LEL Just another humble collector from Singapore.

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LEL Just another humble collector from Singapore.

Unread post by lel »

Greetings. Right, I've been lurking about this place for quite a while now, and I think I'm ready to come out and introduce myself!
I am primarily a collector, I generally buy decks to stare at the pretty pictures, or to play bridge/hearts/big two/poker with friends. My magic and cardistry knowledge is extremely limited, I just get the decks for the art, mostly.

My first bicycle deck was three and a half years ago when I stumbled across a set of Bicycle Pirates in a mall, and for no apparent reason, had a compulsion to buy them. Eventually, I got a few colored rider backs, but I never really researched more into cards until around August this year, when I discovered kickstarter when a dying game company I supported was seeking funds to publish a new space war game. Through a strange turn of events, I discovered the Quicksilver deck, and that was the catalyst that got me really interested in card and card design.

I've more or less attained most of the essential decks I've wanted at this point, found three main suppliers for my card collecting needs here in Singapore (thecardcollectors, cardvolution, Magic Castle), and met a few friendly collectors here as well. My collection's still pretty small, at about 90 different decks, but I'm sure that will change as time passes. My humble collection as it stands today:


Yeah, it isn't really that great. Right, thank you for reading this. Oh, right. My name's Kenryk Abraham Chacko Ky Fu Jacob.
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Re: LEL Just another humble collector from Singapore.

Unread post by MagikFingerz »

Damn, that is one badass name 8-)

Welcome to the forums!
- Tom

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Re: LEL Just another humble collector from Singapore.

Unread post by volantangel »

Hahaha Kenryk I never knew your name was soooo long lol, haha kai here
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Re: LEL Just another humble collector from Singapore.

Unread post by lel »

Comes from being a Half-Indian Half-Chinese with Jewish blood.
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