Feedback on design

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Feedback on design

Unread post by pushkar000 »

Hi, I'm working on a deck design right now and I'd love if you guys could give me any feedback.

I know this forum is mostly for custom decks with intricate artwork and completely altered cards which is not what I'm doing but hopefully you folks can spot any general inconsistencies or other issues that I am unable to see.

The deck is for magicians. The goal is to have a back design that's completely unsuspicious, doesn't distract from the performance but still provides a positive visual stimulus in the spectator. It's going to be marked.
Courts are standard + recolor. Pips are smaller and the red ones are bordered. The accessories on the courts are colored differently - again, to provide a minor visual stimulus without being distracting.
I posted it on a magic forum and it was generally met with positive reviews. But I'd also like input from artists who are likely to be able to see things we can't. Please let me know if you feel like this is meeting my goal/if there are any issues/general opinion.

Edit : Prototype ace. Using a bird picture off the net to figure out placement etc. before I draw my own bird.
as test one.jpg

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Re: Feedback on design

Unread post by RichK »

I like the blue back better. It fits the hair color on the courts better than the red back. I don't know if you could add a bit more blue on the body too. Adding the Jack's leaf or coloring the Queen's flower looks fine to me. Not sure about the white and gold feathers though. They pop so much it's all I see. I feel like the middle needs more too.

You've started something so best of luck!
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Re: Feedback on design

Unread post by pushkar000 »

Thanks very much, Rich! Will continue working on the design.
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Re: Feedback on design

Unread post by TGunitedcardists »

I don't think the current back design is good. In general, back designs have fine lines and shapes. Yours looks like an art project or painting, on the smudgy side. No disrespect, just an opinion.
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