Cyber Punk Themed Deck - Work in Progress

Designing a deck? Need input? Show us here!
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Cyber Punk Themed Deck - Work in Progress

Unread post by willroya »

Thoughts and suggestions?
5956c6bacdfd8_thumb900.jpg (97 KiB) Viewed 1635 times" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Cyber Punk Themed Deck - Work in Progress

Unread post by RichK »

Can you show a larger court example? Hard to see details in small picture.

Back is creepy but fits theme.
Move on, nothing to see here.
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Re: Cyber Punk Themed Deck - Work in Progress

Unread post by willroya »

Once the artist gets a little more detail work on them, I will post a larger court card example (s). Thanks!

Here is an image now that has more detail:
clubs-qa.jpg" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Cyber Punk Themed Deck - Work in Progress

Unread post by RichK »

Interesting, thanks!
Move on, nothing to see here.
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Re: Cyber Punk Themed Deck - Work in Progress

Unread post by RDC »

Back reminds me of the artwork of H.R.Giger, which is a good thing.
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Re: Cyber Punk Themed Deck - Work in Progress

Unread post by Malthus1 »

RDC wrote:Back reminds me of the artwork of H.R.Giger, which is a good thing.
My thoughts exactly! I love what I can see of the artwork.
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Re: Cyber Punk Themed Deck - Work in Progress

Unread post by Merlebird »

I'm surprised how much I like the borders on the faces; I don't usually go for borders that box out the indices, but they work for me here. I think you've got a good thing going here - your artist is obviously very talented - and if you can pull off what you're working on I'll certainly back for a deck. Some (hopefully) constructive criticism:
  • Looking at the detailed WIP of the court you posted (judging by the lo-res picture of all the courts, I think the Queen of Clubs?): there's a lot to like about this image, particularly the details of the wires and tubing, but I think it needs some adjustment. The head seems disproportionately large compared to the torso, and the ring and pinky finger of the right hand (the one holding the pendant) look larger than the index and middle finger. Caricatured proportions are a thing, for sure, but I don't think they work with the rather painterly style the artist has going.
  • The top and bottom third of the back design are great, but the join in the middle, around the chin and particularly the mouth, is not visually appealing. I understand "unsettling" is what you're going for here, but at this point the mouth looks (ahem) more like a sphincter than anything else. (Maybe I'm the only one who sees it...? :? )
  • It's hard to say at this resolution, but the font you've chosen seems like it has kind of a chunky, brushy, "Chinese takeout menu" look to it that I'm not convinced works with your theme in general and your borders in particular.
  • The aces seem just a hair oversized, to the point that I think they're crowding out the borders. I might try paring them back so there's at least as wide a margin between the two as there is between the borders and pips on the tens.
  • I really, really like your custom pip layouts, but I think the way you've structured the nines needs work; the middle looks like a bit of a jumble. I don't really have any concrete suggestions for how you might fix it, but try playing around with it a little?
Again, this is a strong start, and if you released the deck without any of the above addressed I might still back, depending on how willing I was to be parted with my money that particular day. But I think there's room for small but significant improvements.
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