conversing at this very little moment, with Lotrek hisself ....
None of your beeswax, but we speak of his future interests.
He is v. subtle. Speaks in code. Gets that off me.
O, I beg of you your comprehensions,
yet laugh at your contempts ....
my only competition is with myselves.

But Lèse-majesté, especially >Normans, natch.

Is jarnstill the Ars of the Hors Nebulous ?
Neigh .... the Effluxor of the Omniverse ??
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Re: Please ignore - testing...

Unread post by Mike Ratledge »

Posted for forums
"You can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself"
They say "Ignorance is bliss". Obviously, some people are much happier than others...

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Re: Please ignore - testing...

Unread post by Mike Ratledge »

Sample post so I can use the <img> tag on another website's forums:
run_on_GPU.png (3.53 KiB) Viewed 4257 times
"You can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself"
They say "Ignorance is bliss". Obviously, some people are much happier than others...

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Re: Please ignore - testing...

Unread post by Mike Ratledge »

Need to post another graphic on "BitCoinTalk" forums:
2018-02-24.png (35.62 KiB) Viewed 4253 times
2018-02-24 (1).png
"You can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself"
They say "Ignorance is bliss". Obviously, some people are much happier than others...

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