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Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2023 4:26 pm
by kevork
Since there are some collectors who are no longer patrons of Lotrek's but have rewards due for them, I thought I'd write up what we know so far. Current patrons might also find this helpful too.

These are the decks due for each year:

Year 1 Patreon Rewards
  • Royal Silk Red
  • Royal Silk Red - Gold/Silver (gift deck)
  • Patrons
Year 2 Patreon Rewards
  • Golden Rule
  • Royal Patrons
To note, workshops in Greece will be closed throughout August and will resume the following month.
For Year 1, Royal Silk printing has been completed! This was the main obstacle, consuming the printing queue for the last 8 months. The decks are now being cut and placed in tuck boxes. The Patrons decks are ready but tuck cases are awaiting arrival.
For Year 2, Golden Rule Patron's Edition printing has begun.

For both years, the rewards are expected to be completed by end of September, subject to change, of course. We are all aware that unanticipated challenges may occur but this is the most recent timeline update Lotrek has provided at this time.

This year has been a great one in terms of Lotrek releases. He's churned out a lot recently, and for those who have been long-time patrons, some of these decks were free gifts (Redemption series)! It was an interesting coincidence that I felt a bit down that Sand was quite underwhelming (which I somewhat expected), and then the very next day, Lotrek posted an update with absolute beauty that lifted me back up.

2023 Releases
  • Redemption Series Vol. I - Royal Silk Red Test Print (1/385)
  • Redemption Series Vol. I - Royal Silk Red Gold/Silver Test Print (1/180)
  • Oath Standard Players Burgundy (1/1500)
  • Oath Standard Players Navy (1/1500)
  • Redemption Series Vol. II - Oath Standard Players Silver (1/410)
  • Redemption Series Vol. III - ICONS Anniversary Premium Edition Test (1/580)
  • Golden Rule Players (1/900)
  • Royal Silk Players Sand (1/950)
  • Redemption Series Vol. IV - Royal Silk Players Frost (1/650)
  • Royal Silk Players Teal (1/600)
  • Redemption Series Vol. V - ICONS Celestial (1/450)

Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2023 6:23 pm
by Bikefanatic
I didn't go in too much on these since there was a limit per deck anyway. I wish there was more shown with the Icons Celestial deck.

Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2023 6:43 pm
by brownsl
I am a patron but still appreciate a summary as I get confused easily! Thanks!

Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2023 8:08 pm
by GandalfPC
Caught the limit.


Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2023 11:05 pm
by portcullis
So ... patrons get one of each of the decks listed above?

Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2023 11:06 pm
by kevork
portcullis wrote: Fri Jul 21, 2023 11:05 pm So ... patrons get one of each of the decks listed above?
If you made a full year's payments for each of those previous years, then yes.

The Year 3 rewards have yet to be announced.

Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2023 11:19 pm
by portcullis
yeah I've been a patron since day 1.

Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2023 11:23 pm
by kevork
portcullis wrote: Fri Jul 21, 2023 11:19 pm yeah I've been a patron since day 1.
Then yes, the 5 decks listed above are the rewards that are meant to come your way.

I started halfway into year 2 so I'm not eligible for any.

Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2023 3:12 am
by Bradius
I didn't go for the limit (yeah, that is a bit of a shock). However, I did pick up 2 extra decks of each. I think we had the option of getting up to five extra Silk Frost decks. If they were foiled decks, then I would have been in for the limit. Still, they all look stunning. Another huge hit to my wallet though. Looking forward to getting these. I also received my GW notice about my Silk Sand and Silk Teal decks. I am surprised I didn't already receive it, so they should arrive soon.

There was a bit of a kerfuffle about the start time for the latest sale for Patrons. If you missed it, I am sure Lotrek will have another sale and will try to allow every eligible Patron the opportunity to get some. I am sure the limits will remain in place, so those greedy for tons have to wait. I think the only one sold out last I checked was the Icons Celestial. I can assure those that missed it, that the initial 100 Icons Celestial decks did not sell out super fast. I was like 30 minutes late and still got two of them. There should be another 150 available for folks, So, I think all patrons that want two can get them.

Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2023 8:12 am
by kevork
I'm not sure how many Patrons get the redemption decks for free as that would help my calculations, but it has to be less than 180 as evidenced by there being excess stock of Vol. I gold/silver. So say there's 150 people that get a free Vol. V. In theory, that leaves 300 up for grabs. Since 100 were sold in yesterday's sale, there'll be about 200 available in the upcoming sale with Vol. VI. There were still 31 available 21 minutes into the sale yesterday, so rest assured if you missed it, you'll have another decent chance.

I picked up 2/4/2 as I'm not eligible for any free gifts unfortunately. I may consider going up a tier for next year, but there's been a lot of decks out this year that have been a high cost on top of the monthly payment. I'm not complaining but I could see that being hard to keep up.

Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2023 8:38 am
by brownsl
I got 2/5/2. Maxing allowable Oath purchases is an expensive endeavor. I have made up for it by cutting back on KS pledges. Decks on KS that I would normally back are just not doing it for me anymore. So many mediocre decks or my standards have increased.

The issue with some missing out was due to conversion
to DST. Need to get rid of it. Thankfully there will be another wave.

I received my package of decks from GW yesterday from the earlier purchase.

Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2023 8:39 am
by jasonx73it
Bradius wrote: Sat Jul 22, 2023 3:12 am
There was a bit of a kerfuffle about the start time for the latest sale for Patrons. If you missed it, I am sure Lotrek will have another sale and will try to allow every eligible Patron the opportunity to get some. I am sure the limits will remain in place, so those greedy for tons have to wait. I think the only one sold out last I checked was the Icons Celestial. I can assure those that missed it, that the initial 100 Icons Celestial decks did not sell out super fast. I was like 30 minutes late and still got two of them. There should be another 150 available for folks, So, I think all patrons that want two can get them.
I’m sure I can get Icons celestial next batch, but I got in like 6 mins after midnight and they were sold out already. Unless it opened much earlier than midnight but I wouldn’t know. Was also quite salty cause I mixed up the start time but that’s entirely on me. (Unless I missed the start time by a full hour but I’m europe based, it’s supposed to be my timezone)

Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2023 9:53 am
by Adamthinks
Bradius wrote: Sat Jul 22, 2023 3:12 am I think the only one sold out last I checked was the Icons Celestial. I can assure those that missed it, that the initial 100 Icons Celestial decks did not sell out super fast. I was like 30 minutes late and still got two of them. There should be another 150 available for folks, So, I think all patrons that want two can get them.
I was on the page 5 minutes after it went live and it was sold out. You must have gotten very lucky and something canceled right before you checked.

Edit: looks like Google didn't account for daylight savings time. Last time I trust Google for specific info. I've been seeing a lot of Google maps mistakes lately, but didn't think it could mess up something like this. Oh well.

Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2023 10:10 am
by GandalfPC
jasonx73it wrote: Sat Jul 22, 2023 8:39 amit’s supposed to be my timezone)
Actually I believe it’s the next time zone over for you.

Athens is +9hrs
Rome is + 8hrs

Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2023 11:14 am
by jasonx73it
GandalfPC wrote: Sat Jul 22, 2023 10:10 am
Actually I believe it’s the next time zone over for you.

Athens is +9hrs
Rome is + 8hrs
That’s what I thought, so I was ready to go at 1am. While I was there I checked at my 0:07 and I was able to enter and find out it was out of stock. I double checked google with “what time is now in Eastern Europe time” and I got 0:06 so I still don’t know what happened. But next batch I’ll check every 30 minutes from three hours earlier.

Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2023 4:18 pm
by kevork
Due to the issue with some people converting time zones using Eastern European Time instead of Eastern European Summer Time, Lotrek will be using UTC for future sales. This should help resolve the issue some faced.

Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2023 4:48 pm
by GandalfPC
Or, he could just let me know when sales start, and then I can tell everyone else, right after I check out ;)

Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2023 5:15 pm
by Bradius
I just used google to tell me the time conversion from Athens to my city. It spit it out fine for me.

Correct me if I am wrong, but the Icons Celestial looks to be just the Redemption III deck with gold gilding. If that is correct, I would rather have the ungilded decks for 30 euro rather than gilded at 45 euro.

Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2023 6:45 pm
by Adamthinks
Bradius wrote: Sat Jul 22, 2023 5:15 pm I just used google to tell me the time conversion from Athens to my city. It spit it out fine for me.

Correct me if I am wrong, but the Icons Celestial looks to be just the Redemption III deck with gold gilding. If that is correct, I would rather have the ungilded decks for 30 euro rather than gilded at 45 euro.
Typing in Athens works for me too. Typing in eastern european time gives a different answer though. As for the decks, the back & tuck color is different. It's purple tuck with a red back for 3, and teal for 5.

Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2023 8:54 pm
by hsbc

Royal Silk Players Sand (x/950)

Royal Silk Players Teal (x/600)

Royal Silk Players Frost (Redemption Stories Vol. IV) (x/650)

Frost, Teal, Sand

Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2023 9:19 pm
by Harvonsgard
When did Redemption IV ship? Not got it yet, which is strange regarding I'm based in Europe.

Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2023 9:22 pm
by hsbc
portcullis wrote: Fri Jul 21, 2023 11:05 pm So ... patrons get one of each of the decks listed above?
Oath Standard Players Burgundy and Navy, Golden Rule, and Silk Players Sand were not given for free to Patrons and instead were each sold on their own (Patrons got a discount)

Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2023 7:01 pm
by CourtCurator
For anyone interested, there has been an interesting development with my ongoing Patreon saga. They were still refusing to refund me the overcharged amount. They insisted that Lotrek had received the money and that I needed to ask him for a refund. So, I asked him nicely if he would refund me the overcharged amount. Turns out he never received that extra money, but being the amazing guy he is, he refunded me anyway. I have asked Patreon to reimburse him since they were ultimately responsible for the issue.

Given all that I went through with Patreon, and the fact that Lotrek did not receive the extra funds despite Patreon’s unwavering insistence that he did, it appears increasingly likely that there may be an internal embezzling scheme somewhere within Patreon associated with the glitch I encountered. They had asked me a while back for my bank records to match up with their own records. I am assuming that there are accounting irregularities that show I was overcharged and that Lotrek never received those funds. It looks like they needed my bank records to confirm the actual overcharge occurred and that they need to resolve where the missing money went. Their investigation is still ongoing. Kinda crazy! I wonder if they will tell me what they find?

Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2023 7:46 pm
by GandalfPC
They convincingly told me that they were quite satisfied with the amount they charged me and that it was I and perhaps my mother and extended family along with my schooling and general hygiene and attitude that were at fault.

Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2023 8:03 pm
by CourtCurator
GandalfPC wrote: Sun Jul 23, 2023 7:46 pm They convincingly told me that they were quite satisfied with the amount they charged me and that it was I and perhaps my mother and extended family along with my schooling and general hygiene and attitude that were at fault.
That was their response to me as well regarding the fact that they do not update pledges to reflect current exchange rates. I gave up on that front long ago. This is an entirely separate issue where their checkout system surreptitiously added additional funds onto my pledge in a very suspicious way. Then that money went poof. No one knows what happened to it. It was either added to Patreon’s account instead of Lotrek’s (like it should have been), or it was transferred somewhere else by an embezzler.

Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2023 8:10 pm
by Bradius
I just received a Redemption IV yesterday. The one I received was my Patreon Redemption deck, not the pair I recently purchased. This one shipped with the Silk Sand and Royal Silk Players shown above. Beautiful photos hsbc.

Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2023 8:26 pm
by CourtCurator
Bradius wrote: Sun Jul 23, 2023 8:10 pm I just received a Redemption IV yesterday. The one I received was my Patreon Redemption deck, not the pair I recently purchased. This one shipped with the Silk Sand and Royal Silk Players shown above. Beautiful photos hsbc.
I just received my Silk Players and Redemption IV yesterday as well. I love them! Maybe I’ll break them open for my next poker night!

Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2023 6:55 pm
by Jykwei
CourtCurator wrote: Sun Jul 23, 2023 7:01 pm For anyone interested, there has been an interesting development with my ongoing Patreon saga. They were still refusing to refund me the overcharged amount. They insisted that Lotrek had received the money and that I needed to ask him for a refund. So, I asked him nicely if he would refund me the overcharged amount. Turns out he never received that extra money, but being the amazing guy he is, he refunded me anyway. I have asked Patreon to reimburse him since they were ultimately responsible for the issue.

Given all that I went through with Patreon, and the fact that Lotrek did not receive the extra funds despite Patreon’s unwavering insistence that he did, it appears increasingly likely that there may be an internal embezzling scheme somewhere within Patreon associated with the glitch I encountered. They had asked me a while back for my bank records to match up with their own records. I am assuming that there are accounting irregularities that show I was overcharged and that Lotrek never received those funds. It looks like they needed my bank records to confirm the actual overcharge occurred and that they need to resolve where the missing money went. Their investigation is still ongoing. Kinda crazy! I wonder if they will tell me what they find?
This is off topic but, may I ask what email address/communication method did you use to contact Lotrek? One of the teal Silk decks arrived with a strange crease at an unusual area on the tuck box (ie. not the corners nor the edges). I've tried 2 methods to contact Lotrek but had not heard from him. Thank you in advance.

Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2023 7:56 pm
by Bikefanatic
I like the Teal the best of the 3. I'll look at my Patreon membership cost. With Oath and Stockholm, it's $103 monthly for both.

Re: OATH'S PATREON -details

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2023 9:46 pm
by Bradius
This is off topic but, may I ask what email address/communication method did you use to contact Lotrek? One of the teal Silk decks arrived with a strange crease at an unusual area on the tuck box (ie. not the corners nor the edges). I've tried 2 methods to contact Lotrek but had not heard from him. Thank you in advance.
I just use his contact information option on his website. Even so, it can be hit and miss as it often depends on how insanely busy he is at the moment. I do know he tries to especially get to deck shipment problems as he really does want to have a positive experience with his customers. If you don't get a response in a couple of weeks, just resend. Just remember it is a massive firm involving Lotrek and his wife.